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Former MOD warns of intergalactic war


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Source:  http://news.yahoo.com/s/prweb/20051124/bs_prweb/prweb314382_1

Former Canadian Minister Of Defence Asks Canadian Parliament Asked To Hold Hearings On Relations With Alien "Et" Civilizations

Thu Nov 24, 7:00 AM ET

(PRWEB) - OTTAWA, CANADA (PRWEB) November 24, 2005 -- A former Canadian Minister of Defence and Deputy Prime Minister under Pierre Trudeau has joined forces with three Non-governmental organizations to ask the Parliament of Canada to hold public hearings on Exopolitics -- relations with "ETs."

By "ETs," Mr. Hellyer and these organizations mean ethical, advanced extraterrestrial civilizations that may now be visiting Earth.

On September 25, 2005, in a startling speech at the University of Toronto that caught the attention of mainstream newspapers and magazines, Paul Hellyer, Canada's Defence Minister from 1963-67 under Nobel Peace Prize Laureate Prime Minister Lester Pearson, publicly stated: "UFOs, are as real as the airplanes that fly over your head."

Mr. Hellyer went on to say, "I'm so concerned about what the consequences might be of starting an intergalactic war, that I just think I had to say something."

Hellyer revealed, "The secrecy involved in all matters pertaining to the Roswell incident was unparalled. The classification was, from the outset, above top secret, so the vast majority of U.S. officials and politicians, let alone a mere allied minister of defence, were never in-the-loop."

Hellyer warned, "The United States military are preparing weapons which could be used against the aliens, and they could get us into an intergalactic war without us ever having any warning. He stated, "The Bush administration has finally agreed to let the military build a forward base on the moon, which will put them in a better position to keep track of the goings and comings of the visitors from space, and to shoot at them, if they so decide."

Hellyer's speech ended with a standing ovation. He said, "The time has come to lift the veil of secrecy, and let the truth emerge, so there can be a real and informed debate, about one of the most important problems facing our planet today."

Three Non-governmental organizations took Hellyer's words to heart, and approached Canada's Parliament in Ottawa, Canada's capital, to hold public hearings on a possible ET presence, and what Canada should do. The Canadian Senate, which is an appointed body, has held objective, well-regarded hearings and issued reports on controversial issues such as same-sex marriage and medical marijuana,

On October 20, 2005, the Institute for Cooperation in Space requested Canadian Senator Colin Kenny, Senator, Chair of The Senate Standing Senate Committee on National Security and Defence, "schedule public hearings on the Canadian Exopolitics Initiative, so that witnesses such as the Hon. Paul Hellyer, and Canadian-connected high level military-intelligence, NORAD-connected, scientific, and governmental witnesses facilitated by the Disclosure Project and by the Toronto Exopolitics Symposium can present compelling evidence, testimony, and Public Policy recommendations."

The Non-governmental organizations seeking Parliament hearings include Canada-based Toronto Exopolitics Symposium, which organized the University of Toronto Symposium at which Mr. Hellyer spoke.

The Disclosure Project, a U.S.- based organization that has assembled high level military-intelligence witnesses of a possible ET presence, is also one of the organizations seeking Canadian Parliament hearings.

Vancouver-based Institute for Cooperation in Space (ICIS), whose International Director headed a proposed 1977 Extraterrestrial Communication Study for the White House of former U.S. President Jimmy Carter, who himself has publicly reported a 1969 Close Encounter of the First Kind with a UFO, filed the original request for Canadian Parliament hearings.

The Canadian Exopolitics Initiative, presented by the organizations to a Senate Committee panel hearing in Winnipeg, Canada, on March 10, 2005, proposes that the Government of Canada undertake a Decade of Contact.

The proposed Decade of Contact is "a 10-year process of formal, funded public education, scientific research, educational curricula development and implementation, strategic planning, community activity, and public outreach concerning our terrestrial society's full cultural, political, social, legal, and governmental communication and public interest diplomacy with advanced, ethical Off-Planet cultures now visiting Earth."

Canada has a long history of opposing the basing of weapons in Outer Space. On September 22, 2004 Canadian
Prime Minister Paul Martin declared to the U.N. General Assembly," "Space is our final frontier. It has always captured our imagination. What a tragedy it would be if space became one big weapons arsenal and the scene of a new arms race.

Martin stated, "In 1967, the
United Nations agreed that weapons of mass
destruction must not be based in space. The time has come to extend this ban to all weapons..."

In May, 2003, speaking before the Canadian House of Commons Standing Committee on National Defence and Veterans Affairs, former Minister of Foreign Affairs of Canada Lloyd Axworthy, stated "Washington's offer to Canada is not an invitation to join America under a protective shield, but it presents a global security doctrine that violates Canadian values on many levels."

Axworthy concluded, "There should be an uncompromising commitment to preventing the placement of weapons in space."

