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Had enough of the CBC network

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>:(  First thing  first thank you all our service members serving here and around the world. I think i am like most of the people on here I hate the cbc network im fed up with it i want them to to change this crap they've been pulling they are clearly just a mouth peice for the liberal party and they gave my city the boot for the seven wonders of canada list just because its not near Toronto. Isn't there something that we can do get the government to pull its funding for it? Look at when they talked about Stronach steping down, but they didnt mention her acusation about sleeping with tie domi but unproven allegations of torture it makes top news for weeks and weeks please someone just tell me who i can write or organise somthing against this joke of a network there has to be some minister who funds them with our tax dollars so they put out this kind of crap that we all fed up with. Take a stand now now is enough with this crap there has to be people who will listen to us thank you  :cdn:
We feel for you... deep breaths

Viewers who wish to complain about the content of CBC’s journalistic should contact the Audience Relations Department at: 1-866-306-4636 or by e-mail (see right sidebar). If they are not satisfied with that response, complaints should be sent to the independent Ombudsman, who reports directly to the CBC president (see right sidebar).


Theskoalbandit said:
>:(  First thing  first thank you all our service members serving here and around the world. I think i am like most of the people on here I hate the cbc network im fed up with it i want them to to change this crap they've been pulling they are clearly just a mouth peice for the liberal party and they gave my city the boot for the seven wonders of canada list just because its not near Toronto. Isn't there something that we can do get the government to pull its funding for it? Look at when they talked about Stronach steping down, but they didnt mention her acusation about sleeping with tie domi but unproven allegations of torture it makes top news for weeks and weeks please someone just tell me who i can write or organise somthing against this joke of a network there has to be some minister who funds them with our tax dollars so they put out this kind of crap that we all fed up with. Take a stand now now is enough with this crap there has to be people who will listen to us thank you  :cdn:


Got anything you want to hold against the CBC BESIDES some idiotic "Wonders of Canada" contest, and OLD gossip?

I'd suggest you go back to school, and learn how to string together more than one thought into a LEGIBLE, LOGICAL, paragraph.

Come back when you can do that.

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