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Feu de joie

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Has anyone ever been in a parade where you‘ve done feu de joie?

This weekend my unit flew a bunch of us out to Shilo to attend the change of command parade. It was sad, seeing Col Boufard (I hope I spelt his name right) leaving, he was a good group commander. However, hopefully the new regimental system will work out better for the comm reserve.

I didn‘t think it was anything big, really, the feu de joie, but after the parade, at the reception talking to a bunch of majors and colonels and what not, I heard it‘s something of a rare thing. One infantry major said the last time he had done one was 17 years back. I know I never saw one until Saterday.

It really puts things in perspective too, being in a parade with 300-400 soldiers from across Western Canada. I told a guy who did basic with me who was there: "To be honest, this is the probably first time I‘ve felt like a soldier since basic." Also, after listning to Col. Boufards speech, I think I had a change of heart as to the relevance of the reserves, as well as the relevance of being a reserve soldier.

I knock my soldierly abilities all the time (as I‘m sure you all know). But after thinking about it, I think it‘s more that I‘m out of practice than I am a bad soldier. Perhaps that‘s true of many reservists, who have larger commitments than activly serving as soldiers. But one thing that i learnt from this parade, is that I may be a crappy soldier and a crappy sigop now, but I guess it‘s appropriate that that be the case. There‘s little or no need for me to be anything else. If the need should arise for me to be a good soldier and a good sig op, I feel confidant that the CF will invest enough to ensure that is the case.

Anyway, the feu de joie was quite cool, any thoughts?
One infantry major said the last time he had done one was 17 years back. I know I never saw one until Saterday.
Was the major french?

Maybe you misunderstood him, and what he really said was. "I have not had a Soup du Jour in 17 years" ? ? hehe

But on a serious note, I have no idea myself. Sounds neat though, and tasty...
feu de joie? sounds like that burning you get when you pee...

nope, never heard of it.
Fire of Joy

We‘ve done two or three in the last couple of years. Some units probably forgot it is in the drill manual, I guess.
Some of the BC drill movements are funny:

...I may be a crappy soldier and a crappy SigOp now, but I guess it‘s appropriate that that be the case. There is little or no need for me to be anything else.
What kind of attitude is that??? You are a soldier of the Canadian Forces, regular or reserve and should be proud of that. It‘s guys like you that give reserve soldiers a bad name amongst their Reg force counterparts. So what if it‘s a part time job, you still represent your country. Remember, promotion to Cpl. may be a time in thing, but to go any further, or get better taskings, takes pride, effort and determination. I was a reserve RadOp for three years, so I know about your profession.

The CF will not invest too much into you until you prove yourself to be a confident and capable soldier. The fact that you needed to do an old drill manouver and listen to a speech (no matter how well spoken) does not speak very highly. :cdn:
Show some backbone.
You do not want to go down this road with him.
Call it a lost cause.This has been going on for
quite awhile,check his other post.Good luck.

regards; :cdn: :sniper:
Riggah052...I cannot agree with you more.

LUI, Get some pride, get some honour, get some self respect, and find a spine...I think they issue all of the above at the QM.
I hope that you don‘t carry yourself in Kingston as you do here,it will certainly be a long summer for you.... enjoy your threes wannabe! (Even though you are going to be Sigop).
Speaking of threes, LUI, how long have you been in anyways, 5, 7, 10 years, you have the opinions and stories of a person that would at least have their CD.

Windwolf, I agree with you too. But enough is enough. If I am wrong about something, I‘ll admit it if it is pointed out to me. Reading through LUI‘s posts, I have realized he‘s out to lunch. He just doesn‘t get it, it is almost funny.

In closing, thank goodness he is going to Kinsgton for the summer, hopefully he wont be able to get internet access, so that we may have peace and quiet for a while.


Maybe we‘ll be even luckier. Maybe some of the instructors or even fellow students on his course are lurking around this site.

Naah we couldn‘t be that lucky.
I‘ve done the Feu de Joie in cadets. It is when there is a guard, and they start at one end of the rank, and shoot vollies one after another until the last person. It is a neat thing to see, but even better when you are apart of it.