On February 24, 2005, Canadian Prime Minister Paul Martin made official Canada's decision not to take part in the U.S government's Ballistic Missile Defence program.

Paul Hellyer, who now seeks Canadian Parliament hearings on relations with ETs, on May 15, 2003, stated in Toronto's Globe & Mail newspaper, "Canada should accept the long-standing invitation of U.S. Congressman
Dennis Kucinich of Ohio to launch a conference to seek approval of an international treaty to ban weapons in space. That would be a positive Canadian contribution toward a more peaceful world."

In early November 2005, the Canadian Senate wrote ICIS, indicating the Senate Committee could not hold hearings on ETs in 2005, because of their already crowded schedule.

"That does not deter us," one spokesperson for the Non-governmental organizations said, "We are going ahead with our request to Prime Minister Paul Martin and the official opposition leaders in the House of Commons now, and we will re-apply with the Senate of Canada in early 2006.

"Time is on the side of open disclosure that there are ethical Extraterrestrial civilizations visiting Earth," The spokesperson stated. "Our Canadian government needs to openly address these important issues of the possible deployment of weapons in outer war plans against ethical ET societies."

I definitely believe in life outside of earth, but not within our galaxies and it's not likely they've reached us at any time as they're more than likely where we are or less so.
There's an actual equation that determines the chances of life on other planets based on the rate of the universes growth, the time it took for life to develop here, the assumed percentage of life supporting planets in the universe and it adds up so it's possible.

Now..I find it humorous that we've already started giving the extra-terrestrial fun PC names and assuming they're anymore ethical than we are.

It looks to me like the whole thing is more of a nuclear non-proliferation movement than anything to do with et.
Even though I woke up this morning and a satelite shot out of my ass, I think it's coincidence and has more to do with a vengeful ex-girlfriend turned NASA scientest.
Is this a hoax? If not I guess its time to turn in your Kevlar and sign out your foil hats.
Che said:
I definitely believe in life outside of earth, but not within our galaxies and it's not likely they've reached us at any time as they're more than likely where we are or less so.

Even given your other comments in the thread, I still don't see how you can justifiably draw this conclusion.  I'd say we have no idea, really, how far advanced "they" would be.

I do find some of the Roddenberryesque assumptions to be amusing - ie that other races will be so much more advanced than us that they simply visit out planet to watch over us and ensure we don't destroy ourselves and that kind of thing.  It would seem Mr. Hellyer takes the same view?

I don't see anything all that unusual about his remarks; I think it is definitely something worth considering though it is no doubt premature to be basing national policy around.  I'd wait until first contact is made to think about how best to deal with other species but I would agree that avoiding intergalactic warfare is probably a good thing.  ;)

Gramps, you may want to open your horizons up a little bit; I don't think we're in danger of intergalactic invasion any time soon, but if there is other life out there in the universe, and we ever become capable of intergalactic travel, I suppose there will be a need for some sort of protocol on how to deal with the situation.   We won't need to worry about it til long after our generation is dead and gone, but if "they" are significantly more advanced than we are - and I disagree with Che that this must be unlikely - then perhaps we will be the ones to be contacted.  

Having said that, Hellyer's comments seem a little paranoid:

"The Bush administration has finally agreed to let the military build a forward base on the moon, which will put them in a better position to keep track of the goings and comings of the visitors from space, and to shoot at them, if they so decide."

It also shows definite 2 dimensional thinking; I mean, the Earth is a sphere in the middle of nothing...anyone approaching the planet would be more likely not to pass by the moon on the way to earth than it would be to pass by the moon.

Especially if they're smart enough to detect weapons on the moon....

SB may have a point...

What I have been seeking for years....

Proof Positive that Hellyer was and IS a Nut Job.......

I do find it pretty shocking that someone like the MOD would come out and say something like that....

but still, saying things like "I doubt there are aliens here" and "they wouldnt be able to visit us yet" are absolutely ridiculous.

How, may I ask, in any way shape or form are you able to seriously and logically draw these conclusions? We're talking about things that none of us are really even sure if they exist or not, and we're outlining their capabilities?!

Seriously, guys, come on.
There's an actual equation that determines the chances of life on other planets based on the rate of the universes growth, the time it took for life to develop here, the assumed percentage of life supporting planets in the universe and it adds up so it's possible.
It is called Drake's equation, and is essentially a way of demonstrating the likeliness that there is life elsewhere.

My own personal theory is that life is governed by laws of natures, in that it doesn't *just* happen. It happens because it *has* to happen, under the guise of some very specific rules or laws. But I think that this will not be seen until we start venturing out into space and do some looking around.

