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I apologize if any of the info has already been answered. So, three days ago, I received a call for enrolment. The guy told me all the dates i need to know, such as swearing in july 14 a 1pm, kitting at Denison armoury on july 18th and bmq arrival on july 19th at 6pm. Yesterday, I received a confirmation email, with joining instructions. It states in the email to acknowledge the email and confirm attendance, so i emaled the same contact and the emails that were CC'd, stating that i acknowledge and will attend all dates.

So my question is, is it all in the system now? when i got to enrolment, will they ask why I am there? or is it in the system? same with kitten, i don't want to show up to Denison and be rejected. Also do I get a letter that I must present to Denison to get my kit? all it said was to wear a white shirt and blue jeans and bring photo I.D.

So, i am doing exactly as they say, so there shouldn't be a problem, right? I have been trying to call and ask sort of the same question, but nobody has been picking up the phone, even when i called an extension.

Again sorry if this has been answered
mikegf6 said:
same with kitten, i don't want to show up to Denison and be rejected.

Bring a pocket full of cat nip and I'm sure you'll be fine ;)

So, i am doing exactly as they say, so there shouldn't be a problem, right? I have been trying to call and ask sort of the same question, but nobody has been picking up the phone, even when i called an extension.

Seems pretty straight forward. They're telling you what to do, so all you have to do is what you're told, no? Something ya should be getting use to now. Why are you looking for further instruction from people who have no control over your enrollment when your actual recruiter gave you all the info you need?

You appear stressed. Stop worrying so much and enjoy the ride.

Thanks, I guess I am
A little stressed, I just want things to go smoothly, just cause I already took time off my part time job and told everyone about it.  ;)
Hey mike, looks like we're going to be in the same course at Fort York for this summers BMQ.
I have the exact same dates for enrollment, kitting, and BMQ arrival at 6pm at July 19th.

I'm as nervous as you are bud!
Congrats on your dates and enrollment. Just print out a copy of the email that states your timings and bring it with you to your kitting appointment. Show up when the time says, preferably 10 minutes early as there may be paperwork to fill out. The recruiters should have handled everything you require to have done.

Again congrats, oh and make sure your car is empty, your going to have a lot of kit to fit in there, 1-2 barrack boxes, duffle bags, winter jackets and pants, 5-7 sets of uniforms, boots, gas mask and carrier, t-shirts, socks and underwear. You should be able to fit everything you are issued in said barrack boxes and duffle bags plus a little extra that may be to big.

Most of all, have fun and enjoy your new career.

Best of Luck,

Hey, Faivious! I shall see you Tuesday, if they say my name out loud, you will know who I am!  ;)

Hey leeworthy, thanks for the advice, it really helps! I mean yeah, I'll bring a printed copy of the email but even then, i think it just said photo I.D? It should all be in their system right? Aha and I'll make sure to bring the Van!  ;)
