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how long do I wait

Krazy Al

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I filled out all the paper work and the recruiter said to wait a few weeks for them to call and schedule my tests. its been 3 weeks and no call. I've called them back once and they said to wait because they're not ready yet, is it normall to wait this long and why would it take three weeks. I've read the whole proses take about 2-3 months and there's only 3 months until the BMQ course start, I really want to make it in for this summer or I'll have to wait until next summer or so I assume anyway because of school.
Krazy Al said:
I've read the whole proses take about 2-3 months

>milk through nose followed by uncontrollable laughter<

---If only Krazy Al ......if only...........*sigh*
Krazy Al said:
I filled out all the paper work and the recruiter said to wait a few weeks for them to call and schedule my tests. its been 3 weeks and no call. I've called them back once and they said to wait because they're not ready yet, is it normall to wait this long and why would it take three weeks. I've read the whole proses take about 2-3 months and there's only 3 months until the BMQ course start, I really want to make it in for this summer or I'll have to wait until next summer or so I assume anyway because of school.

i cant even count how many threads i've read covering this issue. make an effort, do a search.
Lets rephrase the question..

Not how long do i wait..

How about

How much time do you have?
My advice would be, and I've been told this by someone in the forces, is to keep calling them up.  From what I understand, once your papers are in the system the onus is on you to get them through.  So keep calling them, not all the time, but once a week, ask for updates.  This will keep them aware of you and on their radar and it will also show to them that you are very eager to join up.  Don't hound them but let them know you are there and waiting.  It might help.  Remember mate, the CF's unofficial motto is "hurry up and wait."

If it gets really really really long...then start calling your local MP...he might be able to help you out...some other guys here have done that and its worked.

Its a bureaucracy...and one with alot of paperwork at that...so don't expect any miracles!
ya, thats basically what I expected to hear. Its just that I heard its pretty fast getting through all the tests and stuff, just after that u have to sit and wait....and I have done research and I always look around for any new info that could help me get through this faster, its just easier and straightforward when u post you're own question, so if u don't want to reply nobodies forcing you. But ya, I'll just keep calling them every week, and another thing, what kind of questions do I ask them, like "give me a progress report", what could they tell me except to wait. thanks for the help
I would just say something like:

"Hi this is -insert name here- I am just calling to get an update on my application." Pretty simple really.

If you haven't established a contact yet then do so.   Its always better to keep in touch with the same person then just calling the recruiing centre and talking to different people everytime.
well, what do you mean the same pearson, how would I do that, they have a new guy in the office every week or so, how do I keep in touch with just one.

When I went into the CFRC in Vancouver the Sgt I spoke to gave me his card and a direct line to contact him.  Usually I get a voicemail so I just leave a message and he calls me back.

Maybe you should go in person one day and establish a contact with someone.  Its not that hard.
I've been there three times and nobody gave me any cards, the first time I went to get all the paperwork I spoke to one and then when I brought it back I spoke to another Sgt. and the one time I called I spoke to a third one....but anyway, I'll ask for a card or just call and ask how I can keep intouch with just one. thanks 4 the help
oh don't worry it won't be too long.....so far about 3years for me to get in....and thats calling about 2 times a month. They say there is nothing wrong with my application and CFAT.
sex change operations don't take that long!  ;)

Not that I know anything about that  ::)
(Its ok Aesop... your secret is still safe)