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Grievences, character references...stuff like that...

I know this is a long time after but ihave some questions. I Have received a written warning for reasonI consider tobecompletely inaccurate. I would like to put a greivance against it, but the wording of the warning is not very clear, and is somewhat lacking. Am I allowed torequest more information form the persons who issued it to help me better understnadhow the reached there conclusions sothat I can better explain myself? Thank yo for your assistance
Uhh.... was the Recorded wng preceded by one or several Verbals?
A RW should not  be issued unless the member has been warned verbally, and been given guidance on overcoming the deficiencies, on one or more previous occasions.  Any RW shall:
a.  be initiated by the member's supervisor, CO or higher authority, using the form shown in Annex A;
b.  remain permanently on the member's unit personal file;
c.  not have any effect on eligibility for pro- motion, training, posting, re-engagement or pay; and
d.  not have any further career consequences, if the RW is successful.  A record in the form of a memorandum, noting that the deficiencies have been corrected, must be placed on the member's unit personal file (UPF).

It is evident that if someone is informing you in this manner that you have messed up, they should be quite clear about what you have done AND provide you with the necessary instruction to ensure that you know what you have done AND what you should do to correct said shortcoming.
there was no verbal warning as usch. I received a phone callasking for a statement with regards to an investigation that had been started in november and had not heard anything back about it until the written warning was issued to me last tuesday
I received an Intial Councelling for a picture sent on DWAN that was deemed inappropriate.  There were 25 other people proven who had sent it and nothing happened to them. The same day I sent a picture on my personal computer to a coworker who asked why I got in trouble, and wanted to know what the picture was. After they received it, they printed it and brought it into work, which I received a Recorded Warning. Any advise out there, there was no verbal and no followup councelling?
MAT said:
There were 25 other people proven who had sent it and nothing happened to them.

Sorry to say, it doesn't really matter what happened to them (or not).  If you violated the rules of what you should have signed with regards to your CF email account, too bad.
PMedMoe said:
Sorry to say, it doesn't really matter what happened to them (or not).  If you violated the rules of what you should have signed with regards to your CF email account, too bad.

I don't know much about the CF grievence process stuff but I disagree with your idea completely. If 25 people sent it then 25 people should have received the same reward. That is just fundamental to any kind of justice. If it was okay for the other 24 people to do so, then the precedent has been set for #25.

As for already having received an initial counselling, and then sending it / distributing again afterwards, you friggin' earned your RW... That was just plain stupid.
ballz said:
I don't know much about the CF grievence process stuff but I disagree with your idea completely. If 25 people sent it then 25 people should have received the same reward. That is just fundamental to any kind of justice. If it was okay for the other 24 people to do so, then the precedent has been set for #25.

I agree with you.  Unfortunately, with only so many people to check email traffic, some things get missed.