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Maintenance of rucksack


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Hey I was wondering what kind of methods you guys use to clean your rucksacks? We all know they get old and can smell pretty bad, is there some sort of secret way to get them relatively clean without destroying it?
I don't understand the question.
Clean your rucksack? Are you sure those words go in the same sentence?
There's this rare substance called water that reportedly does the trick - this is hearsay though, so take it for what it's worth.
gen'rally, I just take a hard-bristled scrub brush to the exterior, with laundry soap. Every year or so, when I replace the 550 cord and gun tape, I throw it in the washing machine.

Okay, honestly, I just leave the gunk on it. It's good cam!
paracowboy said:
gen'rally, I just take a hard-bristled scrub brush to the exterior, with laundry soap. Every year or so, when I replace the 550 cord and gun tape, I throw it in the washing machine.

Okay, honestly, I just leave the gunk on it. It's good cam!

soak it with the hose and scrub the outside with a brush...thats about it.
hose it down and use the scrub brush is what I've used for all varieties of ruck they've ever given me..... if it gets raunchy on the inside - hose it down again and let it dry properly before you put it away again.

Have found that storing damp gear is prolly the worst thing you could do and might be the source of your problem
At home:

- Remove main pack from frame.

- Scrub brush in a tub of dish soap and water (Palmolive Anti-Bacterial).

- Rinse with garden hose, or in the shower.

- Hang dry before reattaching to frame.

On course:

- Scrub brush enitre ruck under the shower.

- Hang dry.
Rucksack maintenance - empty it out and take it to the car wash , $2 later it is spotless. Hang it to dry and then if it still smells drop a clothes dryer sheet in it. Same for your hockey bag.

Chimo  :)
I was issued my kit and starting BMQ soon. Included in my kit is my rucksack which is really sticky and smelly. I was told by a friend that they waxed it so it could become waterproof. The question now is should I wash it or not? I wasn't given any instructions on either but the smell is horrid and the stickiness is absolutely uncomforting.
It's a lovely smell.

Along with your issued shelter half.

If you MUST....  a luke warm soapy bath.

Is your rucksack NEW?  Personally I wouldn't because
1) you're going to smell anyways in the field
2) it's waterproofing will be less effective
3) it's like haggis... it's an acquired taste/smell
4) washing kit resembles work

Wait out on doing anything.  You can always AIR it out and
that will help somewhat... but even after you wash it... nothing
really removes that lovely stench.

anton said:
I was issued my kit and starting BMQ soon. Included in my kit is my rucksack which is really sticky and smelly. I was told by a friend that they waxed it so it could become waterproof. The question now is should I wash it or not? I wasn't given any instructions on either but the smell is horrid and the stickiness is absolutely uncomforting.
Are the others like that??
Mine wasn't...and if not ask for an exchange...or like the padre says...suck it up...I did however was most of my kit ::) ;D


   Go and wash it, they are not very waterproof at all, I put a garbage bag inside my ruck, and use zip-lock bags for my socks & under wear works well & no smell !, I use the smaller kitchen garbage bag for the used kit, so the smell don't go on to the clean kit !
If you would like there is the spray waterproofing you can put on it, you end up smelling bad in the field as it is, you don't need more help !
            Airborne !    :warstory:

                                P.S- I put one of the drier sheets in there to!
Martha Stewart's Country Living tip of the day:
"Dust lightly with some baking soda to absorb some of the smells, baking soda is also a substitute for toothpowder, and deodorant"