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His Excellency J.R. Saul


Army.ca Veteran
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The GG will visit Petawawa's Centennial Celebrations this week.   Soldiers have been informed that the GG's hubby has adopted the title of Your Excellency, unlike past spouses of GGs, he is adamant about being addressed in this manner.

Anyone wish to comment on their take of a critically acclaimed author and son of a former parachute school commander's demand.   Has anyone caught his leadership lectures at RMC or met the dashing couple on tour.

JOHN RAULSTON SAUL REMEMBERS BOYHOOD AT CJATC RIVERS http://www.angelfire.com/trek/rcaf/rivers01.html
"John Raulston Saul, Clarkson's husband, has a more sentimental attachment to the region. Yesterday, he and Clarkson visited Rivers, where Saul lived for three years as a child when his father was commander of a parachute school on the military base that has since been converted into a hog barn.

"Saul climbed a hill where his family used to picnic and picked a bouquet of flowers for his wife, press secretary Stewart Wheeler said."
I can also insist you address me as "Admiral of the Ocean Sea"; but I doubt would have any legal weight. Think of this as a certain Mr Jackson "insisting" that everyone call him "the King of Pop" and you should have the right mental image. ;D
I've got mixed feelings on the guy.

On one hand, he's a perfect example of the pseudo-intellects that so dominate political debate in this country.  Full of big "ideas" but little comprehension of how life actually works.

On the other, he's the guy who spent a rather freezing New Year's Eve on an OP in Kabul this year...at his request.  Not much was said about it, but he could have spent the night in Julien...  ^-^

It is easier to ignore the King of Pop's request, he isn't escorted by brass and broad stripes with high expectations of their junior members.  I think "Our Excellencies" have done a great job of seeing and being with the troops  and of course paid a price in the public eye and in parliament for their lavish entourages and "globe-trotting".  She has set a new standard for C in C.
As much as his opinions can be debated,   I rather enjoyed some of his writings.   For someone who is absorbed in the political realm of this country as he is, he does possess quite an objective stance on current politicking, or that could be my interpretation.   I think that were he the actually GG, then the title would be deserved.   However, as the spouse of the GG, I'm not so sure if it's correct -   'Honorable JRS' seems more correct to me as a citizen of this country, rather than 'His Excellency, JRS.'  
As long as he calls me "Corporal", I'll call him "Grand Poobah" if he wants.... :)
I believe that is the proper protocol.

I looked over some old newspapers regarding past GG's and their spouses and came across
" Her Excellency Lady Tweedsmuir "  in reference to a trip she took without her husband who
was the GG.

Any etiquette experts lurking ?

The title has been referred to often, but few spouses have been adamant about its use in general conversation.  Madam or sir was normally fine.
Seen, thanks.

I can't fault him on formality then. Society could probably use a little more.
I am the Wizard of Magicland.

But seriously, I suppose he as the right to request that he is to be addressed like that. He is married to the vice-regal. I have no problems with formality if it's legit.
I'm not a big believer in titles and honours that are not earned by the individual.  I had serious doubts about the GG concept until our current GG turned out to be such a supporter of her duties as Commander and Chief.

My opinion of His Excellency as an author and lecturer are not really that important one way or another, and I will admit that he certainly does come across as a bit of an elitist, but it is hard to ignore what he had done in the past several years.  My first brush with him was at 0030 in Bosnia when he was coming out of a blue rocket still pulling up his pants, in a rush to get back to a card game with a bunch of Vandoo Jnr NCOs.  That was when my elitist opinion of him was first shaken.  Than there was the news that he spent Christmas a few years ago with one of the HMCS' in the Adriatic with the ships company.  Than I saw him when he accompanied the GG into Kabul for Christmas during Roto 0, and as T. Ruxpin points out, he didn't shy away from wanting to really see what the troops were up to - and I can state for a fact that it wasn't (at least no always) for the cameras. 

I also just heard from a couple of folks in Alert who met them about a week ago when they flew up to Alert as part of their Northern tour.  They were very impressed by the couple.  They were out and about meeting the troops, and being very sociable.

When the guys on Op Apollo were killed by friendly fire, it was the GG (and her husband) who met the bodies at Ramstein AFB in Germany, and they were there again when the bodies were flown back to Canada.  By chance, I was at Rideau Hall for a big luncheon in 2002 and one of aides was sitting at my table, we got him talking about her trip to Ramstein, and he told us how the GG was in the UK for the Queen Mothers burial when she was informed of the friendly fire deaths, and how the bodies (and the injured) would be going to Germany before returning to Canada.  He said that she was adamant that she wanted to fly to Germany to talk with the injured, and to ensure that the deceased were sent back to Canada with a touch of dignity, and respect.  The RAF promptly offered up an aircraft (whether than waiting for a Canadian aircraft to make the flight across) and she was in Germany in a day.

End state - Both he and the GG may have been handed their titles, but I think they have earned the respect of a healthy majority of the CF.  Five years ago, I wouldn't have believed it, she has elevated the position above being the Queens representative. 

The next GG sure has some big boots to fill.

Small error (past my bedtime), the GG was actually in Kabul for New Years (on roto 0) not Christmas.
The fact that he insists on it is IMO a telling point of narcissism at best blind ego at worst. I'm of the opinion that being married to the CiC doesn't make a person anything other than the Husband/Wife of the CiC. What's next are we to refer to PM's wife as the Right Honorable?

Respect is one thing and is deserved by all (until proven otherwise) but honorariums should be earned not conferred.

Although I agree with your point when it comes to rank and position in the government, I have to disagree when it pertains to the GG.  The GG is the Queen's rep and therefore her title is royal.  How do we refer to the spouse of anyone with a royal title?  Usually as Your Excellency, Your Highness, etc.

It's really a matter of etiquette, and if JRS insists on being referred to by his rightful title, then so be it.
I seem to recall something about the salute "honouring the rank and not the man" (pre-gender equity).  All officers are appointed by Her Majesty and are accorded the appropriate honours from the day of appointment, regardless of experience.  Saluting the officer is respecting Her Majesty's judgement, or at least her government's.  Whether you respect the MITCP twit (me as was lo these many years) carrying the commission is beside the point surely?

GG's mate is entitled to be addressed as Excellency according to the rules of the game, just as Lizzy is called Her Majesty and Charlie and Phil get addressed as Your Royal Highness.  JRS insisting on being addressed appropriately is no different to a snot-nosed little subbie or a grizzled old Colonel demanding that they be saluted and addressed appropriately.  You may not like it.  You may resent it.  But they would still be right to demand it.  On the other hand you wouldn't expect much different if you failed to offer the appropriate salute and address.

As to the fact that other GG's spouses didn't insist on it, some of the GGs that we have had might have been more comfortable being addressed as Comrade Excellency.  Just because your last OC let you call him Bob and didn't require saluting, would you be surprised if his replacement demanded a crack, quiver and Sir?