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Iran Super Thread- Merged

I would hope for Canada to stay out of such a conflict. It would be a false flag war and, the Canadian people will not tolerate such action! If Harper tries to draw us in I recommend our soldiers go AWOL the Canadian people will support this action, by numerous unconventional means.
Apple2018 said:
I recommend

I recommend you STFU.

Ok...polite version :

Soldiers go where the government tells them to. We all volunteered for this.
Apple2018 said:
I would hope for Canada to stay out of such a conflict. It would be a false flag war and, the Canadian people will not tolerate such action! If Harper tries to draw us in I recommend our soldiers go AWOL the Canadian people will support this action, by numerous unconventional means.

Apple2018 said:
I would hope for Canada to stay out of such a conflict. It would be a false flag war and, the Canadian people will not tolerate such action! If Harper tries to draw us in I recommend our soldiers go AWOL the Canadian people will support this action, by numerous unconventional means.
WTF?!?  I'm guessing you've never met a Canadian soldier.  If you had, you'd realize the complete stupidity of suggesting anything as ridiculous as this.  :facepalm:
Don't like the government?  Vote against them, as is your right.  No idea what you might understand as 'unconventional means', but if you're thinking for a minute that our soldiers would turn on the elected government, then maybe the chinstrap is a bit tight on that tin foil hat.

Apple2018 said:
I would hope for Canada to stay out of such a conflict. It would be a false flag war and, the Canadian people will not tolerate such action! If Harper tries to draw us in I recommend our soldiers go AWOL the Canadian people will support this action, by numerous unconventional means.

Along time ago we fought for freedom against oppression now fight for corporations. We fight Harper who hates Canada, and I quote "Canada appears content to become a second-tier socialistic country, boasting ever more loudly about its economy and social services to mask its second-rate status.”

Harper feels we are defeatists:

“I think there is a dangerous rise in defeatist sentiment in this country. I have said that repeatedly, and I mean it and I believe it.”

Harper hates the Atlantic provinces:

“I think in Atlantic Canada, because of what happened in the decades following Confederation, there is a culture of defeat that we have to overcome. … Atlantic Canada’s culture of defeat will be hard to overcome as long as Atlantic Canada is actually physically trailing the rest of the country.”
Apple2018 said:
I would hope for Canada to stay out of such a conflict. It would be a false flag war and, the Canadian people will not tolerate such action! If Harper tries to draw us in I recommend our soldiers go AWOL the Canadian people will support this action, by numerous unconventional means.

I am guessing the "Canadian People" he is talking about would be these people, I can't see many hardworking, upstanding members of the community advocating mutiny:
Apple2018 said:
Along time ago we fought for freedom against oppression now fight for corporations. We fight Harper who hates Canada, and I quote "Canada appears content to become a second-tier socialistic country, boasting ever more loudly about its economy and social services to mask its second-rate status.”

Harper feels we are defeatists:

“I think there is a dangerous rise in defeatist sentiment in this country. I have said that repeatedly, and I mean it and I believe it.”

Harper hates the Atlantic provinces:

“I think in Atlantic Canada, because of what happened in the decades following Confederation, there is a culture of defeat that we have to overcome. … Atlantic Canada’s culture of defeat will be hard to overcome as long as Atlantic Canada is actually physically trailing the rest of the country.”
Wait till you're all grown up, put away the hash pipe, get a job.  After all that, you can come and have an intelligent discussion about politics.  For now, why not just go grab some munchies and crash for a bit in your 'occupy' tent?
Apple2018's heros:

Justin Colby
Dan Felushko
Patrick Hart
Brandon Hughey
Peter Jemley
Ryan Johnson 
Christian Kjar
Dale Landry
Kevin Lee
Brad McCall
Phil McDowell

Spineless cowards...every last one of them
Moderators hate trolls.

"Applesauce, so some more reading and less posting."
Warning NSFW:


There is a way to beat trolls. Watch the video to the end!
It's amassing how powerful an ideal can be! Iran posses no real threat we have been watching intently with the use of social media, public action groups within Iran whom. I would have to say are more credible then our Western intelligence agencies. Harper can bang on the war drums as much as he wants however, the Canadian people are now numbed to the sounds of the West's need for war.

It is always the governments that want war not the peoples of the world. Because of this, action groups around the globe are now educating their peoples that we do not given to fear as that empowers the government to create laws that are in turn used against we the people. An American example the US patriot Act and the NDAA!

Would our own military fire upon its people if ordered by Ottawa? If so what make us more ethical or moral. The world wants complete freedom at any cost.
Apple2018 said:
Along time ago we fought for freedom against oppression now fight for corporations.

YOU aren't fighting for anything. We, members of the CF, are doing the fighting.

You just sit comfortably at home, criticize and think you know everything.


Apple2018 said:
I would have to say are more credible then our Western intelligence agencies

Because you have lots of actual experience with that, right ?

The world wants complete freedom at any cost.

Yup, any cost. But they don't want to be the ones to pay for it. All this freedom ain't free. Soldiers paid for it.
Apple2018 said:
It's amassing how powerful an ideal can be! Iran posses no real threat we have been watching intently with the use of social media, public action groups within Iran whom. I would have to say are more credible then our Western intelligence agencies. Harper can bang on the war drums as much as he wants however, the Canadian people are now numbed to the sounds of the West's need for war.

It is always the governments that want war not the peoples of the world. Because of this, action groups around the globe are now educating their peoples that we do not given to fear as that empowers the government to create laws that are in turn used against we the people. An American example the US patriot Act and the NDAA!

Would our own military fire upon its people if ordered by Ottawa? If so what make us more ethical or moral. The world wants complete freedom at any cost.

Hey... wanna just go for a coffee?  Need a friend??  :mg:
Apple2018 said:
It's amassing how powerful...
...spellcheck can be?

...reason can be?

Christ, and it's not even reading week yet.
I don't know if militaries have a future? Many feel governments are only heading the voices of the mega rich.

Were facing an age of sensor ship with ACTA and SOPA the freedoms we enjoy are being taken not by force but by legislation.
Apple, others have suggested it and now I echo them. Freedom of speech, the ability to have different opinions, is very important to our way of life... But with all freedoms comes responsibility, in this case, you really should sit back, cool your heels and read several threads on these boards.

Looking at your posts, it is very easy for one on our side of the fence to see that you are deliberately picking a fight, to which I have to wonder, to what end?
I am not after an argument. I'm not the best at getting an idea's across on a written forum is all perhaps a better orator. I am angry at our governments seemingly ignorant stance on not hearing Canadians out. They will hear the voices of big oil but not ours.

I have just as much at stake in Canada as anyone else, and I see Harper as a threat to my future and my families. His policies are not guaranteed to work. I have a right to question him as he is my Prime Minister too. I know military personal do not get to question,except at voting time; but I am taught there is no such thing as an expert we all have vested interests, and thus a right to question everything and anything.

In the summer months I work in the oil sands to pay for my education, and I can see first hand the big oil mentality. The Canadian people do not exist in the oil sands, we are just labour if we do not get the amount of progress they want, they send in foreign workers as we are starting to see with Harpers immigration plan to bring in 40k people. 