Another thing:

CF_Lui, why didn‘t u just ask plain out what a Feu de Joie is instead of blabbering about your current thoughts like you always do. Have some respect for yourself, because obviously you need it.
And once more Lui takes us by the short hairs
and prances down the dismal road that is his

Please,please,please gentelmen,no more.

It is depressing to me that someone who
serves has this total disregard for the
military way.Ignore the quips and maybe
the will stop.

And now back to the topic:

I have never done a Fue de joie but have seen it . Very insperational move.I think the Yanks call it" Rolling Thunder",but i,m not sure. :D
Goodbye, good luck, good riddance :skull: Windwolf you are correct, and I will listen.
Never interrupt an enemy when he makes a mistake - Napoleon Bonaparte
Boy I hope my SSM sends be back to CFSCE to instruct....heheheheheheheh LOL!!!

Lui.... self respect and pride is something that you are true short of. To joke that YOU don‘t have any use of it is one thing, the other is to do so while you ARE still serving the crown in one manner or another.

You are truly a man who is undeserving to have the HONOUR to wear the uniform that has been issued to you. You are a man that is taking the spot and eating the rations of a possible soldier that is waiting to get in!

You have no pride, then GET OUT!

But, you probably think that the ‘system‘ or that Canada owes you.... guess what, it doesn‘t... you owe Canada... for the freedom that REAL soldiers died for.... you ungrateful F*CK!!!!!

So LUI....enjoy your summer you waste of rations. Warm that seat in the classrooms, fill that bed, and take up another space in the CF, that a REAL soldier could be in.



Please stop feeding the trolls. They only grow bigger when you feed them.

I do have one ambition as a military man. In Calgary, we have an unofficial reputation for producing some of the most disfunctional, disenfranchised soldiers (eg: ones with my mentality) who kick the most *** when we go on course. Maybe it has something to do with most of us being very well educated or something, but on every course we sent troops to last year (BMQ‘s, 3‘s, 5‘s, JLC) all the top student candidates were Calgarians, including me ^^
The differance this year, is, as my buddy on another course told me (another top student, another Calgarian) "Lui, STOP CARING. All you gotta remember is yes‘sah Masta Corporal, No‘sah Masta Corporal."

I don‘t feel Canada owes me anything more than what I give. That‘s why when I put on the uniform, I give it the honest effort any working man should at any job he holds, no more no less. If I make $1000 every 2 weeks, I‘ll make sure I earned that $1000. It‘s not an HONOUR to have a job, it‘s a socially responsible thing that everyone has to do. To be honest, I feel sorry for anyone who thinks there job is special just because of it‘s unique history and responsibilities. It‘s actually a very childish and ignorant attitude. I don‘t tell people "I‘m in the army, my job is better than yours." Aside from military people, family, friends and employers, I don‘t tell anyone I‘m in the army at all. I don‘t care where most people work, they don‘t care where I do.

Another ironic thing is that a friend of mine who I saw at the parade told me to come here and troll, and I mean, seriously troll.
He said "You should say something like "All people in the army should be charged with murder""
but I was against it. I thought it would be more worth while to be normal and carry out mature conversations.

Anyway, all that aside, I thought the feu de joie was pretty neat too. Although in contradiction to the "STOP CARING" attitude, I was a moron and actually cleaned my weapon after I fired it. Most people did a pull through and turned them in. WTF was I thinking? I actually stripped it to the bolt, CLP‘d the whole thing, and wiped it down. You guys probably think I‘m a retard, and to be honest, my cleaning the rifle I fired to the extent I did is probably the biggst indication that that is the case. God, it took me 20 minutes to do that, and that was 20 minutes more I could have spent drinking with all the smart people who didn‘t clean there weapons.
but on every course we sent troops to last year (BMQ‘s, 3‘s, 5‘s, JLC) all the top student candidates were Calgarians
Sorry to burst your bubble, but on my BMQ last year, that had maybe 8 Edmontonians, and more than 2 or 3 times as many Calgarians, the top candidate was from Edmonton. A fellow Engineering student at the U of A, I might add.

Crap, I went against my previous post. But I just couldn‘t let that statment slip uncorrected.