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Instability In Pakistan- Merged Thread

Flip said:
Nothing ends with Bhuttos death - not even Bhutto.

I'm rather thinking that the age of Bhutto -- has just begun. The reprecussions of this assassination will be felt for years.

That's what my crystal ball is telling me ... and we know how predictable those are.
Wesley  Down Under said:
During our training for Ops in Iraq we were taught that most suicide bombers shave their beards off, wash, appear on edge, and might in fact be profusly sweating, and dressed in a manner to disguise or cover something (more noticable on a hot day), ha! So needless to say when outside the wire, we were observing many suspicious things, including the aforementioned.

Ritual cleansing prior to meeting those 70 virgins is SOP. Right down to their feet.
19-year old son was chosen Sunday to succeed her as chairman of her opposition party,

Oh yes. A teen-aged politician ruling a party in a powder-keg country that is on the verge of something very unpleasant, to say for the least. Wonderful idea.

Maybe I should run for premier of Nova Scotia?
uncle-midget-boyd said:
Oh yes. A teen-aged politician ruling a party in a powder-keg country that is on the verge of something very unpleasant, to say for the least. Wonderful idea.

Maybe I should run for premier of Nova Scotia?

It's all in the name and the influence it pulls (or doesn't) ...

Then there was Tut, and, of course, Henry VI who ascended the throne at the ripe old age of 9 months in not exactly stable times. Let's face it, NONE of these people "rule" alone; their names pull in the votes and their advisors do most of the nitty gritty work. I'm sure Nancy Reagan could confirm.

The ones who "rule" alone -- tend to be dictators vice elected.

Oh, and I wouldn't bother with running in Nova Scotia -- I don't think they'd recognize your name on the ballot.
The kid has a clean reputation whereas the father has ethics issues.But I dont see anyone voting a 19 year old into national office. ;)
tomahawk6 said:
The kid has a clean reputation whereas the father has ethics issues.But I dont see anyone voting a 19 year old into national office. ;)

Time will tell. IF he lives long enough ...  ;)

In the West, we tend to vote based on experience/platform. Not so over there ... Ghandi ... Bhutto ... it'll go on forever.

ArmyVern said:
Then there was Tut, and, of course, Henry VI who ascended the throne at the ripe old age of 9 months in not exactly stable times. Let's face it, NONE of these people "rule" alone; their names pull in the votes and their advisors do most of the nitty gritty work.

The nitty gritty work may be done mostly by the advisors, but as the head of the party (suppose the party wins the election, then head of a nation) he will be looked at to be a leader. But do you really think that Pakistan wants to be lead by someone so young with so little experience in a time of crisis?

Oh, and I wouldn't bother with running in Nova Scotia -- I don't think they'd recognize your name on the ballot.
Who said anything about a ballot? I was just simply going to run towards the office and try to bust down the door, thus becoming the Premier. Thats how it works isn't it?
The Bhutto dynasty might just land on it's feet here. :o
Ya think Benazir knew her political a$$ from her elbow when she started?
I seem to recall a lot of reference to "Dad's" old notes.
There's a whole new chapter of notes now. The pile grows thicker with time.

A male heir, as I suggested, might just have broader appeal.
Frankly I don't think Pakistanis can be too choosy these days. ;)
uncle-midget-boyd said:
The nitty gritty work may be done mostly by the advisors, but as the head of the party (suppose the party wins the election, then head of a nation) he will be looked at to be a leader. But do you really think that Pakistan wants to be lead by someone so young with so little experience?
Who said anything about a ballot? I was just simply going to run towards the office and try to bust down the door, thus becoming the Premier. Thats how it works isn't it?

There has been many a young and charismatic leaders worldwide. This would not be precedent setting -- not even in the Islamic world.

Sure he'll be the head of the Nation if elected -- and will give the speachs etc that his advisors write for him on official matters. (Perhaps, one day -- even a speach that the CF has written for him!!  >:D So sayeth the NDP ...)

His whole life has been that of politics -- lived on a daily basis by virtue of his parentage and grandparentage -- as in the case of the Ghandi's ... MANY people view this 'living in the shadow of such a name' as "experience enough" ... I don't think for a second that he's not aware of how it works there, and a couple million people would probably agree in that country. They do not work like we do, nor vote based upon the same value system that we use when we mark our ballots here.

I've already made my "crystal ball" call ... we'll see what happens ... if he lives long enough (and I suspect his life expectancy just went SEVERELY downhill).
I just can't see it turning into anything healthy for Pakistan.
But of course, my crystal ball isn't as clear as yours. :P
uncle-midget-boyd said:
I just can't see it turning into anything healthy for Pakistan.
But of course, my crystal ball isn't as clear as yours. :P

There's not too much healthy in Pakistan these days, nor do I see any healthy options in the foreseeable future.

It's all a case of "which devil is best at this time?"

We've yet to see whether or not the people are going to decide which devil they want to go with, or whether Musharraf is going to decide that for them.
At least the Bhutto party will participate in the elections which will put the islamist candidate at a disadvantage.
uncle-midget-boyd said:
Oh yes. A teen-aged politician ruling a party in a powder-keg country that is on the verge of something very unpleasant, to say for the least. Wonderful idea.

This must be cultural, remember the 15 yr old who was a CO of a rather outragous large amount of Northern Alliance troops in Afghanistan?
At 15, you have a baby's brain and a old man's heart - oops thats at 18.

At the best, whoever succeeds her, is at the mercy of AQ/TB supporters, and in a matter of time, Bhuttos' may have the same life expectancy as a politician as a WW1 fighter pilot - 6 weeks!


His father is tasked as co-leader....that's gotta have some bad implications....he's been dogged by fraud and theft charges for a variety of issues no matter where he goes.
The son has stated that he will return to his studies which will leave his father in charge of the party. The only man that isnt corrupt ion that part of the world is one that has no job.
Wesley  Down Under said:
At the best, whoever succeeds her, is at the mercy of AQ/TB supporters, and in a matter of time, Bhuttos' may have the same life expectancy as a politician as a WW1 fighter pilot - 6 weeks!



Slight hijack: anyone, please correct me if I'm wrong, but wasn't the life expectancy of a USMC/US Army infantry platoon leader/2nd Lt. at the height of the Vietnam War even less? 2 weeks? I hope any one of Bhutto's moderate successors will last much longer than either life expectancy figure, that's for sure.

The odds surely favor an assasin. Right now the Zardari's arent much a threat to the islamists. But if they were killed their party would have alot of haggling over who would assume the mantle of leader.
I just can't see why this kid would want to accept the nomination. If it was me I'd be heading for the hills never mind school.
Why ?

Answer simple

Because his name is Bhutto!

The Bhuto's are the Kennedy's of Pakistan.

Beside his Dad - Bhutto's Machiavellian husband -is or will be now
power behind "the throne "

The question should be "how long before Pakistan military steps in"!!
Here is a video of the attack that killed Bhutto*

*Please note that this video may be disturbing to some people.

Here is the article

New videotape of Bhutto shooting emerges

NAUDERO, Pakistan (CNN) -- Dramatic new videotape of the assassination of former Pakistan Prime Minister Benazir Bhutto emerged Sunday, showing her slumping moments after gunshots ring out.

While the tape provides the clearest view yet of the attack, it doesn't appear to answer who was behind the assassination or how Bhutto died.

Bhutto can be seen standing up through her vehicle's sunroof. After the sound of three gunshots, her headscarf flaps up on her left side and she slumps forward and slides into the car.

The gunman, wearing sunglasses, appears to be in a black suit. The suicide bomber is seen dressed in white with his head covered.