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joining the reserves and need advice.

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hello, I check these forums time to time to check up on all the cool things but this time I'm going to get some advice. I'm currently 15 and turning 16 at the end of August. I want to join the reserves (Lincoln and Welland Regiment) once I'm 16. I've always loved history and since the age... god knows when, my guess is 10 or before, all I wanted to do was serve and do something different and fun. Finally, at 16 (with parent permission), I can go into the recruiting office and get started on everything I've always wanted.

My question is: Do you guys recommend a kid just turning 16 to join up? I'm in good shape. I surpass all the physical requirements by double and I can run 5km pretty well. I'm pretty good at school, with 80's and 90's. I want to know how BMQ, SQ and Infantry Training (I want to start as infantry until after college/university where I plan on maybe going full time) goes, like on weekends, summer... etc...

I'm always scared to post on here because I'm not really sure if I'll be doing something stupid or wrong, but I want answers  >:D. I remember many people saying to join the cadets on this forum when I was like 13/14 I think, haha.

Anyways, thanks in advance guys and gals for anything I can expect and if I'm on the right track and how long I should expect (unless they met their capacity on how many they can recruit this year), than I'd love to know how long until everything goes through, would I have to wait until 2009?.

Thank you all  :cdn:


I'm 16 and joining, i just wrote my CFAT and I'm doing the rest of my testing in late august. Allot of people, including my recruiter joined when they were 16. The only problem I encountered is that you need 15 high school credits (AKA completed grade 10).

The process time is never certain(me: 4 months) , You'd have to check with your unit when you can start bmq. There's a bunch of threads on what Reserve basic training is like.

Study for the CFAT!!!, especially for us young guys ;D
haha, okay. First post and it was a lot of help. I currently have 16 credits so it's all good. And I will, any pointers on what to expect on the test? (If I get that far) Knowing me, it'll take 3 years... :warstory:
Your not allowed to discuss the specifics of the test, but this practice test gives you a pretty good idea of its level.


You can also go to the public library and check out this book called "Policeprep" it's good, the same person wrote "MilitaryPrep" but it's 50$ and the CFAT section only has 13 pages.
haha, I know. I'm not asking for specific stuff, I'm just asking for what I can expect for difficulty and stuff, not what's on it
So, in this thread your parents wouldn't let you join Cadets but they'll let you join the Reserves?

Just curious...

All this stuff has been discussed, at length, previously. Please learn to use the search engine provided.


Milnet.ca Staff
hello to all,

I recently went down to my local reserve unit (Lincoln and Welland) and finally got the ball rolling. I went in all intimidated by everyone in uniform but I finally got talking to a recruiter and he said he would help me out as much as possible to get me in for the next BMQ starting in mid October. He said to get everything and try to give it in by tomorrow (Friday at the time), he even offered to meet me at a Tim Horton's or whatnot to send them out to Hamilton asap.

Now I guess I wait? If all goes well I can be in by October something  :o. My little question is this, how long can the waiting game take for my "TIM Day" as the corporal called it (Test, Interview and Medical all in one day)? I know it ranges on the times but on average?

Thanks, I'm quite excited. I'm already working on training and whatnot  ^-^

P.S -> Sorry if this is in the wrong section  ::). I tend to do that error

recceguy said:

All this stuff has been discussed, at length, previously. Please learn to use the search engine provided.

As was stated......All this stuff has been discussed, at length, previously.
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