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Jack Layton of the NDP Accuses JTF 2 Troops of Abandoning the CF.


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   I was watching Canadian Question Period on CBC today when I had to listen to Jack Layton of the NDP accuse JTF 2 troops of abandoning the CF to take up mercenary contracts in Iraq ..... Not only is Jack Layton openly against the Afghan mission , now he's trying to make our troops look bad as well .... This guy makes me SICK ..!
??? Is Jack living in the "bizarro world!?' or another freakin' dimension!?  :-X
The question should be ask..Jack do you blame them? They get support, they get everything they need plus they get a good check and like the work...is that so bad...
Yet another reason for me not to vote for Mr. Layton when i'm old enough, and another reason why I don;t like him.
But it is ok for professors & doctors to go to the US to take high paying jobs, this smacks of discrimination.
Colin P said:
But it is ok for professors & doctors to go to the US to take high paying jobs, this smacks of discrimination.

Professors and doctors aren't recruited and trained on the public dime.  JTF2 Assaulters are.  We should protect our investment.
Whether we like him or not, he's a Member of Parliment. We'll not entertain threads where we mount personal attacks on the person. Don't like his policies? That's fine, state the policy you don't agree with and why. Don't like what he's saying? Reproduce his statement and debunk it. Attack the person, we'll close the thread.
Sooner you stop listening to em', the sooner you'll stop feeling quite so angry at his ignorant, out of this world comments.  And, the sooner you won't be angered again by him.  

Would you listen to a 9yo kid talk about quantim physics, when he obviously has NO understanding of them?  Thats about the same comparison as listening to Jack Layton speak about the military.

<Sorry, you posted about not attacking the person at the same time I posted.  I still don't like him, but for the sake of peace, I'll just state I don't like any of his ignorant, shameless policies or ideas.>
I don't know what you guys are all crabby about... I think Jack Layton is doing a great job... He's got the right attitude and really represents the majority of people in Canada.  He would make a fine Priminister and would do Canada proud... unlike our soldiers in Iraq.

***This is what I'd say if I was living in the same bizarro world as this [insert horrible profanity involving monkeys, goats, and a rubber chicken]er***

But seriously though... what does this guy inject / snort / smoke just before he talks... or does he just have no filter between his demented brain and his mouth.  There aren't enough profanities to express my feelings towards him... and frankly, I just don't have the energy to comment more intellectually about his short falls.

That pissed me off too.

You got to give it to Harper for laying the smack down on Layton for that remark; I won’t bother with a direct quote (can’t remember) but I will say it sure did make Layton and the NDP look like idiots.

It’s funny how on the petition here: http://www.ndp.ca/troops how  “The Government of Canada has committed Canadian Forces to an unbalanced counter-insurgent mission in southern Afghanistan that has no clear objectives, criteria for progress, definition of success or exit strategy.”

Because a UN mandated, international mission with the intent of routing out terrorist organizations, rebuilding a stable democracy with the core infrastructure to support future economic and social development for the purpose of collective international defence doesn't have a clear objective, criteria for progress, definition of success or an exit strategy.

It's also funny how every commited member of the CF voluntarily chooses to serve and being told that thier choice to do so is a mistake only demoralizes and frustrates them; and at the same time, the party telling them it's a mistake clearly advertizes how they "support the brave men and women of the Canadian Forces."  How's that for an oxymoron?
"Professors and doctors aren't recruited and trained on the public dime.  JTF2 Assaulters are.  We should protect our investment."

Nearly 70% of the tuition cost of any citizen that goes to university is picked up by the taxpayer in this country. So what do you suggest we do with their training?
He says this stuff because a lot of people agree with him.  Not the majority of Canadians, to be sure, but a signifigant enough amount that keeps him in office and elects his party to a few seats.  I don't agree with his politics and I find his views on the middle east policies to be rash and overly simple. 

I vote each election and I have a hell of a time finding people to support.  I assume most people are like that so when one of them (elected officials) says these sorts of knee-jerk things I chalk it up to the fact they have to broadcast their positions to the many "shoppers" in the electorate and stand by that position in all the wierd ways that go a long with it.

It too bad that politicians with a nuanced and well though out platform cannot reach people because it looks like waffeling or flip flopping  when you try to clarify a fine distinction in a complex issue.

In other words, he has to say this kind of stuff to make sure than the small amount of people in society who believe it are represented in government so their points can be aired in the public body, wieghed and debated, and then passed over because they do not fit with the values of our citizens.

There is no argument - nothing to debunk.

His comments are 100% baseless.  FWIW - He makes no policy, he has no authority to do so.

  Senior Officers and NCO's go off to work for companies at the end of their career, why not Assaulters?
His blatherings are the ravings of a madman -- he wishes to forcibly constrain people from occupying lawful employment.

Ok Guys , I refuse to believe that the pride of our forces , JTF 2 , are abandoning the CF . Jack Layton did not use the words retired or former members . I believe he used the words " abandoning the CF" . Do you think our troops on mission in Afghanistan are going to drop everything to make a quick buck in Iraq . Don't think so . Say some JTF 2 troops did abandon , do you think Jack Layton would find out about it ... OPSEC ! ... Again don't think so . This leads me to believe Jack Layton has lied or has been lied too . Either way those comments are a direct shot at the integrity of our forces .. Someone should take a shot at Mr. Laytons face ...  :threat: ...
STING said:
Ok Guys , I refuse to believe that the pride of our forces , JTF 2 , are abandoning the CF . Jack Layton did not use the words retired or former members . I believe he used the words " abandoning the CF" . Do you think our troops on mission in Afghanistan are going to drop everything to make a quick in Iraq . Don't think so . Say some JTF 2 troops did abandon , do you think Jack Layton would find out about it ... OPSEC ! ... Again don't think so . This leads me to believe Jack Layton has lied or has been lied too . Either way those comments are a direct shot at the integrity of our forces .. Someone should take a shot at Mr. Laytons face ...  :threat: ...

What ole Jack has done is exactly what all of his ilk do.  They make up a fantasy and spew forth all sorts of false rhetoric.  Look at what the rest of the NDP, CPA, Raging Grannies, Fransisco Juarez, etc. spew out.  They make this shit up.

spqr said:
He says this stuff because a lot of people agree with him.  Not the majority of Canadians, to be sure, but a signifigant enough amount that keeps him in office and elects his party to a few seats.  I don't agree with his politics and I find his views on the middle east policies to be rash and overly simple. 

He says this stuff because a loud, but very small vocal minority are shaping his agenda, and then a heck of a lot of sheeple in his riding follow.  What is the actual voter turn out in his riding anyway?
I think it's been said, or at least inferred.  Once a member has served his or her contract with the CF and has been honourably discharged, it matters not where they seek their next employ.  Non issue.

So, how about them BC Lions?
von Garvin said:
I think it's been said, or at least inferred.  Once a member has served his or her contract with the CF and has been honourably discharged, it matters not where they seek their next employ.  Non issue.

So, how about them BC Lions?

And there you have it the essence of this entire discussion......Mr. Layton and the rest of his NDPeons (I love that phrase) can go rot in the lowest depths of Helloooooo.... IMO.
von Garvin said:
So, how about them BC Lions?

You're right.  Breaching my own guidelines.  Better luck next year for the Stampeders.