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Latest on ending the mission in '09


Army.ca Legend
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"We're out in '09"

No, the battlegroup tasking is over in '09.

Is that THAT bad a thing? We've carried our combat load for 3 or 4 years. When will another of the 37 NATO nations in Afghanistan step up?
BKells said:
No, the battlegroup tasking is over in '09.

"2011 for international aid, 2009 for the military mission," Mr. Bernier told Radio-Canada television last week.
Ending the military mission means ending much more than just the Battle Group.  PRT, OMLTs, SOF, and various other entities would also end.

And if nobody else steps in, the Taliban will have won.
Although I do feel we've done our part and contributed substantially, without a clear and adequate replacement force, I'm worried what might happen.  The Aussies are talking about pulling from some areas if the Dutch do.  Could we see a domino effect if we do the same?

Would be a shame if we pulled out and all that work, blood and sweat was for nought.
Perhaps the Conservatives have made this announcement as a political gambit. Before Harper commits to further rotations he surely wants to garner more public support ?
I'm pretty sure it's political.  If you think about it, by stating the mission will not extend past 2009 he's neutering the Liberals' attempt to make this an election issue.  The problem is what happens over there because of it.
tomahawk6 said:
Before Harper commits to further rotations he surely wants to garner more public support ?
He does not appear to be doing very much to build that support.  At the moment, the opposition is launching an aggressive campaign to devalue the importance of military contributions to victory in Afghanistan. Canadians are being missinformed and sold a non-vision which cannot work. Nobody is doing a clear job of fixing that.

If the House votes this fall to end the mission in '09, then wheels will be set in motion.  The damage done will be too great to undo next year even if the Conservatives were to win a majority in a winter or spring election.

.... I think Canadians have also had enough of politicians that announce they will do one thing and then do the opposite a year down the road.
I dont think Parliament will vote this fall to withdraw from Afghanistan. Just my gut feeling. Iraq is improving. If this trend continues I see more US troops deploying to Afghanistan. The US move into Nuristan may draw the taliban away from Kandahar which would make life a bit easier there. Like moths to a flame. ;D
Ah, but it's not a vote to withdraw, it's a vote to extend the mission.
MCG said:
He does not appear to be doing very much to build that support.  At the moment, the opposition is launching an aggressive campaign to devalue the importance of military contributions to victory in Afghanistan. Canadians are being missinformed and sold a non-vision which cannot work. Nobody is doing a clear job of fixing that.

If the House votes this fall to end the mission in '09, then wheels will be set in motion.  The damage done will be too great to undo next year even if the Conservatives were to win a majority in a winter or spring election.

.... I think Canadians have also had enough of politicians that announce they will do one thing and then do the opposite a year down the road.

Maybe this is the start of what we need...http://www.ctv.ca/servlet/ArticleNews/story/CTVNews/20070902/afghan_mission_070902/20070902?hub=Canada
So how will Canada be seen by the world? and what will Canadians think of themselves if we do leave?

Just to clarify, Liberals send troops to afganistan. THen liberals complain to conservative that the conservatives want to upgrade the military, and save troop lives by doing so. Now Liberals flip and want to retreat.... like burgers, they flip when one side is done and they may get burnt. And all other oppositions seem to be smoking some bad crack, believing in fairy tales. Canada needs a military, and Canada needs to prevail in Afganistan. It is not about whether someone believed in the initial war cause. What has been done is done, what Canada is doing now is what needs to be supported to the end, or we fail the Afghan people (present and future), and we fail ourselves.

Cheers  :cdn:
Ending the military mission means ending much more than just the Battle Group.  PRT, OMLTs, SOF, and various other entities would also end.

"One government source said that after recent discussions inside government they now expect that Mr. Harper will ask Parliament to approve a different role in Afghanistan after 2009, rather than an extension of the current Kandahar deployment."


Perhaps this 'different role' pertails a continued deployment of a Special Operations Task Force, or the OMLT or SAT-A. Maybe Harper will try to negotiate a smaller deployment in a different region of the country. Then again, maybe this statement means nothing...
18-and-ready said:
Would you rather be American?

WTF is that supposed to mean?? Seems rather insulting to me. Now tell me, does being American have to do with anything??
I was simply going off what the previous comment was
I agree our government does some silly things at times
but really...Id much rather be Canadian

Simply if your not Canadian whats your other option?
18-and-ready said:
I was simply going off what the previous comment was
I agree our government does some silly things at times
but really...Id much rather be Canadian

Simply if your not Canadian whats your other option?

He didn't say he didn't want to be a Canadian did he?? Your inferred insult of being American isn't appreciated, at least by me.
Who said anything about me insulting anyone
I asked him a question, how do you purpose I sugar coat it.
shall I start using brackets and explain how I am saying it?

If I want to insult someone I don't need to use a sly double meaning sentence to do it.