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Fat troops on the street....

Don Kon,
Pull the horns in there buck! recce41 was just having fun with your youthful boasting. :D He also wanted to pass on some serious advice because you gave no previous indication of prior knowledge on the subject. I know a couple myself and your attitude will put you in the hurt locker with those guys.
I don‘t know ANY FFL guys, and I can guarantee that I wouldn‘t cop that kind of attitude if I were planning on being one!

Don Kon, reel it in. These guys are giving you good advice and they know what they are talking about.
My buddy had a classmate go attempt the FFL. He was back in a couple weeks because he hit a corporal who was getting in his face. The NCO‘s nearly beat him to death for doing that.

Also, MG34, your quite right; like I said on the first page of this thread, it is important not to mistake "big" with "fat". However, I think the comments here are directed towards the obese people we have who stick it out in the forces.
Good luck with the FFL. My military doesnt want you. Enjoy France. Don‘t come back. The legion doesnt make you tough. Your either tough when you go or you dont make it.

As for fat soldiers i think they are a disgrace to the uniform and they make it harder for the rest of us to enjoy respect. If you have a medical condition get out. I dont want us to be in the same unit.

Oh and DOn- If I ever met you in real life I would beat the ever lovin snot out of you for "being ashamed" of my countries military.
Now, now Wetgrunt,
I just went through his recent posts and remember he‘s planning on joining the ...USMC+FFL+JTF2+SEALS...but he‘s really worried about piss tests ;) ..and he‘s not quite a "machine" yet but close.
TO KIDS WHO WISH TO POST...Read his posts and you can have an idea on how NOT to make friends and influence people on this forum.
Well he is well on his way. In interests- he listed "special forces" and he enjoys posting in "Your favorite special forces team".

Soon he will be a laser guided space ninja
Yup - "fit to fight" is difficult to define ... until the poop hits the fan - then it becomes obvious (sometimes painfully so).

Personally, I use the yardstick of "War On Ice" - if somebody is fit enough to play a REAL game of hockey, it‘s a good starting point (and, a few years ago I published an article pointing out that hockey players were the fittest atheletes at the CF national championship level - wish I had a copy of it handy ... sigh ...).
Sure, marathon runners had better VO2 max, but no upper body strength - body builders have nice pecs and buns, but can they run ... ? Bowlers? Sheeyah, right ...
And, when it comes right down to it - what matters is when the gloves come off ...

"Waste no time arguing what a good person should be. Be one."
-- Marcus Aurelius Antoninus
What can a soldier do who charges when out of breath?
-- Vegetius: De Re Militari, iii, 378
More brawn than brain.
--Cornelius Nepos: Epamnondas, v, c. 75 B.C.
Is it really true that a seven-mile cross-country run is enforced upon all in this division, from generals to privates? ... It looks to me rather excessive. A colonel or a general ought not to exhaust himself in trying to compete with young boys running across country seven miles at a time. The duty of officers is no doubt to keep themselves fit, but still more to think of their men, and to take decisions affecting their safety and comfort. Who is the general of this division, and does he run the seven miles himself? If so, he may be more useful for football than for war. Could Napoleon have run seven miles across country at Austerlitz? Perhaps it was the other fellow he made run. In my experience, based on many years‘ observation, officers with high athletic qualifications are not usually successful in the higher ranks.
--Winston Churchill: Note for the Secretary of State for War, 4 February 1944

A man who takes a lot of exercise rarely exercises his mind adequately.
--B.H. Liddell Hart: Thoughts on War, xi, 1944
Nations have passed away and left no traces,
And history gives the naked cause of it -
One single, simple reason in all cases,
They fell because their peoples were not fit.
--Rudyard Kipling: Land and Sea Tales for Scouts and Guides, 1923
In my short experience in the CF I found some of toughest guys to be the most humble. They know they are the toughest but don‘t need to tell everyone, they prove it. This one gentleman was coming up from the ranks and going through BOTC. He was the nicest guy, giving ppl advice on everything when they asked and was friends with everyone. When he was in the ranks he taught some JTF-2 guys unarmed combat, I only learned this talking to his friend, he was a tank. He never talked down to anyone even though he was the most physcially fit. so if you‘re tough and are a jerk, ppl will think "so what", but if you‘re a down to earth guy and ppl can rely on you, then you‘ll be something.

