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FSA (Financial Service Administrator)


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Hello, I have decided to pursue an FSA position in the Reserve Forces. In my opinion, this role is in high demand across all branches of the military, and I personally have a strong aptitude for computers and finance. However, I’ve noticed that this position is not very popular among other recruits. What could be the reason for this?

If you serve as an FSA or have insight into the role, could you share what a typical day looks like? Also, why do you think so few people are interested in this position?
Many folks joining the military don't intuitively think of such support roles as being part of the military.

Day to day? Budget management. Invoices. Cash reconciliation.
Many folks joining the military don't intuitively think of such support roles as being part of the military.

Day to day? Budget management. Invoices. Cash reconciliation.
Basically, this is just regular service that people don’t run away from, right?
Most people are looking at the glory trades and not office work.

If you like math and finance FSA may be suitable. Unfortunately we don't control the computers or programs so you may find that frustrating. Starting off you will most likely be in a claims section where you will have to learn the policies real quick. Hopefully you have a thick skin as everyone else thinks they know the policies and you are 100% wrong, one of my favorite terms is "well, I don't think that was their intent" when shown the policy in black and white. There are a good number that do know the policies but they are not the ones that you will have issues with. Generally you should reach Sgt before you are involved in budget management, JRs are the workers completing claims, paying invoices (accounts payable) or issuing invoicing (accounts receivables). As you are going reserve you will miss out on the sweet job of cashier :rolleyes:

As an FSA in the reserves you will be amongst the most employable members. Admins, especially FSA, have been highly ignored trades in the reserve world so they can easily find full time positions within the regular or reserve world. Most times I have hired combat arms as there simply were no admins available.
Are you still invited to particpate in weekend field exercises? Would involvement might be a bit more limited versus someone in a combat trade?
Individual experiences will vary by unit and element. FSA, and most other support trades have excellent opportunities for full-time employment and for deployment on ops.
Are you still invited to particpate in weekend field exercises? Would involvement might be a bit more limited versus someone in a combat trade?
you can be usually to do things outside of your trade as FSA doesn't have a role on an ex. If you want to do the exs I recommend getting a SMP 404 as it does make the exs more enjoyable.
Individual experiences will vary by unit and element. FSA, and most other support trades have excellent opportunities for full-time employment and for deployment on ops.
i wouldn't classify deployments on ops as an excellent opp, there isn't really that many and most are looking for senior FSAs. Sure there is the possibility but not excellent.
I am not finance, but the Comptroller Branch has reported to me for a couple of years which has given me a few insights. They are hard-working and there is some pressure that goes with the job. On any given Friday afternoon they are looking after someone that needs something right-away. They seem to have good morale, though, and soldiers from other trades try to transfer into the trade as opposed to the other way around. If you have a knack for finance then follow your joy!

I have absolutely deployed FSA Corporals and MCpls on recent missions. If you are ready and willing to go on deployment then those opportunities are out there. I have also deployed more Finance Capts (technically they are Royal Canadian Logistics Corps officers with the Finance specialty) than other officer branches from my unit.

Typical deployments have G8 (finance) branches at the HQ/National Support Element, so there is always a demand for people able to deploy.
On any given Friday afternoon they are looking after someone that needs something right-away.
Emergencies only seem to happen on a Friday, and usually right after the unit has gone down to minimum staffing because nothing was going on. Suddenly there will be a DART spool up, or a short notice tasking. When I was in a clinic (clearly not a FSA), we often got member welfare checks happening on a Friday (which I get, if you don't check on them before the weekend, there may be nothing to check on by Monday), and we had had to form people on Friday afternoons, which would lead to the medic, and sometimes an MP or one of the member's co-workers/supervisors, sitting at the ER for 6+ hours waiting for a mental health admission. I hated being on duty on Friday afternoons.