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Moreton Island Wrecks - 22 Dec 07


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What do you do when you're on leave and a mate has a boat?

Just like the SS Minnow, we headed out from Bribie Island - destination Moreton Island, about 25km due east.

Got there, explored, swam, and stopped off at Tangalooma for a few beers, before heading home. The wind had come up and waves/swell in excess of 2 metres battered the 16 ft boat. Needless to say, we arrived home, a bit sun burned and thirsty.

METREP was 31C, sunny, and the Coral Sea was a happy 27C.

Enjoy shovelling your driveways. Now just two days away from another tropical Christmas.


More fun.....

This was a recce, and next week we'll do a few dives on these wrecks.

Ya, thats me, sunburn in the making. Even with a hat on most of the time, and sunscreen, I copped it bad. Laying low, yes in a fair bit of discomfort. I guess it could be worse - frostbite!

The bottom pic is part of the resort at Tangalooma. Anyone can go there free, you just got to be off the resort by 1900hrs. So free pool, etc, and just packed full of tourists. Lots of European and American women  ;D


Sounds like a wild trip Wes.  Wish I was there and not thinking about shoveling the driveway again.

Merry Christmas to you, Wes.  What is the history on the wrecks?
jollyjacktar said:
Merry Christmas to you, Wes.  What is the history on the wrecks?

Thanks. don't know, I might have to google them, but they have been there more than 50yrs. Mainly dredging ships etc. However during the war years, the Japs were active with their I-Boats, and there was lots of shipping lost in the region. Also the US used Moreton Island and Bribie Island as major training areas for their island hopping campaign agains the Japs.

Here is a Fort Bribie gun enplacement (google it), about 25km up the beach from where I live. Access by 4x4 only. It was a substantial fortification. Was out to the fort earlier this week.
In the ops room the blackboard is still there, and not too vandalised. Thats a mate of mine I was in Iraq with posing in the pics.
Here is that blackboard, and a searchlight bunker, which is a victim of current beach erosion.


The site looks in very good condition.  The climate must be more gentle down under.  The gun sites still in existince around Halifax Harbour are in pretty dire shape overall.  Cold, snow and neglect does not make for happy concrete after 60+ years.  Neglect is the biggest factor I suppose.  There is a Martello Tower in Point Pleasant Park which was installed at the direction of HRH the Prince of Wales (Geo. the 4th) in the late 1700's.  It is in pretty good nick, but of course it is taken care of.

Nice to see the smiles on your faces.  Looks like it was a good outing.  Plenty of beer in place I hope.
Fort Bribie is in excellent condition, with little vandalism. This is due to the fact it costs $$ for a 4x4 beach permit, and its so far up the beach, plus little is known about it. I do hope you'll google Fort Bribie for more info.

Access is only by 4WD, and when the tide permits too. So, main access is usually by adults, not kids, and hence its in such good shape. Mind you the roof caved in on this gun enplacement after a helicopter landed on in about 20 yrs back. There is 3 guns in total, and they are in better shape yet!

Planning to go back over the holidays for a day long look.

The jungle however is slowly reclaiming things.


I hate you Wes.......I really truly do.        ;D

Wesley  Down Under said:
METREP was 31C, sunny, and the Coral Sea was a happy 27C.

Enjoy shovelling your driveways. Now just two days away from another tropical Christmas.

*grumble grumble*  :rage:  You'll get yours.   Next time I'm shovelling the driveway in negative 20 degree winds... I'll hate you.

Edit:  Recce By Death beat me to it... but that doesn't mean I hate you any less.   >:(
31 and 27 eh Wes.......in case no one has told you lately....go to hell.... I mean merry Christmas to you too!
Thanks to all. Christmas Eve, I am planning a quiet one, just the two Siamese watch cats and myself. Howerver Christmas morning I am off to Pine River for lunch with a mate and his family, then I am conducting Christmas dinner here with a mate, as his wife is a nurse, and is working, so there will be the two of us for dinner, which the menu is as fol:

Defrosting the gobbler tonight  ;D

turkey breast,
mashed potatoes,
baby carrots sauteed in butter and garlic,
garlic bread,
fresh farm corn and fresh garden peas; and
Canadian Club with either coke or ginger ale

This is my first Christmas alone since 1999, and although now single, I have promised myself to have the best one ever. Last year I was in Baghdad, and this is my first Aussie summer since 2005! I am looking forward to enjoying myself. Finally I am having the rest I have needed since my tour ended.

Since I have no family here, I volunteered as DO from tomorrow, til 02 Jan. This way those with families can be with them during the Christmas period and NYE.

2008 should be a good year, and I am looking forward to a new beginning, for although one door has closed, another has opened.


Well Wes, you make me want to visit your little piece of heaven ;D

At least you not in the hell hole this Christmas like last years.

Cheers, and have a Merry Christmas!
I love these old coast artillery fortifications.Looks like a good place to run into some of your famous snakes. :)

I forgot to mention 'Merry Christmas' after informing you that I hate you for having your warm climate. So, Merry Christmas, Wes, and everyone else here.
tomahawk6 said:
I love these old coast artillery fortifications.Looks like a good place to run into some of your famous snakes. :)


Oi, thanks for the link. It's well worth the read! I hope all who have a squizz at this thread go and have a look at the fort at the link you provided.

WRT the snakes, yes the island's jungle is home to all sorts of nasty beasties. Also the bold dingo, roos and wallabies, and even emus.

When crawling about the bunkers, one also has to be watchful, as the grass is hig and thick. Huge bird eating spiders etc. I hate those webs, they are thick and very sticky, and seeing a huge hungry spider can send a chill up any 'real' mans spine.

Thanks for the Xmas wish UMC!