As for ET visiting us...well, Carl Sagan once wrote something like: "Extraordinary claims require extraordinary evidence."   I have often found that people wrapped up in UFO culture seem to be completely incapable of looking at things objectively. I am often asked: "Do you believe in UFOs?". To which I say, "What does it matter if I believe in them or not? Show me."

That does not mean that I am closed minded about ET coming to visit us. I   think it is prudent to start talking about the possibility of someone hostile/indifferent/friendly coming to visit. We have to make some effort to prepare for something like that if we hope to be able to deal with it.   After all, we can't even figure out what dolphins and whales are going on about. Just trying communicating to an ET, if they showed up, is probably going to be a challenge.

How, may I ask, in any way shape or form are you able to seriously and logically draw these conclusions? We're talking about things that none of us are really even sure if they exist or not, and we're outlining their capabilities?!
Seen some papers where people base the the capabilities of aliens on the method they used to get here. It is basically an educated guess, but probably has some merit. If they strapped some chemical rockets to their backs, used sleep chambers, and took thousands of years to get here, then you probably don't have to worry too much. If they warped space-time using super strings and got here yesterday, then you better be extra friendly and hospitable to them.
Ah the good ole Drake equation...

I believe that there is life out there, but I don't think they've visited us yet (and if they have i don't think they've been detected).  Of course no one really knows what happened at Roswell...... lol

Why cant they come here without us knowing?

We visit al qaeda and taliban camps without them knowing and we dont possess interstellar ships  ;D
How, may I ask, in any way shape or form are you able to seriously and logically draw these conclusions? We're talking about things that none of us are really even sure if they exist or not, and we're outlining their capabilities?!

Basing everything on Drakes equation (thanks pieman) as it's the only remotely scientific method for determing life in the universe outside of the Hitchikers guide and star trek.(NOTE:That I know of)..well either that or the old hermit who calls himself doctor and swears the aliens dumped the rum on him.

Yes I see the absolute folly in relying on the internet for good information but this site gives both a pessimistic and optimistic set of values for the drake's equation and they look remote to me.

Even given your other comments in the thread, I still don't see how you can justifiably draw this conclusion.  I'd say we have no idea, really, how far advanced "they" would be.

Perhaps, but we have to start somewhere and I'm inclined based on our own evolution into modernity and the inherent characteristics of ourselves that repeat throughout history, combined with the only scientific equation I know of, to start at a lower denominator before I believe that we're being visited by super beings who bring pyramids and the starship heart of gold.

I should reiterate that I'm absolutely not close minded about the thought of extra terrestrials(how spell me that?) but I try and assign some kind of finite characterstics to them, that way when they visit I'm not going to be disappointed, all in all I think there's life out there without a doubt but being human's made me a pessimist about meeting it.
So is this another reason to rush the buy of the Hercs?
Yes I see the absolute folly in relying on the internet for good information but this site gives both a pessimistic and optimistic set of values for the drake's equation and they look remote to me.
I never put too much value into Drake's equation. It is a way of making guess-timates on numbers and is totally arbitrary. The parameters are defined by what the person subjectivly believes is a criteria for life to form and evolve. One may make an educated assumtion, but there is nothing scientific about the equation. I see it as more of a good tool for getting some conversation into certain theories, and it makes an excellent educational tool.

So is this another reason to rush the buy of the Hercs?
For sure! How else are we going to transport the UFOs to Area 51?
There is no evidence at this point of civilizations beyond earth. I would have to sum his comments up as barking mad. ::)
The best argument FOR the existence of intelligent life in the universe, is that they've never tried to make direct contact with us.
You all are crazy.    >:(

I've taken the liberty of drawing a circle around our cluster of galaxies.  These
galaxies are ours. The galaxies beyond this galactic border are "to be conquered"
or "enslaved" or "food".  So therefore, we are now at war and its prudent for Mr.
Hellyer to proceed on his course of action.  He has my support.  :)
Bert said:
I've taken the liberty of drawing a circle around our cluster of galaxies.   These
galaxies are ours. The galaxies beyond this galactic border are "to be conquered"
or "enslaved" or "food".   So therefore, we are now at war and its prudent for Mr.
Hellyer to proceed on his course of action.    He has my support.    :)
I agree... we need to urgently stand up Aliens's "Colonial Marine Corps" and develop intergalactic expeditionary capabilities.  :blotto:
Obviously, tinfoil is not thick enough for Mr Hellyer's hat...  ;)
I always thought Hellyer would have made a better PM than a defence minister. He thought medicare (as designed) would prove to be inflationary, and he has been proved correct. Walter Gordon and Lester Pearson screwed us on that one.

"Of course no one really knows what happened at Roswell......"

