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I left with a lot of paperwork did I leave early?


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I had recently did my CFAT and signed my form for drug history and that I had lived in Canada and had no family outside of the country I was handed a list of what I qualified for and was stated they would call and if not to reapply in a year and then left but still had my reference sheets and a few others in hand. Did they photo copy them for the interview process(if called) or did I leave maybe too early ? it's been bothering me for days and I have yet been able to reach my local recruiter. Any insight on this would be greatly appreciated  I would hate to wait for months only to realize I did not fully complete the process or is this normal? :-\
Hmm... When I finished my CFAT everybody was taken to the offices where we had quick one-on-ones if we had questions or concerns. He also have me a quick run-down of how to prepare for BMQ. This was followed by a firm handshake and then told to call them if I don't hear in 90 days.

I'm sure every CFRC does things differently though, so if you're really that worried about it then stop by and talk to somebody. (Or keep calling) Just to be sure you're file is still in order so far.

When I applied, I believe I've filled out the reference forms and gave them to the recruiter to keep. It is a bit strange that you still have your original copies. There are only two possibilities: either the forms were not left with the recruiter by mistake, or they did photocopy them like you said and don't care to keep the originals. No one here will be able to tell you what happened with your paperwork, other than offer a few words of comfort. For sure, call the recruiter or better yet stop by and check about this as well as check on the status of your file. It's good to do that every once in a while anyway. And don't worry about it, it's not a big deal at all. Just a very minor hick-up. Good luck.
Drove down today it seems they have changed the application process and I am on track the paperwork needs to be returned when I go for my medical and interview thanks for the responses guys and Good luck.