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Fantino in/out of VAC: changes in DM/other staff (merged)

The Bread Guy

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The new Minister, from the PM's Twitter feed ....
Pleased to name @JulianFantino Minister of Veterans Affairs

New Minister's bio ....
Julian Fantino was first elected to the House of Commons in 2010 and re-elected in 2011.

In July 2013, Mr. Fantino was appointed Minister of Veterans Affairs. Previously, he was appointed Minister of State (Seniors) in January 2011 and Associate Minister of National Defence in May 2011. He was appointed Minister of International Cooperation in July 2012.

Prior to his election to Parliament, Mr. Fantino served almost 40 years in law enforcement. He was Chief of the York Regional Police and of the Toronto Police Service. He served as Ontario's Commissioner of Emergency Preparedness and as Commissioner of the Ontario Provincial Police. Mr. Fantino is also the former President of the Ontario Association of Chiefs of Police and the former Vice-President at Large of the International Association of Chiefs of Police.

Mr. Fantino is active in local and international victim rights groups, including as an honorary member of Canadian Crime Victims Foundation. He is also involved in community organizations, including programs to make organized sports accessible to disadvantaged children; supports the Hospice Vaughan; and participates on the board of Vaughan's Villa Leonardo Gambin long-term care facility.

He and his wife, Liviana, have two children.
Here's what the Vets' Ombudsman says he's up to with a new Minister appointed ....
.... I have already engaged with the new ministerial staff, and have had a fulsome discussion with Minister Fantino’s new Chief of Staff, Jacques Fauteux – a former member of the Canadian Armed Forces, who I had the pleasure of working with when I served as Canadian Forces Chief Warrant Officer. I have been informed that the Minister is eager to meet with me at the earliest opportunity and I look forward to briefing him on the key elements of my Office’s operational work, plans for the future and ongoing concerns.

I intend to maintain the collaborative approach of the Office of the Veterans Ombudsman. I am determined to continue to provide the Minister and Veterans with evidenced-based advice in consultation with the Veterans Community. The reports that my Office publishes will continue also to offer timely, factual and relevant information on both existing and emerging issues of concern.

My primary focus now is the New Veterans Charter and the upcoming review of the Enhanced New Veterans Charter Act. I am concentrating my efforts on the financial, vocational assistance and family support aspects of the Charter and I will continue to call for a broadened Charter review to address shortcomings in these areas ....
Minister issues a statement "in support of Canada’s Veterans and their families" - highlights mine:
"Since becoming Canada’s Minister of Veterans Affairs four weeks ago, I have stood alongside Veterans at major commemorative milestones abroad, met with the Veterans Ombudsman, and been reaching out to Canadians far and wide in order to learn and listen to their views. In that time, some have asked about Canada’s commitment to our Veterans. I can assure all my fellow citizens, and particularly our Veterans and their families, that this Government and the dedicated professionals at Veterans Affairs Canada are truly devoted to supporting those military and RCMP members who served our great country.

"Our Government continues to demonstrate its strong commitment to caring for, supporting and honouring Canada’s Veterans and their families. Since implementing the New Veterans Charter in 2006, our Government has invested almost $4.7 billion in new funding to enhance Veterans benefits, programs and services. Put simply, the Government of Canada has substantially increased its support to Veterans.

"Just as importantly, this new spending is built upon the fundamental principles of respect and support for Veterans. That foundation of respect is spelled out in the New Veterans Charter, and the Prime Minister of Canada reinforced it when he announced the New Charter’s implementation as the first step toward according Canadian Veterans the dignity and support they deserve.

"In the years since, our Government has repeatedly demonstrated its commitment to Canada’s Veterans and their families by building on our improvements with new enhancements. We instituted a Veterans Bill of Rights, created the Office of the Veterans Ombudsman to strengthen our ability to respond quickly and fairly to the concerns of Veterans and their families, dramatically improved the range and quality of services to Veterans and worked with hundreds of communities clear across the country to preserve and build memorials to those Canadians who served.

"All Canadians can rest assured that our Government will keep building on this record. We will continue to listen to Veterans, and to work with partners who share our common goal of supporting those who put their lives on the line for Canada. We are here to deliver the care and support Veterans need, when they need it. That is our promise to Veterans. Always has been. Always will be."
VAC Minister:

......four weeks ago, I have stood alongside Veterans at major commemorative milestones abroad
= expensive TD swan(s).

.......been reaching out to Canadians
far and wide
in order to learn and listen to their views.......
= possible more TD swans and expensive phone bill. I would like to know who he contacted far and wide in four weeks, not counting his abroad swans (s).
......dedicated professionals at Veterans Affairs Canada.....
= dedicated to what? Pissing Vets around to justified their job. Not all, but many.
.......invested almost $4.7 billion in new funding to enhance Veterans benefits, programs and services....
= how much went to overhead, and how much directly went to a Vet?

And so on. Sounds like rhetoric to me, and no change to the pensions/cash settlement
Rifleman62 said:
VAC Minister:
= expensive TD swan(s).