No, but some interesting "Red balls" associated one night when a bunch of ICBMs were taken off 'Strat' after said balls were seen hovering over their silos.  One Airpoliceman was given permission to shoot.  He replied "Thanks, sir, but I really don't think it would do any good,"


"It was during this same period, according to Col. Don Crawford (USAF ret.), that a two person SAT, assigned to Echo Flight, was performing a routine check of the missile launch facilities a few miles north of Lewistown, Montana. As they approached one of the launch facilities, an astonishing sight caused the driver to slam on his brakes. Stunned in amazement, they watched as, about 300 feet ahead, a very large glowing object hovered silently directly over the launch facility. One of them picked up his VHF hand microphone and called then Captain Don Crawford who was the DMCCC on duty that evening

"Sir, you wouldn't believe what I'm looking at," he said.

He described what they were seeing.  Crawford didn't believe him at first but the young airman insisted he was telling the truth, his voice revealing his emotional state.  Eventually Crawford took him seriously enough to call the Command Post to report it.  The officer on duty at the Command Post refused to accept the report and simply stated, "We no longer record those kinds of reports," indicating he didn't want to hear about the UFO.  Crawford unsure of what to tell his shaken security guard, decided to give the guard his permission to fire his weapon at the object if it seemed hostile.

"Thanks, sir, but I really don't think it would do any good,"

A few seconds later the object silently flew away.

There were sightings in the area before and after the missile shutdown incidents by military personnel and civilians."

........and :

"A few minutes later, the security NCO called again. This time he was clearly frightened and was shouting his words:

"Sir, there's one hovering outside the front gate!"

"One what?"

"A UFO! It's just sitting there. We're all just looking at it. What do you want us to do?"

"What? What does it look like?"

"I can't really describe it. It's glowing red. What are we supposed to do?"

"Make sure the site is secure and I'll phone the Command Post."

"Sir, I have to go now, one of the guys just got injured."

Before I could ask about the injury, he was off the line.  I immediately went over to my commander, Lt. Fred Meiwald, who was on a scheduled sleep period .  I woke him and began to brief him about the phone calls and what was going on topside.  In the middle of this conversation, we both heard the first alarm klaxon resound through the confined space of the capsule, and both immediately looked over at the panel of annunciator lights at the Commander's station.  A 'No-Go' light and two red security lights were lit indicating problems at one of our missile sites.  Fred jumped up to query the system to determine the cause of the problem.  Before he could do so, another alarm went off at another site, then another and another simultaneously.  Within the next few seconds, we had lost six to eight missiles to a 'No-Go' (inoperable) condition."



"You remember other crazy things, like the 24-hour shifts, which actually worked out to about 27 after you added round-trip drive time. You remember the toll baby-sitting ICBMs took on marriages and other relationships, the divorces.

But it wasn't until last month, when Jerry Nelson of Cocoa Beach read about the Disclosure Project going on in Washington, D.C., that he remembered something else.

In May, some 20 people claiming encounters with unidentified flying objects while performing military or government duties went public to demand open congressional hearings on this largely classified phenomenon. One Air Force veteran, Robert Salas, reported how UFOs buzzing missile silos at Malmstrom Air Force Base managed to shut down more than a dozen Minuteman nukes in Montana during March 1967.

Actually, more widely publicised UFO snooping into restricted space around nuclear weapons systems occurred in the autumn of 1975. That's when security forces at Loring, (Maine), Wurtsmith (Michigan), and Malmstrom (again) Air Force bases were scrambled - in vain - to apprehend the intruders. But Nelson had never heard of those events. And even though he was stationed at Walker AFB on the outskirts of Roswell in the 1960s, he also says he never heard of the alleged 1947 flying saucer crash near the New Mexico cow town until several years ago.

What Nelson does recall is how, as a member of the 579th Strategic Missile Squadron, his post at an ICBM silo called Site 9 sustained its own peculiar nocturnal security breaches during a period of several months.

"The guards were scared," says Nelson, a retired pharmacist. "These objects would hover over the silo and shine lights down on them without making any noise. So I'd call the base and the base would say, 'We'll take it under advisement,' but I never got a chance to see it, because I couldn't leave my post."


TCFB -- very amusing...I was a little afraid of the dark last night because of your post.

But I'm surprised no one has posted the obvious explanation of it.  Think for a minute...red lights...disabled nukes...exclusively American targets...middle of the Cold War...it is such obvious proof that the Russians had secret planes developped to disarm the US.  It's a brilliant plan, really.  Make a few over-tired, over-worked soldiers believe that they are being watched/sabotaged by UFOs.  After that, the soldiers will convince everyone else by giving their honest testimony (you never hear of a witness who argues that it wasn't a UFO), and you can sit back and enoy your  vodka and borsht.  We all know that Russia was actually developing technology way ahead of everyone else, and that whole poverty thing was just a cover so we wouldn't find out their master plan. 

I mean, come on, I saw a story kind of like that on Jag one time, so it must be true.  ;)

If I don't post here for a while, you'll know it's because I figured out too much. 
