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Extreme Difficulty Contacting Recruitment Centres?

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I just wanted to make this thread to discover if anyone else has this same problem.

I had my processing date a few weeks ago (did my medical, aptitude, and interview) and I did each of them successfully. I was told during my interview that I have a "very competitive application" and that I should "contact the centre within a week if you don't hear back".

I've called the recruitment centre and the recruiting officer I was dealing with, leaving messages, and none of my messages have so far been returned. No contact whatsoever.

Is this degree of unorganization common for everyone else?
They're always quite busy. Are you calling your case manager or just the CFRC itself? This may make a difference... if all else fails then take the initiative and go in person.
I had a problem from time to time contacting my recruiter as well when I got in. As derail said they are busy, so keep trying or if your close enough go in and chat with somebody.

*Milnet.ca staff edit for site policy*
If you are within walking/driving range, drop in.

Face to face with CFRC will normally get a response.

Best of luck
Nauticus said:
I just wanted to make this thread to discover if anyone else has this same problem.

I had my processing date a few weeks ago (did my medical, aptitude, and interview) and I did each of them successfully. I was told during my interview that I have a "very competitive application" and that I should "contact the centre within a week if you don't hear back".

I've called the recruitment centre and the recruiting officer I was dealing with, leaving messages, and none of my messages have so far been returned. No contact whatsoever.

Is this degree of unorganization common for everyone else?

Welcome to the New, Super Educated, Physically Fit and Specially Selected Canadian Armed Forces. Where there is a Right Job for Everybody and Everybody in the Right Job.

You must not judge our Recruitment Centers too harshly considering the Rush and Hoard of Applicants to their doors.

After all, who knows, maybe they've just lost your Application ?.


I'd recommend that you call (1 800 856 8488) or visit or send them an email at jobs@forces.ca and ask them to call you.
Well, maybe they are just like i am this week.

Only one in my section doing all the jobs in the office ( 2 meetings so far and had to rearange the schedule as a result) and flying the afternoon..........

Theres only so much a person can do in a day.
You've indicated you called the Officer you were dealing with more than once.  Perhaps that person is on leave, had a family emergency, a car accident, is away from the office, or got sucked up by aliens and is now on the planet Zoultar.

Try calling the front desk at the recruiting center you were at, or drop by in person.  Be friendly, and ask for an update.
Yeah, fair enough. I didn't mean to sound harsh or impatient - I was just curious if maybe I was already denied and wasn't told ;)

I'll give it a few more weeks and I'll try again. If nothing, I'll take the trip to Vancouver and have a chat and see what's going on. I imagine they're quite busy.
My application is at CFRC Vancouver as well. It has been extremely difficult for me to reach anyone there. Last time when I called, I was lucky because someone picked up. The centre sounded extremely busy. I could hear a lot of people talking in the background and the phones were ringing nonstop. Even when I had a chance to talk to a Corporal there, I could tell that she was in a rush to hang up. Nowadays, I don't bother trying to call anymore. I just go see them face to face.
Kruggle said:
My application is at CFRC Vancouver as well. It has been extremely difficult for me to reach anyone there. Last time when I called, I was lucky because someone picked up. The centre sounded extremely busy. I could hear a lot of people talking in the background and the phones were ringing nonstop. Even when I had a chance to talk to a Corporal there, I could tell that she was in a rush to hang up. Nowadays, I don't bother trying to call anymore. I just go see them face to face.
I live in Kelowna, which is about four hours away, but I might make the trip. It's just tough because I generally work weekdays.

Thanks for the replies guys!
[Insert Random Name] said:
Something that I found sorta works, call them early morning when they open. They might be a bit more free.

That is the case with most places.  :P
Kruggle said:
You should come when the weather is still nice.  :)

Believe it or not. this is the only bit of advice or info submitted so far that makes sense or help.

The Military is infamous for "Hurry up and Wait" & "Every thing in Triplicate". This is par for the course. But if only HALF the horror stories submitted in this Forum are true, then the CFRC's are in big trouble according to only the incidents reported here that we read about.

If the supportive comments for them are to be taken seriously, then they are "Understaffed, Overburdened, Under Equipped, Insufficient Locations and completely bogged down with red tape and SOP's.

If a Applicant is forced or required to drive eight hours plus time on site, to get a simple sat-us quo or case disposition, then there is something seriously wrong. Why do we incur the Phone expense ? just take them out, they can't or don't answer them. (not practical just Sarcastic).

This is not just a over night problem, its been developing for a long time. When is that redundant group of Staff Officers at NDHQ going to fix it, don't pipe up, stop picking on NDHQ, who else can fix it ?.

Our Politicians, my gawd, sometimes, some of them can't even find Parliament Hill.

Before hopping in the car and driving four hours plus...I'd try to call again. Failing that, I'd send an email to them at jobs@forces.ca and ask to have your CFRC call you. Then, if there is still no joy, then I'd drive down and find out , in person what's happening (oh, and why they don't return calls). Busy or not, no one deserves to get such a run around.
Perhaps a good idea is to get the email address of your File Manager, or whoever you are dealing with, at the CFRC
kitrad1 said:
Before hopping in the car and driving four hours plus...I'd try to call again. Failing that, I'd send an email to them at jobs@forces.ca and ask to have your CFRC call you. Then, if there is still no joy, then I'd drive down and find out , in person what's happening (oh, and why they don't return calls). Busy or not, no one deserves to get such a run around.

This is the only advice you should pay attention to.
I wonder if an actual paper letter would help?  It would be a few days getting there, but one would be reasonably certain that it would get there (as opposed to e-mail, which can go adrift in any number of ways).

Also, the single letter from a prospective recruit would be harder for the staff to ignore than one of the dozens of e-mails that no doubt arrive daily.
N. McKay said:
I wonder if an actual paper letter would help?  It would be a few days getting there, but one would be reasonably certain that it would get there (as opposed to e-mail, which can go adrift in any number of ways).

Also, the single letter from a prospective recruit would be harder for the staff to ignore than one of the dozens of e-mails that no doubt arrive daily.

Of course, you have to have faith that Canada Post will not loose or delay its' delivery.
Xpress post, registered. Ask a Mod to reopen this, so you can let us know how you made out.


Milnet.ca Staff
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