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How long is the Reserves application process taking these days?


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I applied exactly 1 week ago and I'm anxious to be called for the medical, CFAT and interview!! Anybody who just got in, how long did it take?? Maybe I am the worlds most impatient person but each day I wait seems like an eternity...I know in the "old days" it could take forever but I have heard the forces have really sped things up in order to be able to reach their recruiting goals.
Thanks in advance your your replies!  :cdn:
My experience seems to suggest it goes particularly fast nowadays, although if you have previous service be prepared to wait a few. I dropped out of the ROTP program last summer and applied to the reserves this spring, and it took them months to get all the paperwork from St. Jean, Quebec, to St. John's, Newfoundland.
How long your process will take depends on a lot of different things, including how busy your local Recruiting Centre is, and the number of people they are changing this summer.  Since you are applying for a Reserve unit, it will depend a bit on when the unit is planning its next BMQ start, and how well it has communicated that information to the Recruiting Centre.  Many Reserve units have dedicated the summer to individual training, which was programmed and loaded over the winter and spring.  That would lean towards deferring starting work on your application until Sep.

On the other hand, there is a big push to bring in Reg F recruits from Sep until Mar, so your Recruiting Centre could try to get ahead of the Res F targets by bringing you in earlier.

Your best bet is to follow up with the Recruiting Centre, and the Reserve unit Recruiter to see what they have planned for you.

Check out this thread, it will give you an idea of how long others are waiting.  You will find more throughout the forums on waits by using the search function.  As BC Old Guy said, your best bet is to contact the recruiting centre and follow up.  But give it another week or so, let them have time with your application and the other files they are working on.  As well did they indicate to you when they might call, or a approximation of when you would be commencing the process?  Patience is a good quality by the way.  :D
At this time of year, BMQ, SQ & DP1 course slots are already filled and there aren't going to be scheduling BMQ coursses before October or November.... so, recruiting centresw will not expend much effort to complete your file anytime soon.

They have vacations to think about & possible postings in (or out) to anticipate..... such is life with CFRC looking after all that recruiting paperwork.
When I applied at the end of March I got a Call back the first week of April for my CFAT. After completion of my CFAT I got a call exactly 2 days later for my Medical and my Interview. That went very well so now I had to wait for the call from my unit. That took one week. So I would say my application process took about 3 weeks. Its faster than I thought it would be. But it makes sense, they need to load up the courses this summer.
Here's my update:

Applied Friday June 8th
Just got the call today for the CFAT which will be on Monday June 25th (just about 2 weeks after application)
Assuming I pass the CFAT I should be able to get the medical within 2-3 days of the CFAT according to the recruiting centre.
Assuming pass these I was told my interview will not be until mid July as they are busy.
I'll keep this updated as to fill all of you in on how long the process is taking currently. :salute:
russianfrontphotos said:
I'll keep this updated as to fill all of you in on how long the process is taking currently.

You might also consider posting in this thread.  You'll find that is where most have been keeping their application process updates.
russianfrontphotos said:
Why would the main thread for recruitment times be in the air force website? Am I missing something?

Take a read through this thread.  Basically what it says is that you can log into army.ca/milnet.ca/air-force.ca/navy.ca and get all of the same boards and threads.  You are seeing it as airforce because I am logged into air-force.ca and therefore my links will show as that background.
My processs was a long wait it depends on how bad they want new recruits. I handed my application in, 2 months later got my phone call for my CFAT and my medical and apx a month after I got enrolled.
If your paperwork is complete and handed in you can expect to wait anywhere from 3-6mos. from that date. If they require follow up documentation that could take longer, if you have a criminal record you will need to submit fingerprints and have them mailed away for an automated check by the RCMP and this can take months.  If you require a security background check for whatever reason this will greatly increase your wait time by up to a year.  They need to have a medic perform the medical and it can take time to schedule him/her.  If you require medical documentation from your doctor or optometrist after the medical you will of course have to wait for this to be processed.  Current applicant load and staffing as well as the time of year will also affect the turnaround time.  So I suppose it depends on so many factors it is impossible to give a definite answer to your question.  Hope it moves along swiftly for you in any case.
I met a guy who was in about 1 month after he first applied to the reserve unit I just applied to. Seems like a ton of variability!
Yes, there is a lot of variability, because everyone is different, and applies at a different time.  Right now with the summer change over, and with most Reserve units having all their summer training spots filled, there may be a longer wait than at other times.
one major problems with reserve units this summer is that, due to increased recruiting and reserve personnel on operations, they have had to strip the armoury staff in order to fill instructor cadres.... so not much admin going on in the armouries at this time.
I applied on June 29 and they said I have to wait until September for the aptitude test, Medical exam and interview. The reason for that  is because every trade and trainings are closed. But after a day, I decided I want to join the force asap, so I called the recruitment centre, and asking how can I boost up the process, then they say come in to do the aptitude test on July 5Th ! , I was like so confused, but who cares, as long as I get into the force asap. Yes, and thank god that I passed that test, I got the trades that I wanted, Inf rantry, Military Police and Combat E. Also, I have medical exam and Interview on July 9Th. So basically, it took me 10 days to set everything up.
Ahhh... you made your 1st call on the 29th... a Friday! that explains everything IMHO
The clerk you dealt with must have been a less than motivated individual who couldn't have been bothered checking his list and checking it twice - BEFORE answering you.

Congratulations on everything

(clerk might haver read and tried your suggestion about using the micorwave oven to break-in your boots...:))