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If you haven't been to Afghanistan shut up.


Army.ca Myth
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Resharing this ALL over facebook makes you worldly and wise. Really.  You need to make sure the 1% of people on your facebook who may not know you've been over there realize that you have been.

And it doesn't matter what you are arguing about or discussing,  as long as you've been to Afghanistan or Iraq you probably know more. People just don't understand, man.
Really man? Though I'd never personally put something like this as a picture on my profile, I have definitely thought it before when listening to people tell me what its like over there. Listening to people talk about the war in Afghanistan, who haven't been there, is like reading an erotic novel written by a virgin. In no way do I see this poster as claiming knowledge of anything beyond that experience.
Sythen said:
Listening to people talk about the war in Afghanistan, who haven't been there, is like reading an erotic novel written by a virgin.

Sort of like most recruiting threads.
I agree with Sythen; while I would never post such a thing on my FB page, there is a reason I dont talk about Afghanistan with any of my family. They are woefully ignorant of anything that goes on their.

I loved how after being back a month, I was forced to listen to my cousins ex husband tell me how we should never have been there to begin with. Yet he had no worldly knowledge about Afghanistan, Op Athena or any idea that he was talking out his ass.

Ignorance is bliss.
dapaterson said:
We need a more Canadian version - Wainwright and Meaford.

Afghanistan IS a Canadian version. 

:warstory:  and let's not forget the Mattawa.  Why, I'll never forget the summer of '91...

Seriously, I find the poster a bit of a smack-down attempt.  People who haven't been there are still entitled to have opinions about it, to weigh in on what we're doing there & why - and indeed they SHOULD.  Maybe I'm biased because I'm one of those who haven't been there - but if we don't all take some sort of ownership of our conflicts, together as a society, that can't be good in the long run.

But as for war stories - yeah, leave them to those who've fought the war.
The ignorance you are experiencing is not unique.....after coming back from Viet Nam, I soon learned to move on....the ignorant opinions/ideas were right out there......not worth discussing, because they didn't want to hear what you had to say, they just wanted a platform to spout their opinions.... ::)
HULK_011 said:
I agree with Sythen; while I would never post such a thing on my FB page, there is a reason I dont talk about Afghanistan with any of my family. They are woefully ignorant of anything that goes on their.

I loved how after being back a month, I was forced to listen to my cousins ex husband tell me how we should never have been there to begin with. Yet he had no worldly knowledge about Afghanistan, Op Athena or any idea that he was talking out his ass.

Ignorance is bliss.

Sigh.  Being #3 rifleman in a section in a platoon at a FOB gives one no particular insight into national strategy or objectives, and success or failure at achieving them.  It does not qualify one as an expert in the campaign.

By the same token, sitting in an armchair in Tisdale Saskatchewan does not give one understanding of the tactical sitaution on the ground.
Hey, there's no need to diss Saskatchewan here...
dapaterson said:
Sigh.  Being #3 rifleman in a section in a platoon at a FOB gives one no particular insight into national strategy or objectives, and success or failure at achieving them.  It does not qualify one as an expert in the campaign.

By the same token, sitting in an armchair in Tisdale Saskatchewan does not give one understanding of the tactical sitaution on the ground.

::) Because that's obviously what we're talking about here.
The same can be said back home in Canada. Politicians listen to the bleeding hearts and pour $$$$ into the native reserves. I have lived in numerous reserves and worked in them most of my civvy career. I can tell whomever, where the majority of those $$$$ goes, but it won't change the populations attitude for "those poor people".  and the money still pours in.....

But I am NOT the expert.

Hey, no need to diss Tisdale here, let alone SK.  :)
Sythen said:
::) Because that's obviously what we're talking about here.

That actually was the intent of my post.

I totally agree someone who hasn't been to Afghanistan as a rifleman has no idea what it's like to be a rifleman in Afghanistan- but I'm noticing a lot of people treat being a rifleman in Afghanistan as giving them some deep view on how the middle east and "the world" really works.

Jed said:
Hey, no need to diss Tisdale here, let alone SK.  :)

In a box unpacked after the past 3 or 4 moves, I somewhere have a thirty year old commemorative coin from Tisdale - "Land of rape and honey".  Today, we'd call it canola.
I would not put that on my FB for sure, it just looks like a bragging in my opinion.  I remember people saying stuff like that back when there was the Gulf War2, Somolia, Rawanda, Zaire, Gulf War1, Bosnia... same sh1te, just no social media back then.

But I do have find memories of Wainwright... freaking gopher holes...  and dont forget about Band Camp ... Jeeeze!!!

dapaterson said:
"Land of rape and honey".  Today, we'd call it canola.

The tangent police will be out any moment now.  :nod:  Yes, I've reassured a few people on that point as well - you still sometimes hear of rapeseed, which tends to shock those unfamiliar with it.  The rapeseed/canola fields do look strikingly beautiful in bloom, especially with flax in bloom nearby. 

First I will confess, I have not been to Afghanistan.

But as far as knowing how the world works? Sure I do. Its wildly UNPREDICTABLE! That sum it up?
ObedientiaZelum said:
That actually was the intent of my post.

I totally agree someone who hasn't been to Afghanistan as a rifleman has no idea what it's like to be a rifleman in Afghanistan- but I'm noticing a lot of people treat being a rifleman in Afghanistan as giving them some deep view on how the middle east and "the world" really works.

bridges said:
The tangent police will be out any moment now.  :nod:  Yes, I've reassured a few people on that point as well - you still sometimes hear of rapeseed, which tends to shock those unfamiliar with it.  The rapeseed/canola fields do look strikingly beautiful in bloom, especially with flax in bloom nearby.

Canola is beautiful in bloom until you have to walk through it.