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I won't to join, need some help

Krazy Al

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I am 16 right now and hope to join this up coming summer, I want to eventually be a sniper or a pathfinder in the army but from what I read that isn't my decision to make. If theres anyone who already is a sniper or a pathfinder I would like to know how you got to be one and I would just like to know plain and simple where I go to join and how the whole waiting thing work because I read after you pass the tests or what not you go on some waiting list, I just want to know how that works and what would be the fastest way to join. I am in grade 11 and I want go all the way through high school and then maybe college as well so until I am fully out of school and have decided what to do with my live I would only like to be the army part time.

-Just please don't tell me to read the site or anything like that because I have, it just has allot of information all spread out, I just want it plain and simple. thank
Krazy Al said:
I want to eventually be a sniper or a pathfinder in the army

Doesn't everyone?

Krazy Al said:
I would just like to know plain and simple where I go to join and how the whole waiting thing work because I read after you pass the tests or what not you go on some waiting list

If you don't know that, how can you reasonably understand what a sniper does? You're 16 .. I don't think I've met/heard/read/talked to anyone your age that has any real idea of what a sniper does. What makes you think you're even physically able to do something like that - do you even know the demands on their bodies and minds? When I was in the Reserves and in my little "NINJA SNIPERS RULE IM GONNA GO HIDE IN BUSHES AND THROW KNIVES AT BAD GUYS" stage - much like it looks you are right now, I asked a MWO who was a sniper what it was like and how I could do it. He was very visably annoyed that I even thought I could do it, and he looked straight into my eyes and said "Private, I won't lie, I love my job.. but it is the hardest thing I've ever done. Few are cut out for this line of work." and he left it at that and stared at me for a few more seconds to drive home the point (believe it was driven home I was scared sh**less cause he was friggen intense).

A USMC sniper once posted what it was like to be a sniper on a sniper webpage. I'll have to go find it and show it to you.  Do you think by the way, that you could watch a man for a hour or more, as he eats, talks, laughs and walks around, maybe sits and writes a letter to someone he knows, and then shoot him in the head from 700-1000m away and watch him fall over dead and know you just ended his life? It's not as clear cut as self-defense, what snipers do bothers snipers the most out of them all.

And you think you can do that, at age 16 no less?

I don't mean to be offensive ... everyone (as far as I know) goes through this sniper thing at one point .. but when you really begin to realize and understand the ramifications of what snipers do, you'll realize how foolish you are for saying things like "I want to eventually be a sniper" at such a young age.

Of course if you're really dead set on it .. all the power to you. Just be ready to find out the reality of sniping
I joined when i was 16... never wanted to be a sniper or JTF-2 ninja or whatever.    All i wanted was to become the best soldier i could.    I dont think wanting to become a sniper is a very good reason to join.   With time, and experience, the army might take you to that level but in no way should this be your goal  (at least when your not even in the army yet)
I won't to join, need some help This is what happeneds when you guys force spell check, upon us.
Spell check is no substitute for proof-reading before hitting that "post" button. When the two are used together, the results are even better.

Do you think by the way, that you could watch a man for a hour or more, as he eats, talks, laughs and walks around, maybe sits and writes a letter to someone he knows, and then shoot him in the head from 700-1000m away and watch him fall over dead and know you just ended his life? It's not as clear cut as self-defense, what snipers do bothers snipers the most out of them all

I'd prefer that people don't shoot at me period.   Kinda hard to do your job with a bullet wound.

Then again alot has to do with your beliefs and stuff like that but my parents support my decision to join so I have strong support from home and anyways my mom calls me a lean mean killing machine ;D
I never was in that Ninja Sniper stage.
iv always played soldier but I wanted to be Re-con or something as a kid
maybe because iv bin a hunter and thats as close to sniping as I want to get.
go hunting deer learn  their life cycle study where they eat sleep and drink and then try to sneak up on one and kill it. then come back saying "YA Ninja Snipers rock I'm totally One
I just want to say to Steve and everyone else who shares his thoughts, that I don't think I'm going to be some big time commando dude sneaking around in the bush shooting bad guys. I don't want to be a sniper to just shoot people, I also

realise that I couldn't possibly know exactly what a sniper is and how hard it is to get there until you do but I have read allot about it and I understand it will be very hard. What I really meant was that being a sniper would be a position in the

army I would like even if I don't know exactly what it is but then again nobody knows what anything in anything is like until you've been there, I would just like to get to something higher in the army then just plain infantry. TomGledhill also

said "If your only in the army part time, I'm pretty sure you can't be a sniper or be in the pathfinders", I realise that too, I just meant that after I finish school if I decide to stay in the army full time that would be a goal I would try to reach. I just

want to say I take no offence from what Steve or anything anyone said, if anything, it makes me think about it more, I appreciate your feedback. I know I'm only 16 and need more experience but you can't get anywhere if you don't have a goal.