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foreign awards and decorations


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just a quick question, as i'm now officially entering the army as of the 19th Mar i was wondering would i be eligible to wear awards which i had received whilst serving in australian defence force.  below are the listed medals and qualifications and the critieria for award

Australian Service Medal (special ops clasp) ASM Criteria
Australian Defence Medal ADM Criteria
Australian submarine qualification

it was mentioned to me that i may be able to wear these but again nothing was confirmed 100%

thanks for your help.
only problem is i only have original request for issue of ADM as it was after i left  and not a cerficificate of issues like with the ASM but i'll try with that. but thanks anyways it was roughly what i had been told but they weren't absolutely positive.
Your Aussie record of service should have a mention that you received these awards & decorations... even if you are missing the certificate
geo said:
Your Aussie record of service should have a mention that you received these awards & decorations... even if you are missing the certificate

the ADM is only a recent medal i believe issued firstly to serving members in 2006 then to discharged members. i'll get in contact with honours and awards and see if there is any paperwork with it.

again thanks for the prompt replies it all helps.
Command-Sense-Act 105 said:
PM reccesoldier, he is in a good place to find out for sure. 

However, I believe CFAO 18-6 (Commonwealth and foreign orders, decorations and medals), para 6 refers:

I know of several CF members, one of whom served in the French Foreign Legion and others who served in the US and UK militaries, who wear awards earned during their pre-CF service legally and with pride.

This is the correct process, go through the chain of command.  I don't think you will have any problem as all your medals are from HM the Queen. 

Once aproved:
3. Commonwealth orders, decorations and medals, the award of which is approved by the Government of Canada, are worn after the Canadian orders, decorations and medals listed in section 1(the Canadian order of precedence), the precedence in each category being set by date of appointment or award.
Uhhh.... recce.... being new to Canada & the CF, don't think Cdn decorations will be an issue here
geo said:
Uhhh.... recce.... being new to Canada & the CF, don't think Cdn decorations will be an issue here

For future reference Geo my friend and besides, you can be a Pte in the Cf and have a "rack" of your very own in short order.
This could lead to the occassion where the CD would be worn on the 'Right' as opposed to the 'Left'.
I have a very good idea of what we can and cannot have on a uniform these days - I might be old(er) but I am still in and quite active, thank you very much

This fella is in the process of enrolling - consequently, his Oz decorations will be the only decorations he has on his uniform... or have they come up with something new that I do not know anything about?... thereafter, his unit RSM and the base tailor will help him arrange his decorations.

A Pte with a rack?
How long does your Pte intend being a Pte?
Ptes will complete their trade training, get posted to their 1st unit, work up and get deployed for the 1st time (can be quick or slow)... Medal 1 (possible double whammy if it`s a UN Mission).  Back in country and you have something like 12-18 months before the possibility of deploying again +/- ?, you should be well on your way to being a Cpl.... unless you've been naughty....  

Have I missed something..... oh yeah - always possible there can be a Canada 150th or another Jubilee/coronation medal....
geo said:
A Pte with a rack?
How long does your Pte intend being a Pte?
Ptes will complete their trade training, get posted to their 1st unit, work up and get deployed for the 1st time (can be quick or slow)... Medal 1 (possible double whammy if it`s a UN Mission).  Back in country and you have something like 12-18 months before the possibility of deploying again +/- ?, you should be well on your way to being a Cpl.... unless you've been naughty....  

We had a young fella here at the Regt, that by the time he got his Cpls he had his SWASM, CPSM, UNDOF and SSM with Humaitas Bar. He had a busy three years. And no, he did not have any reserve time.
geo said:
A Pte with a rack?
How long does your Pte intend being a Pte?
Ptes will complete their trade training, get posted to their 1st unit, work up and get deployed for the 1st time (can be quick or slow)... Medal 1 (possible double whammy if it`s a UN Mission).  Back in country and you have something like 12-18 months before the possibility of deploying again +/- ?, you should be well on your way to being a Cpl.... unless you've been naughty....  

Have I missed something..... oh yeah - always possible there can be a Canada 150th or another Jubilee/coronation medal....

You haven't been down to Kingston, have you?

There are Sigs down there, who as Pte's had 'racks' larger than most.  (Former 1 CDSHSR......What is it called now?)
geo said:
I have a very good idea of what we can and cannot have on a uniform these days - I might be old(er) but I am still in and quite active, thank you very much

This fella is in the process of enrolling - consequently, his Oz decorations will be the only decorations he has on his uniform... or have they come up with something new that I do not know anything about?... thereafter, his unit RSM and the base tailor will help him arrange his decorations.

A Pte with a rack?
How long does your Pte intend being a Pte?
Ptes will complete their trade training, get posted to their 1st unit, work up and get deployed for the 1st time (can be quick or slow)... Medal 1 (possible double whammy if it`s a UN Mission).  Back in country and you have something like 12-18 months before the possibility of deploying again +/- ?, you should be well on your way to being a Cpl.... unless you've been naughty....  

Have I missed something..... oh yeah - always possible there can be a Canada 150th or another Jubilee/coronation medal....

The sudden burst of attitude is confusing me, have I insulted you in some way?  The future reference bit was meant as being for Aussie's future reference, not yours.

On the subject of the order of precedence, it is every members responsibility to know as much as possible about his own kit would you not agree?  So when Aussie runs into a seamstress or courtmounting service without a clue he can ensure that his sh!t is sorted out right the first time.

George Wallace,

It is now called CFJSR (Canadian Forces Joint Signal Regiment)
nope, sorry if it appears to be attitude, was not intended in that way... sorry if I offended.
Being in a puzzle palace, I guess I have been out of circulation with people fresh off missions - woopsie.

geo said:
nope, sorry if it appears to be attitude, was not intended in that way... sorry if I offended.
Being in a puzzle palace, I guess I have been out of circulation with people fresh off missions - woopsie.


NP  ;D
aussiechangover said:
Just a quick question, as I'm now officially entering the army as of the 19th Mar I was wondering would I be eligible to wear awards which I had received whilst serving in Australian Defence Force.  Below are the listed medals and qualifications and the critieria for award.
It was mentioned to me that I may be able to wear these but again nothing was confirmed 100%

Firslty mate, welcome to Army.ca!

Wearing your ADF medals once approval is sought will not be an issue. However once you get some CF ones, even the lowest order will take precidence over your ASM and ADM. It may take some time for the approval to come through, just keep hounding the BOR.

I am not sure about the Submariner's badge.

Back in 1995, I had to seek approval through Canberra for my two CF medals, and they are now on the tail end of my ICM, AASM, and ADM. My ACB is above the pocket on my Polys.

You lucked out on being eligble and entering the CF as they have become quite anal in the post 9-11 world. Good on ya, and enjoy your new life in Canuckistan.

Warm regards from Baghdad,

For our aussie friend here, are you aware that you can get reimbursed for your time served in the Australian Army.  When I joined up here I attempted to get my NZ Army time recoignized.  At first they said now and I carried on. Four years later, with a good clerk and Coy 2ic, they resubmitted the paperwork.  I remember clearly sitting in Bosnia on gateguard and getting my pay stub for $40,000.  All the time was recognized towrads promotion and I got backpay for 4.5 years.  Not bad and something you may want to look at.

Kiwi99 out