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Graduating 26 Apr... Hooray


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Well, it isn't over, but it is over.  Finished Farnham today.  Everybody in our platoon passed, and we only had 4 retests out of 38, so not too bad.  I'm looking forward to graduation.  I know that I've accompished something that I can be proud of for my entire life.  And I know that my military service will be something that I can be proud of too. 

Thanks to everybody on this site for all of your assistance during the recruiting process.  :salute:  I'm looking forward to working with you, and contributing to this site as my TI increases.


Now that I'm more awake I'll include some of my Farnham memories and thoughts:

- The predeployment section attacks were a blast.  Running up and down the field thinking "Up, she sees me, Down, Up, she sees me, Down".
- During EX Vimy, I got 1 "kill" and 1 possible 1 "wounded" (it is impossible to say if I hit him or not because the entire section was firing at him, but he was shooting/looking at me so I like to think he was reacting to my fire)
- Being "killed" by a chemical gas attack.  What happened was I heard a pop and a guy screaming, so I thought we'd been spotted and was under fire, so I ducked behind the mound of dirt I was behind.  I popped my head back up to observe, and I see this wall of yellow gas coming at me.  I go for my gas mask, but too late the assessing sargeant declared me dead.  Doh!
- During my task, I was to build a secure compound from 0000 to 0400.  The section did great (tip of the hat to 1 Section) and got the fence up very quickly and put it exactly where I wanted it.  Later in the task, I ran right into my own fence.  During the task debrief the assessing PO and I laughed for probably a good minute about it.  Both running into the fence and having a laugh about it at 0400 will stick with me for long time.
- Overall I want to send a big kudos to the FED platoon.  They do a great job, and their work makes the experience a lot more fun.  When I did IAP in 2003 the tasks were much more boring, mainly because nothing ever happened.  You went on site, raised a tent, went back to camp.  Having an OPFOR really makes a difference.
- Every meal time, trying to decide whether I wanted to get 20 more minutes of sleep or go shovel an IMP down my throat.
- Speaking of IMPs, I may be the only person in the universe that thinks this way, but I actually like the instant mashed potatoes, the trick is not to put the water up to the line, it is too much, about 2/3rds of the way up to the line + salt + pepper makes for some good eating.
- Every rest time trying to decide if making the effort to pull out the sleeping bag was worth it for 1.5 hours of sleep.  Except for the last night, I decided it wasn't and slept on my towel, with my combat jacket and fleece as a blanket.
- Looking up at the sliver of a moon and a field of stars and thinking about my wonderful supportive wife and kids
- Water ... must drink more water, my god it is hard to stay hydrated but so important.  I had to have drink 15 liters of last week, probably more, but at least that because I refilled my 2l canister at least 4 times, and my 1l canteen several times as well.
- Freezing in the tower (darn wind)
- Freezing at the main gate (darn wind)
- Freezing in general for the first couple of days (darn wind)
- Marching back to Farnham base on Friday morning and feeling a lot of pride

That's all I can remember for the moment.  Looking forward to doing the drill practice this week so I can look sharp for the family and of course the big day on Thursday!

LeonTheNeon said:
Well, it isn't over, but it is over.  Finished Farnham today.  Everybody in our platoon passed, and we only had 4 retests out of 38, so not too bad.  I'm looking forward to graduation.  I know that I've accompished something that I can be proud of for my entire life.  And I know that my military service will be something that I can be proud of too. 

Thanks to everybody on this site for all of your assistance during the recruiting process.  :salute:  I'm looking forward to working with you, and contributing to this site as my TI increases.

Good luck on CAP! 