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Hi Guys  I have posted a couple of times and everyone here has been very helpfull Thank You. Anyway I am enlisting as an LCIS. From what I understand an LCIS my be assigned to an Infantry unit. This may be a dumb question but since im new to this I will ask it anyway. Would an LCIS assigned to infantry receive the Infantry training? Combat school and everything else? I thank you for any help you may provide.
Guess my question was too hard for anyone to answer...sorry about that..hehehehe
I don't think it was too hard to answer, I think you might need to either:

a) give it time for it to be answered;

b) use your fundamental search skills [if you have them :p];

c) check the FAQ or ask an existing member via pm.
Should you be posted to an infantry unit you'll be expected to do the job you are trained to do (in your case this may be LCIS tech). So, to answer your question, you won't be doing the "infantry" stuff - you'll be doing the "LCIS" stuff in support of that unit. 
ShediacNB said:
Hi Guys  I have posted a couple of times and everyone here has been very helpfull Thank You. Anyway I am enlisting as an LCIS. From what I understand an LCIS my be assigned to an Infantry unit. This may be a dumb question but since im new to this I will ask it anyway. Would an LCIS assigned to infantry receive the Infantry training? Combat school and everything else? I thank you for any help you may provide.

Time: 07:13

ShediacNB said:
Guess my question was too hard for anyone to answer...sorry about that..hehehehe

Time: 17:52

Elapsed time:  10 hours, 39 minutes - on a Saturday.


Believe it or not - people have better things to do on a Saturday than be at your beck and call.  Have a little patience.

OH - by the way - you'll do UNIT/COY level training with the Bn, should you be posted there - you WON'T do the individual "Infantry training".  You WILL do the individual "LCIS training", as required.

Our LCIS techs did come out with us to FOBs on many occasions I give them props for that.  The bottom line is you won't get traditional infantry training.  If you do however become involved in an ambush you are expected to do your part though, if you know what I mean ;)

A buddy of mine is an LCIS Tech with 1RCR.

He lives in the shacks with the rest of the RCR guys, as well as the other techs that are attached to 1RCR. He normally does PT with the 1RCR Signals Platoon, which is mostly other LCIS techs, Sigops, and Linemen. In garrison an LCIS Tech is usually too busy with his regular work to undertake any serious infantry training. On Battalion exercises he'll go out to the field, but he'll usually be doing the same thing he does in garrison - fix comms gear. Overseas the LCIS Techs rotated in and out of the FOBs which is usually alright, unless you're getting mortared regularly. The upside to this is you'll probably be in a static position so you'll have more chances to shower, hook up an xbox, and horde spunkmeyer muffins. If things go bad you'll be expected to fight like anyone else, but they'll try and put you where you'd be of most use - just behind "the front".

Overall I think its a pretty cool job. If I were to OT out of the infantry I'd seriously consider being an LCIS Tech. I like to work with radios, and I'd be interested in the more technical side of things.

Hope that helps!