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Let's Put An End To Breast Cancer!


Sr. Member
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Hi All:

Mike has given us the OK to post this here.

Team T.I.T.S Tango India Tango Sierra

Camochick and I will be participating in the Weekend to End Breast Cancer this August 11-13th, in Edmonton. This is a 60km walk taking place over two days happening throughout the country. In order to be able to take part in this event, we BOTH have to raise $2,000 for the Alberta Cancer Foundation. As you can see $4,000 is quite the sum needed in order for us to be able to do this together.

Here is where you all fall into the picture. We will be doing the 60km physically, but we are hoping you can help us do it in "spirit" by donating to our journey. We understand we can't all afford to give money, but if you are able, please do. Every dollar counts, and no donation is too little.

We are really looking forward to supporting such a great cause, and of course, having a blast along the way! We promise to provide updates along the way, as well as a full recap of the event afterwards. (pictures included!!) It just so happens that August 11th is my 20th birthday, and I cannot think of a better way to spend it!

Here is the link for our team page:


And our personal pages:



I thank you all for taking the time to check this post. (especially Mike for allowing us to post here!) Now.... LET'S SAVE THOSE BREASTS!!
YAY.. We have received our first Army.ca donation!

Thanks goes out to Muffin for being the 1st to support our Journey!  ;D  :salute:
Card_11 said:

Indeed, a worthy cause!

Guys, this is actually a great undertaking, and if you look at what these girls are looking at doing, that's the length of 4.6 BFTs in two days!!

So, army.ca, open your hearts, and wallets to these two. I think it's a great thing, and I wish you both the best of luck...KEEP us informed!!!!
A big thanks goes out to Sig_des for his donation. You are awesome. :)
A big thank also goes out to Aesop081 for his wonderful donation. Thank you so much guys and gals. :)
Hey everyone!

Well it's not even a day since registering and we are at 9% of our required fundraising goal! And 99% of these donations have come from members of this site!

Keep it up Hero's...you're wonderful!   :-*

Card & Camo
Another hero to add to the list:

Thanks emmiee for supporting us on our way!  ;D
Time to bring this thread to life again.. We have another wonderful army.ca member helping us along the way..

Thanks for the support Chimo!  :)
More support from Army.ca to report..

Thank you very much for your donation Big Foot. One more wonderful person helping us make a difference!  :)
Time for an update I figure..

To date our team is at 30% of our goal! Not bad at all for only about 2 weeks of fundraising! Thanks to all of you who have opened your hearts and wallets to us!

One more hero to report... Thanks MJP for taking time to support us from across the world in the sand!  :cdn:
Wow i'm getting a feeling of deja vu!!! My team & I did the same thing for last year!!! We were quite successfull & did it with rucks & combat boots!! Two of us doing it again, it will be a GREAT experience & looking forward to it again this year! (if you don't mind a little self promotion!!) My team is doing the Toronto walk Sept 8-10/06 & we're at:


(hope you guys don't mind...if I have some extra cash I'll contribute to your guys' effort!!)

swanita said:
Wow i'm getting a feeling of deja vu!!! My team & I did the same thing for last year!!! We were quite successfull & did it with rucks & combat boots!! Two of us doing it again, it will be a GREAT experience & looking forward to it again this year! (if you don't mind a little self promotion!!) My team is doing the Toronto walk Sept 8-10/06 & we're at:


(hope you guys don't mind...if I have some extra cash I'll contribute to your guys' effort!!)


Of course we don't mind! It's awesome to see another member doing what they can to help stop breast cancer! Every dollar helps the cause, regardless who it's donated to. You guys had quite the accomplishment last year! Will you be doing it with rucks and boots again this year?

I'll have to make a donation to your team before fundraising time is up. Best of luck to you!  :)
As of yet undetermined, not sure if new CO will give us permission though but there's still plenty of time to decide that!  :P But I can tell you now to bring some kleenex for the opening/closing ceremonies!
Well Camo and I figured it's time to make an update and bring this thread back on people's radars.

We are at 33% of our team amount needed. Not bad, but we still have a far way to go. We're trying to come up with ideas to help us reach this goal, but are a little stumped. If you have any suggestions of ways for us to raise this money please do tell.

Thanks to all who have opened their hearts and wallets to us so far and have made a donation. Remember no donation is too small, as every dollar helps us get closer to that goal. Thought I would add that it is TAX TIME and that charity donations are what helps increase our refund each year. (hint, hint) So how about we get a kick start for next years taxes?  ;D

In all seriousness, thanks again to all the Heroes who are helping us to make a difference!

Camo & Pea (formerly Card_11)
Have you asked your corporate head office? Large companies often match employee charitable donations. And put a link on your blog to your walk site page.
TMM said:
Have you asked your corporate head office? Large companies often match employee charitable donations. And put a link on your blog to your walk site page.

Thanks for the suggestions TMM. I plan on asking my company soon, but I am between postions right now and negotiating salary so I don't want to seem too greedy.  ;) I do have a link to the walk on my blog actually. (the link is listed as the team name) Keep the suggestions coming.  :)

..Hmm, maybe I should work a donation from them into my negotiation to keep me?  >:D
I'm sure there are links on the weekend website with ideas as well but here's a few that I know have been successful for people: fundraising parties, Texas Hold'em poker tournaments, car washes & having a table set up at a craft show or something, and tag days, where you get permission to be outside an liquour store & ask for donations......just a few thoughts.

Ok, so we hit a lag in our fundraising. Mostly because life got in the way. But now we are back full force. So come everyone, support the breasts, you know you love them.
Sorry for the hijack but, will ther be a day where we will have:

"The weekend to end prostate cancer"

I know its not as cool as "breast" cancer  ;D
Probably when women start enjoying looking at our penises as much as we enjoy looking at  their breasts......