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For your wtf files....


Army.ca Fixture
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I am still scratching my head over this one....
When feeling patriotic is now deemed to be offensive, you don‘t need to wonder why the forces are not receiving funding.
What I am shaking my head about is the Americans are the most in your face patriots I have ever come across and they find us too patriotic!!!!
An American from San Diego is quoted saying: "What bugs me about Canadians, if I may, is that they wear that damm patch on their bags, the Canadian flag patch. That way, they differentiate themselves from us."
Ummm yeah and now a comment from the shallow end of the gene pool. Proof there are morons everywhere you go...

That damm patch eh (just being patriotic with the eh),

There would be sh1t to pay if we(Canadians) ever referred to the American Flag in this way. It‘s good that we all get along.
Here‘s a story my friend just told me after reading that article:

While in Paris me, Chris, and Tom got lost. We went into a pub and got some beers. We speak very little French but tried our best to ask where we were. In quick French that I barely understood, the tender said that he didn‘t speak English and couldn‘t help. I was a little pissed off. We went to go pay and as I was getting money out the bartender saw my Canadian passport. He said in English "oh you‘re Canadian? I thought you were American. You are right here, if you want to get back to your hotel walk this way for 5 minutes." He also only charged us like 7 Euros for 4 beers.
it is so true, when i was over in europe, visiting sweden and holland, if they found out you were canadian they treated you like royalty! (especially holland) it was a marked difference in treatment from the americans i met over there. also they were really eager to get canadian flag pins, or canadain flags, they thought they were great. (the swedes also love hockey as much as us, it was good times!)
A Canadian (me) from Toronto is quoted as saying "What bugs me about Americans, if I may, is that they wave that **** flag in all their movies, the American flag. That way, they differentiate themselves from everyone else."
I‘m speechless (and that doesn‘t happen often).

It‘s a sign of insecurity, envy and paranoia. Not to mention the blatant hypocrisy. So it‘s "wrong" to wear your flag on your pack (if you can:D ) yet it‘s fine to place your flag on a building in Baghdad and wonder why it upsets the locals?

Get it together folks, can‘t have it your way, all the time.

This is almost as funny as the guys I met abroad (Guatemala). They had Maple Leafs on their packs and said that they were from Toronto. We began to chat. I was surprised to learn that TO was the capital of Canada and hockey was the national sport. Geez guys, Chicago‘s not that far away.
I don‘t believe I just read that...?! Uh, No further comment...?!
I first read this post this morning, and it‘s had me so furious all day that I have been un able to post anything about it.
First of all..we can‘t group all Americans into the shallow end of the gene pool....because there are some good ones.....I actually mean that, but...other then that still speechlessly pissed off .....nothings coming...
it speaks for itself....
Where‘s S_Baker today, I‘m waiting for him to jump to the defence of the stars and stripes.
I‘m never speechlesss and here I am without a thing to say, it speaks for itself you‘re right Slim.
This is getting a fair bit of discussion by the granola brigade over at Lonely Planet. Mind they have a habit of starting the great "why do all Canadians sew flags on their back packs?" debate every couple of months there.


I remember inclearing into 4CMBG in 1980 and being issued a great whopping pile of small Canadian flags for our uniforms. There was more than enough for the 3 sets of combats, combat jacket and dress uniform.

We of course asked what we were supposed to do with the extras and just got a knowing grin. I later found out that some US soldiers wanted them to sew on their civy jean jackets etc to try and paas themselves off as Canadians.

That reminds me the wife just bought new luggage. I have to go and tear the large Canadian flag off of my old back pack and sew it on the new bag. :)
I‘ll tell you why they are the richest country in the world.
Any country that‘s foundations are rooted in "free" Labour, is going to have strong roots. If you trace the family lines of the richest people in America (The ones who bring the GDP up, and compensate for the people who make no money and get no help thanks to a messy social security system) their riches come from having a free start. Imagine creating a company and not having any startup costs at all!
They‘re also the richest country in the world because they are one of the largest country in the world (plenty of cheap labour if you catch my drift). Of course just being large isn‘t the only reason, you need some crooked sons of bitches at the top exploiting the dreams of the lower and middle class labourers.
To be fair there are the people who do work 15 hours a day and work very hard chasing the American Dream, which is commendable. And there are good people in America don‘t get me wrong I‘m not here to bash the everyday american, or the soldier or the sailor etc. and certainly not the major.
I just saw Jutes‘ comment on americas riches and thought I‘d point out something most people ignore when they talk about America being rich and powerful(no offence major, although i‘m sure this message is going to get a nice long reply)
Ah yes the beautiful red in the flag, an homage to the touch of socialism in our government.

And go into the blowback comment if you could.