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Motorcycles in Pet?


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Hey everyone,
Im gonna be looking to buy a motorcycle this summer, and im going to be in Petawawa on tasking. I always see guys on bikes there, and so my question to you all is... do you know of any motorcycle dealerships in the area? Or how I should go about getting one?

Valley Yamaha and Pete's Motorcycle all on the main strip heading into the Pembroke

Valley Yamaha only deals in Yamaha (though they may have some used other compnaies bikes) and Pete's is a Harley Davidson dealership but they have many many used Bikes around.
I cant seem to find a link to Valley... the only ones im finding are in Nova Scotia and Chilliwack. Thanks for the help, eh.
If you have not already done so, please consider taking a Canada Safety Council Motorcycle Training course or whatever is equivalent in Ont.  It will give you the equivalent of 3 years riding experience.  I became a believer in formal training after I took the despatch riders course in the 70's.  When I was done that course I was amazed that I had survived my first 2 years of street riding. I even take refresher courses if available. 

Do consider it, riding is a terrific sport, riding smart is fun, riding stupid... hurts.  Oh, and if a lovely young lady in a red and white striped halter top and white shorts catches your eye, do pay attention to the car slowing down in front of you.  Your fork seals will leak and if you get leaky seals directly in front of the local police station they might be understanding enough to not give you a ticket..... when they stop laughing.  Don't ask me how I learned this lesson.  She sure did have big lovely..........  uhmmm  blue eyes?
Recon Guardsman - Dealerships tend to sell new bikes, $$$. Their supply of used may be limited, especially in a small market like Pet. You may want to check out the AutoTrader here in the GTA before you go up, and ride your new (used) bike to your tasking. It really is a lovely ride, up through Tweed. (Get one of your buddies to haul your gear up in his car. You really, really don't want to ride long distances wearing your ruck with your barracks box strapped to the pillion)

Just don't go up at night, once the bugs are out. I had to stop at EVERY SINGLE GAS STATION to clean my visor...  :P

(Edited to finish thoughts. Stupid fingers, moving faster than brain...)
Also you maybe interested in the CAV

Most of us have years of experience in dealling with various motorcycle dealers and there is the very easy task of being able to find someone to ride with.
Tank Recce,

What's with this visor crap?  Real bikers don't use visors, we just pick the bugs outta our teeth with our fingernail when we stop for gas.

I still remember a ride from the US border back to Edmonton with a couple of friends of mine.  I was still in the CF at the time, and waxed my moustache.  We stopped for gas at one point, and the girl that was riding with us just about peed herself when she realized I had about twenty bugs stuck to the whiskers. I told her it was rations for further down the trail.

3rd Herd

Hadn't heard of the CAV before.  I rode w/ the Defenders for a year or so here in Edmonton, and I'd heard of the Falcons, but never the CAV.  In reading the website I got the impression they were new (i.e. 3 yrs) and were open only to reg force pers, is that correct?

Anyway, keep the rubber side down and have a good riding season.
The CAV "Candian Army Veterans Motorcycle Unit" is open to all. We have current regforce and reseve members along with Veterans from all militarise. We also have non military who share are views on the world and support the military.

We have units in all locations across the country and overseas. We have the current CDS and a few Generals as our members. We even have Gen Mack. PM me and ( will put you intouch with a unit near you.

2 CAV Vice President
In the 80's the Base Commander (Beno or Douglas?) haze

instituted a mandatory Motorcycle Safety Course for all riders on Base . Do they still do that?
HFXCrow said:
In the 80's the Base Commander (Beno or Douglas?) haze

instituted a mandatory Motorcycle Safety Course for all riders on Base . Do they still do that?

Most Bases did that in the 1980's.  In some cases, unless you took this course and got the qualification, you did not get a Base Permit to drive you bike on Base property, and the MP's would ticket you if you were not in compliance.
well said +1.
Now we would have riding season here (Calgary)if it would only stop snowing.
The CDS is a member of CAV??????????

Hahahahahahahahha, that somehow makes him even more awesome!
What is insurance like in Ontario? I got quoted online for more than 9,000/year for basic insurance on a mid 90's sport bike worth 4-5K.
So much for getting a cheaper bike with low km's :S
Market in BC is saturated with buyers, prices on used bikes are ridiculous.
I heard from an O group....

Lessons for motorcycles will be taught in Petawawa I
believe in May... for beginners through Georgian College.
My understanding this has been done before for new riders.

So if you're in Pet keep your ears to the ground if you
are interested in learning. 

Don't ask me for details... I don't have them.  Check the
local base orders or local papers, etc.  The info has to
come down somehow.  I won't be here then either so
I'm not a good resource.

Also, don't quote me on May.. could be June.  It wasn't a
priority to take this info down ... and then I see this thread
which is similar so I thought I'd pass on what I know fyi.
