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MacKenzie float in Canada Day parade draws sharp criticism

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WESTVILLE – People who attended Westville’s Canada Day parade on Sunday have expressed disgust over one entry.

Alexander MacKenzie entered himself into the Westville Canada Day Parade in the “Support the troops” category.

If you read the prisoner of war flag the self-proclaimed ballot box bandit was flying at the front of his camo-coloured motorcycle you might have thought he was there to show his love of country. But the Canadian flag dragging behind him and the others fastened upside down on his bike clearly indicated he had a different message to spread as he drove the parade route with his granddaughter carrying a rooster in the side car.

More at the link, unfortunately this indivdual is a cousin of mine. He is a past President of the local Legion and his father joined the West Novies in 41 and served with that regt til 46.  He has seen no service :'(

The rooster he said is a pet of his granddaughter who likes to go with him in the parade.

“I think it kinds of goes along with me being a little cocky,” he said.

More like they're both bird brained.  At least the Rooster comes by it honestly.

unfortunately this indivdual is a cousin of mine.

You have my deepest condolences, fraserdw.  That part of the gene pool seems to be a bit shallow and polluted.  ::)
I think is interesting that no one did anything to stop the individual.  Contrasted against social theories of pluralistic ignorance, diffusion of responsibility and the bystander effect; - though it appears with the latter no one perceived it was urgent to stop the individual. Ironically, there is likely an entire community asking WTF - why didn't someone do something and now suffering from a severe case of hindsight bias.

Canada Safety Council. A community where people intervene for the good of others is a safer community.

Looks like the POW in the silhouette has a goatee. I don't want to be insensitive but that's against dress regs..
fraserdw said:
….. More at the link, unfortunately this indivdual is a cousin of mine. He is a past President of the local Legion and his father joined the West Novies in 41 and served with that regt til 46.  He has seen no service :'( 

Nice to know I'm not the only one who has relatives whose main claim to fame was as an extra in Deliverance or have their own page on People of Walmart There's a reason we try to deny knowledge of them or try and hide them in the back 40.

Love the comments, easy to spot his supporters, the ones who have yet to master that new fangled spell check thingy.

If he's still holding a position in the Legion, hopefully someone there is presently reviewing their copy of the General By-Laws specifically Article III, Section 304 v. " conduct which in any way brings or tends to bring the Legion into discredit"

Penalties include reprimand, suspension and/or expulsion as needed.
From the article  “I consider myself a soldier  :facepalm:... and bla bla bla"

I smell a future walt. ;D

Another sad display when people have to much freedom and don't have to do anything for it . I am just shaking my head at it .
I'm shocked there has been so much support from the comments section of the NG News. I'm also surprised that he got away with it. I don't think he'd have pulled the same stunt in Pictou...Lobster Carnival is this weekend coming...

I recall that they were waiting for him to strike during the last election, and he will likely do the same thing again.

Sorry fraser, dude is a dolt.
Scott said:
... I don't think he'd have pulled the same stunt in Pictou...Lobster Carnival is this weekend coming...

Dang, now you done it - unofficial lobster thead jack...




Down home only the poor kids had lobster in the lunches in my day.  I like it but am not a fan of it.  Anyway, Sandi is character, google "Ballot Box Bandit" and some folks seem to think him a hero.
Of course he uses a Canadian flag.

No one is going to really do anything about it except send some angry emails. It's a nice safe attention grabber with minimum risk.

Lets see him do that to a flag of Islam or something and see the reaction he gets.  Ironically I bet the Canadian government would get involved to a bigger degree.

**I'll just add I'm not disrespecting Islam just that I have a feeling they would be a little more physical about their objections.