As for ppl who are out of shape, if you intend to be in the Combat Arms they would expect a higher standard of physical fitness. If you are falling out of runs and aiming for the minimum physical standards then you really got to shape up or ship out.

Excellent point, Charles!

Stirling suggested there should be four tenets to the ethos of special forces:

- a classless society
- a sense of humour
- humility
- the relentless pursuit of excellence

"Cum tibi displiceat rerum fortuna tuarum
Alterius specta, quo sis discrimine peior."
-- Cato
Fat Soldiers . I agree that a soldier must meet the minimum fitness requirements , for the army , he may appear "fat", but if he passes the BFT , or Express Test " , he‘s in. I know a supply tech., who did 23 years Reg Force , and is now in the Reserve , and his attitude is " I can do my job " , why do I have to be fit. He is telling me to retire from the Regs , join the the Reserves , where , I don‘t have to be fit.He also says they DO NOT have to do a fitness test. I DON‘T THINK SO.
Further to my last , I have been fit all my career , I am not "Broken " ( Medically Unfit ), I can‘t stand "Wimps", and I can‘t stand Regs , or Reserves , who are in this job for easy money. If you are going to " Talk the Talk " , "Walk the Walk". And by the way , check , CFAO‘s , it‘s every soldiers , individual responsibility , to stay fit.
Well amusing as this topic has been don‘t you think its achieved STAT status?
Originally posted by MJP:
[qb] Well amusing as this topic has been don‘t you think its achieved STAT status? [/qb]
Long ago...In fact, good that it was BEFORE the NINJA link was put up!

Guys/Gals i take back everything i said about being ashamed about the Canadian army. I guess i shouldn‘t be judging a book by its cover. I still don‘t completely agree with overweight people being in the army.


If you want to act tough please dont do it on the net because it is purely pathetic.
Originally posted by Don Kon:
Originally posted by The WetGrunt:
As for fat soldiers i think they are a disgrace to the uniform and they make it harder for the rest of us to enjoy respect. If you have a medical condition get out. I dont want us to be in the same unit.

Oh and DOn- If I ever met you in real life I would beat the ever lovin snot out of you for "being ashamed" of my countries military. [/qb]
Funny *******, dude don‘t try being a tough guy on the net, its pathetic. Also you ******* read my post. I said i am ashamed of our military letting fat *** people in the army and calling them soldiers. They are nothing compared to a soldier. [/qb]
Dude, I suggest you get a better argument, cause urs is BS, ur saying that everyone who is overweight shouldnt be in uniform regardless of the shape theyre in or how well they do their job. And if you‘re not a soldier yourself then how the HEL L can you say that theyre nothing compared to "real" soldiers? You‘re the kind of discriminating prick who should be booted out of the army, not the men who can do their job and do it well.
I have seen a bunch of pictures on the internet and on T.V showing the CF in uniform and there are these rather "large" guys now maybe Im wrong here but doesnt everybody have to meet the same fitness level no matter what they are doing IE. A dentist would have to be just as fit as the infantry
if that is so then how do these guys do it being so overweight and they are very young also like they look maybe 19. im just wondering because it just seems strange as of right now im overwheight and im workin on gettin in shape to join in a year or so and there is no way I could make it through basic right now and they are bigger then me.
If anyone could shed some light one this that would be great thanx.

This issue has been discussed Ad Nuaseam before, in fact there was one very long thread on the subject.  look here http://forums.army.ca/forums/threads/1406.0.html