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I is a Newfoundlander


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Dere's sumptin fer all ya Newfies.

I suggest listening to it on the link prior to reading the transcript.


I'm not on pogey,
and I'm not married to my sister.
I don't eat cod fish tree touimesh a day,
well dat's cuz dere ain't no more cod fish left.
I don't own a boat or a sowester,
but I can see a boat from me window.
I don't drink screech,
at least before noon on a weekday anywaysh.
I don't know Gordon Pincent, or Mary Walsh, or Jimmy Flynn, or Rick Mercer,
but I watch Dis Hour Has 22 Minutes every week eh.
I got a premer named Brian Tobin,
he went to war with Spain over sumin called a turbet,
Ain't sure what a turbet acshly,
but I'm damned if I'm gonna let any goy frum Spain come and take dem away frum me.
I ain't the boy that builds da boats,
and I ain't de boy that sails em,
but like I said before I can see a boat from ma window eh.
I don't dance a jig everytime I hear Celtic music,
but I'll do dat Karaokee ting if I got enough Black Forest Beers in me.
I'm still pissed off at Prince Edward Oilasnd,
for buildin at dere bridge and not buildin one out to the rock them stupid spud heads.
And even though he ain't really a Newfie,
I think Stompin Tom Conors should run for Proime Minister.
Newfoundland is the oldest settlement in Nort America,
and the youngest province in confederation,
Oh my grandfudder's still pissed off about dat one,
you don't even wanna talk about Joey Smallwood to grampa.
And even though I lives in fort McMurray,
Lord tunderin Jeshus,
I still tinks that Newfoundland is the best darn province in the cuntry.
My name is Buddy,
and I is a Newfoundlander.

Nope... doesn't sound like a Newf!

Must be a mainlander.

Q) Why is there no toilet paper in Newfoundland ?

A) All the a$$holes are on the mainland
geo said:
Nope... doesn't sound like a Newf!

Must be a mainlander.

Q) Why is there no toilet paper in Newfoundland ?

A) All the a$$holes are on the mainland


Now I am confused.  I was always told that Canada and the US was an island off the coast of Newfoundland.
Well, uncle-midget-Oddball, I am sure there are thousands of NEWFOUNDLANDERS in the Canadian Armed Forces that will provide you with the welcome you deserve. If you are brave enough to join.
GUNS said:
Well, uncle-midget-Oddball, I am sure there are thousands of NEWFOUNDLANDERS in the Canadian Armed Forces that will provide you with the welcome you deserve. If you are brave enough to join.

Well, I plan on it... but for the time being, isn't Timmies considered a branch of the CF?

Even I a non-Newfie didn't think he sounds like he was from The Rock. Ok my in-laws are Newfies and hubby's Aunt and Uncle speak even more Newfie then they do but it was still pretty funny. I almost feel like waking hubby up to take a listen lol.
The word to recognize the people from the Rock is,  NEWFOUNDLANDER. >:(
The title of the thread is not quite correct either, it should be "I's a Newfoundlander". If you are going to do something, do it right.  ;D
I think I will fry up some Newfie Steak!!! Oh no I haven't bought any Maple Leaf Bologna since the scare. Yes we can buy the real ting b'y right here in Esquimalt at Country Grocer. I guess I will settle for some Purity Lemom Cream Biscuits. Zeller's here in Victoria now sells them and much cheaper then the corner store in Esquimalt sells them for. Emmm I think the Lemon Cream Biscuits would go really well with Lucky Margarine "A part of Newfoundland just like Mom http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wR5FGIwAjzA
Good Luck, on non-Newfoundlanders knowing what margarine they are making fun of. ;)

canadian4ever said:
I think I will fry up some Newfie Steak!!! Oh no I haven't bought any Maple Leaf Bologna since the scare. Yes we can buy the real ting b'y right here in Esquimalt at Country Grocer. I guess I will settle for some Purity Lemom Cream Biscuits. Zeller's here in Victoria now sells them and much cheaper then the corner store in Esquimalt sells them for. Emmm I think the Lemon Cream Biscuits would go really well with Lucky Margarine "A part of Newfoundland just like Mom http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wR5FGIwAjzA
Ahhh... breakin a tooth on a pilot biscuit.....

great for dunkin in my Tea
Eversweet is much better than that vile Good Luck. But the latter is the only kind they would give you after a tour of the margarine company. The garbage can was full of it after a tour.   ;D
But anyway, Shopper's Drug Mart was built on top of the ruins of the old Newfoundland Margarine Company plant.