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Enroll Permanent Resident / Naturalized Citizen

  • Thread starter Thread starter gokul
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Upon submission of this wavier you speak of, how long does it usually take to get an answer? Would my physically going to Canada on a passport with all of my pertinent documents help me in the application process?
Correct me if i'm wrong Kincanucks, but yes you have to have Permanent Resident Status which means you have to live here in Canada.
I too an employed as a recruiter.  With regard to a waiver, I have asked many of my peers if they recall one being granted.  The responce was not that great.  I could find only one.  The skills he had were that of a fully trained F18 pilot. 

So, unfortunatley, it doesn't look good for you.
Dispatch said:
Upon submission of this wavier you speak of, how long does it usually take to get an answer? Would my physically going to Canada on a passport with all of my pertinent documents help me in the application process?

You have to move here and take up residency that is why it is called Permanent Resident Status.  Once you obtain Permanent Resident Status then you can use the method described above.  What is so hard to understand about that?
RHFC said:
Correct me if i'm wrong Kincanucks, but yes you have to have Permanent Resident Status which means you have to live here in Canada.

You are correct and perhaps our American friend now understands the procedure.
  Hello people. I was wondering why do you need to be a Canadian citizen to join the army? I've tried to conttact the recruiting office but got no reply. On the official website they don't give a particular reason. I'm a permanent resident in Canada and already recieved aproval for citizenship, but i have to wait for 8-12 month until i become Canadian citizen. Ok, any info would be helpfull. Thanks for advance.
it wasn't always like that
in the 90s, you could get accepted as a landed immigrant if you were becoming an NCO but you had to be a citzen if you intended to become an officer.

sometime around 9/11 increased security procedures were applied and we now ask for citzenship for both OR and Officer applicants.

Must point out that before the changes, it would take forever for non citzen OR applications to get thru their security clearance so, not much in the way of changes I guess...
straight from the DND FAQ page:

A. You must meet the following minimal conditions:
be a Canadian citizen (if you have a permanent resident status, you may still be considered eligible for employment under certain conditions)
be at least 17 years of age (16 for the Reserves and Military College) with parental/quardian consent for minors
have successfully completed Grade 10 (Sec III in Quebec); some entry programs have additional academic prerequisites

Thanks for taking the time to do some reaserch.....looks good on you
  So security is the main reason right? Do you think if i go and tell them that i'm willing to die for Canada would this change anything? Because i am!
Insanehuman said:
  So security is the main reason right? Do you think if i go and tell them that i'm willing to die for Canada would this change anything? Because i am!

Oh in that case........... ::)
  I don't know how to explain this but i think that civil life is a PARASITE. What i mean by that is that most people want a good job to have a good life and they live day by day doing pretty much the same, but there are other people who fight for their freedom so that they can have a good life. And they are sometimes forgotten.... Ahhhh
Enough for now.

If one of the experienced recruiters on the site as something to add, they can contact a staff member to have it posted.
Would this be a good change ? I am sure it would expand the number of potential recruits which is the goal.

IMHO, as long as they pass the background check and physical, then great.  If a landed immigrant wants to serve this country I say more power to them.

Someone correct me if i'm wrong, but didn't the PRes at one point recruit landed immigrants, which was only recently changed a few years ago?
Actually, if you follow alot of the actions of Gen. Hillier, and even the CSOR, you will notice the forces are trying to get a lot of mid-eastern people.
This is because they want to have people with the language and cultures/customs of the areas we are currently in operation.
Well the US recruits the same way (Green Card) with added bonus to citizenship.

Correct and it expands the recruit pool. I just wish we would sponsor foreign applicants like we did during Vietnam.
tomahawk6 said:
Correct and it expands the recruit pool. I just wish we would sponsor foreign applicants like we did during Vietnam.

I was considered one of them...worked for me and the U.S.