[/b] in order to learn and listen to their views....... = possible more TD swans and expensive phone bill. I would like to know who he contacted far and wide in four weeks, not counting his abroad swans (s). = dedicated to what? Pissing Vets around to justified their job. Not all, but many. = how much went to overhead, and how much directly went to a Vet?

And so on. Sounds like rhetoric to me, and no change to the pensions/cash settlement
All he has to do is act, not just issue statements.

Simple, but not easy.
I remember him from Toronto. I can't say I remember anything good. He seemed to openly dislike the cops who worked for him and covered up corruption. His own senior officers leaked the story of cops taking drug bust money. He brought a very corporate mindset to a paramilitary organization and was always battling with the union. He micromanaged things like officer meal times and use of fax machines.

I think he eventually faced a vote of no confidence from his own force. They have telegraphed pretty clearly what they have in mind if that is who they gave the nod. A politician skilled at public relations who threw his own troops under the bus at every opportunity.

"Newly-minted Veterans Affairs Minister Julian Fantino hasn't exactly been winning friends recently. Nor his influence on veterans been inspirational, except in the way that an emetic inspires. It appears the Honourable Minister is in over his head with his portfolio... or perhaps gagging on it... as mere months after his appointment -- and before he has even taken his seat -- veterans are demanding his resignation. Fantino has been handling the issues at Veterans Affairs with all the grace of a newborn moose on ice skates."

more of the article:  http://www.huffingtonpost.ca/jeff-rosemartland/canada-veterans-affairs_b_4103494.html
I've written my MP about this and other things. Can't wait to vote!!
The author differentiates between the RCMP and other "civilian" police forces, stating that RCMP members - like CF members - sign on for "unlimited liability", while civilian police forces do not.  It is not my understanding that RCMP members can be differentiated from other police officers on this basis.  Am I incorrect?
I thought RCMP were included because they are federal and including them under the VAC envelope made sense.
I might be wrong but RCMP do and can participate in peacekeeping activities. I remember the RCMP officer that was killed while working in Haiti after the earthquake, news photos of him showed him wearing a blue UN beret. I would assume this would entail unlimited liability due to the nature of this type of operation. If it was just because they were federal employees they could have just been lumped in with the rest of the federal employees under one union or another.
stokerwes said:
I might be wrong but RCMP do and can participate in peacekeeping activities. I remember the RCMP officer that was killed while working in Haiti after the earthquake, news photos of him showed him wearing a blue UN beret. I would assume this would entail unlimited liability due to the nature of this type of operation. If it was just because they were federal employees they could have just been lumped in with the rest of the federal employees under one union or another.

RCMP and other LEOs partake in Peacekeeping overseas.
Unlike the CF whose eligibility ended when the New Veterans Charter took effect in 2006, RCMP past and present are still covered under the Pension Act, which is administered by VAC.  They are eligible for disability pensions, treatment benefits, and VIP benefits.
Let's try stay on track folks.

The thread is about Minister Fantino and his visions of, personally, being a veteran.
RCMP unlike most other police services also have Battle Honours. For him to include is disgraceful career as Chiefs of Police for London, OPP, York is sad. He's trying to justify the fact he doesn't know squat about his job.
Fantino has been a joke ever since I first heard of him when he was with the Toronto Police, OPP, and now as an MP.

He's a dilettante with connections that, from the sounds of it, never hesitated to step on the back of those around and under him to lift himself up.

Future Pensioner said:
"Newly-minted Veterans Affairs Minister Julian Fantino hasn't exactly been winning friends recently. Nor his influence on veterans been inspirational, except in the way that an emetic inspires. It appears the Honourable Minister is in over his head with his portfolio... or perhaps gagging on it... as mere months after his appointment -- and before he has even taken his seat -- veterans are demanding his resignation. Fantino has been handling the issues at Veterans Affairs with all the grace of a newborn moose on ice skates."

more of the article:  http://www.huffingtonpost.ca/jeff-rosemartland/canada-veterans-affairs_b_4103494.html

I must be missing something.

"I spent 40 years in law enforcement. I too have served. I've been at the trenches and heard the guns go off. I guess I can also put myself and other colleagues, firefighters, and police officers who put themselves in harms way every day in the same category."

Nowhere does Fantino say "I'm a veteran like you guys too!" or "my police service is the same as your military service."  All he's saying is that he's provided selfless service, he's been shot at, and he's been in harms way. Which is true.
ARMY_101 said:
I must be missing something.

"I spent 40 years in law enforcement. I too have served. I've been at the trenches and heard the guns go off. I guess I can also put myself and other colleagues, firefighters, and police officers who put themselves in harms way every day in the same category."

Nowhere does Fantino say "I'm a veteran like you guys too!" or "my police service is the same as your military service."  All he's saying is that he's provided selfless service, he's been shot at, and he's been in harms way. Which is true.

"I spent 40 years in law enforcement. I too have served. I guess I can also put myself in the same category."

There, with the political and rhetorical fluff removed.

What category is he talking about?

He's talking about veterans.

And placing himself in that category.

Simple enough for you now?
Here is the true text of what Mr. Fantino said.....
