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More Americans Believe in the Devil, Hell and Angels than in Darwin's Theory


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More Americans Believe in the Devil, Hell and Angels than in Darwin's Theory of Evolution
Nearly 25% of Americans Believe They Were Once another Person

Last update: 5:00 a.m. EST Dec. 10, 2008

ROCHESTER, N.Y., Dec 10, 2008 (BUSINESS WIRE) -- That very large majorities of the American public believe in God, miracles, the survival of the soul after death, the resurrection of Jesus Christ, and the Virgin birth will come as no great surprise. What may be more surprising is that substantial minorities believe in ghosts, UFOs, witches, astrology, and the belief that they themselves were once other people. Overall, more people believe in the devil, hell and angels than believe in Darwin's theory of evolution.
These are some of the results of The Harris Poll(R), a new nationwide survey of 2,126 U.S. adults surveyed online between November 10 and 17, 2008 by Harris Interactive(R).

Some of the interesting findings in this new Harris Poll include:
-- 80% of adult Americans believe in God - unchanged since the last time we asked the question in 2005. Large majorities of the public believe in miracles (75%), heaven (73%), angels (71%), that Jesus is God or the Son of God (71%), the resurrection of Jesus (70%), the survival of the soul after death (68%), hell (62%), the Virgin birth (Jesus born of Mary (61%) and the devil (59%).
-- Slightly more people - but both are minorities - believe in Darwin's theory of evolution (47%) than in creationism (40%).
-- Sizeable minorities believe in ghosts (44%), UFOs (36%), witches (31%), astrology (31%), and reincarnation (24%).

Differences between Catholics and Protestants
There are no significant differences between the large percentages of Catholics and Protestants who believe in God, miracles, heaven and hell, that Jesus is the Son of God, angels, the resurrection of Jesus, the survival of the soul after death, the Virgin birth and the devil.
However, Catholics are more likely than Protestants to believe in Darwin's theory of evolution (by 52% to 32%), ghosts (by 57% to 41%), UFOs (by 43% to 31%), and astrology (by 40% to 28%). Protestants are slightly more likely than Catholics to believe in creationism (by 54% to 46%).

Which Religious Texts Are the "Word of God"
Slender majorities of all adults believe that all or most of the Old Testament (55%) and the New Testament (54%) are the "Word of God." However, only about a third of all adults (37% and 36%) believe that all of these texts are the word of God.
Interestingly, only 26% of all adults believe that the Torah is the word of God, even though it is the same as the first five books of the Old Testament. Presumably many people do not know this.

Religiosity and Religious Practice
Less than a quarter of Americans describe themselves are "very religious." However, a large majority (68%) describe themselves as either very (23%) or somewhat (45%) religious.
A quarter (27%) of adult Americans claim that they attend church once a week or more often, compared with 36% who say they attend less than once a year or never (18% each).

A Note on the Methodology Used and How It Affects the Results
Other research has shown that when replying to a question administered impersonally by a computer, people are less likely to say they believe in God, or attend Church services when they really don't. It is generally believed that surveys conducted by live interviewers tend to exaggerate the numbers of people who report the socially desirable, or less embarrassing, behavior, and that the replies given to an online survey such as this, are more honest and therefore more accurate.

This Harris Poll(R) was conducted online within the United States between November 10 and 17, 2008 among 2,126 adults (aged 18 and over). Figures for age, sex, race/ethnicity, education, region and household income were weighted where necessary to bring them into line with their actual proportions in the population. Propensity score weighting was also used to adjust for respondents' propensity to be online. Full data tables and methodology are available at www.harrisinteractive.com
These statements conform to the principles of disclosure of the National Council on Public Polls.
Q956, 961, 1340, 1545

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Harris Interactive Inc. 12/08
SOURCE: Harris Interactive Inc.

Can't say I'm surprised in the least.  I'm in Colorado for a holiday and there is a strong religious vibe all around me.
I also do not doubt this, while it feels in some instances that religion has become less powerful it still seems strong - especially in smaller communities like I live in.
Definitely not surprised, although it seems in some areas there is a strong (and quick) change towards a more scientific outlook on life. This whole area definitely seems to be heading that way.
As a Roman Catholic, I "believe" in the Devil, Hell, Angels and I also believe that Darwin was on to something.  Yes, belief in all is quite compatible, IMHO.

In that case, I give props to you for reconciling the two.  Kudos.  I only wish more people thought the same way as you.