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New IRC Chatroom for Army.ca

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The Chatting client can be changed through an IRC server if you don‘t like the ads. Many Networks would probably offer you a java code for you.

-Joe ;)
If you like I can look around, the web chat that nbci gives you sometimes doesn‘t work for me.

Thanks for the offer. I‘m not familiar with the chat "technology" out there, so I essentially picked the first thing that looked like it worked.

I‘m certainly open to better alternatives. If you know of any specifics, I‘ll investigate them when I have a block of free time.

Well a run down case for IRC.. the users would have two options. I use to do more IRC previously, less now, since quite busy myself. But the options would be they can use a chat client or use your java applet. No ads or anything. I‘ll look into it for you, there are still some old servers I used to know up.


I have finally added an "online chat" feature to this site. Users can join the server and either chat individually, or in a common "Army" room.

Ultimately, I would like to use this service to provide focused discussion sessions. For example, have a moderated discussion about "The role of the Reserves" run from 2000-2100 on a scheduled night. Would need volunteers to lead/moderate these discussions, so please contact me if you think you‘d be interested. I suspect there would be interest in a "Recruiting" session for example.

For now, I‘m going to suggest a nightly "Happy Hour" of 2000 ET. You can of course log in any time, but setting a "Happy Hour" allows us to concentrate online at roughly the same time. Feel free to organize one on one chats with other Army.ca users or just drop into the "army" chat room any time.

Instructions on joining the server follow:

Logging in for the first time

1. Download Exodus (the jabber client) from http://exodus.jabberstudio.org/daily/setup.exe

2. Install the client and ensure that the SSL modules are selected.

3. Start Exodus. The initial login screen will look like this:


4. Click the "Details" button and fill in the remaining tabs as follows:


Select a username and password. These will be used to register your new account on the server. I recommend using the same username as you use here for a display name, to keep things simple.



5. Once you have finished configuring the client, click OK to go back to the login scrren and OK again to log in.

6. You will be asked if you want to create a new account. Click "Yes."

7. You are now logged in to the server.

To Join a Conference

Note that you must know the exact name of the room you are going to join in advance. Currently, there is just one room named "army" though more will be added as required.

1. Log in normally.

2. Press F7 to display the conference dialogue box:


Ensure that the "Room Name" is spelled correctly, or you will not be added. The "Room Server" must be "conference.army.ca" in order to work. Enter the username and password you used to register with.

3. Click OK, and you will join the conference room in progress.

Adding a user to your contact list

1. Click on Tools --> Contacts --> Add Contact. This will bring up a screen as follows:


2. Under "Contact ID" fill in the name of the user you wish to add. Ensure it is of the format "username@army.ca" or it will not work. Nickname can be whatever you wish, and group is simply used to organize your contacts.

3. Click OK. Your contact will be added to your list. Note that you won‘t be able to see their status or chat with them until they allow you to.

If you have any problems or questions, please just let me know.


P.S. If you wish to add me to your contact list, my contact ID is bobbitt@army.ca.
*head boggles from too much detail*

Or I just don‘t want to DL another chat program. :)

Is there anyway you can make it so that you can join the chatroom via mIRC? Or even java? *shudder* :)
I hear you. Yet another tool to learn/use. And it seems like a lot of troble to configure, but once it‘s working, you don‘t have to mess with it.

The chat server uses SSL enabled Jabber (www.jabber.org), so any client that is Jabber enabled (with SSL support) should do the trick. I‘ve never used mIRC so I have no idea if that fits the bill or not...

There are many usable clients, but I thought I‘d "keep it simple" and just put up instructions for a single client. Some of you may prefer to use RhymBox (http://rhymbox.com/download/), as it is probably easier to learn, but has all the same features.
Well, there are couple of guys in the chatroom right now. So grab your beer and join us. :)

Despite the lengthy instruction to install and run the chat program, it‘s easy enough. :)
We have 4 people in chatroom... first in days!
Well, it‘s saturday night, and it‘s 8pm...

Would more of you guys come out to chatroom if we put a beer tap in there? ;)
Is there something wrong with the chat room?
I can‘t log in it keeps disconnecting me.
Yeah, thanks. Had a hard drive failure yesterday (ugh) and to make a long story short, Jabber got whacked. It‘s back up and running now...

Hi i have gone threw alot of problems trying to find out some information on the Candian armed forces.
I would like to join but i live in a very small town and well i dont think there is anything in this place that could help me inlist in the army so if someone could please help me out i would thank you so much.
And as for the chat idea that someone has come up with. It would be so much easyer if you where to just get a MIRC, server and run a Candain army room on that, less problems plus it could be a 24/hr chat, throw some bots and bouncers in there and you will be set, but what do i know right ;/ :cdn: :sniper: :fifty:

Check the Recruiting forum for information on joining.

The current chat system is 24 hour, though ther are not always active participants. MIRC is less problematic for the users, far more problematic for the administrator. :)

I may take another crack at setting up an IRC server when I get a block of time...

Well thank you i have found the information that i have been seeking.

It seems that i will try to find i irc server as well. I know some people that can make some server boxes very easy out of old parts. Well we know that the army will not pay $25 every 6 months to get one.
So i will see if I can come up with a little box to run from my house to get the canadian army on irc i think it will be a good way to get the word out. You dont see to much on the army on T.V in commercial‘s and such like you do so many other country‘s. I makes me feel that we dont want to have a army, and i dont know why that is?
I dont think that we can just hope that some other country is going to have are back the whole time we live on this earth.
It is bound to happen sometime in the future someone is going to attack us and i would like to know that we can stick up for are selves and not sit back and let the U.S or some other country‘s do it for us.
I know we are peace keepers and all that good stuff. I find that killer that we can keep the peace. But there has to some little 3 world country or some far off country like Iraq that does not like Canada. And is going to do what ever it takes to get us of the map or hurts use a great deal.

Well thanks for the time and information, you have a good day man. :mg: :skull:
I‘ll look into the MIRC channel. I‘ve belonged to many, and am almost positive that you don‘t need a server. The Undernet, or Dalnet, or whomever, provides the servers. Mike, I‘ll find all this out for sure, and e-mail or msg you.
I have known people who set up MIRC Chats without a server.

I think he used gamesnet or something like thatto set up our chat through.
if you want i can set one up through gamesnet for you guys, i already set 3 of them up so it would not be any problem lemme know!