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ED&T Request

George Wallace

Army.ca Dinosaur
Reaction score
[Compliments of Aerobicrunner]

Ref:  A-PM-245-001/FP-001      http://cmp-cpm.forces.mil.ca/DHRIM/mhrrp/ch19/engraph/ANNA_e.doc

According to ref (excerpt below), you only need to fill out the Annex A request for ED&T (link provided - DWAN only).  All ED&T requests at this Bde and higher only use that form, readily available online at any unit.  It has an area for you to provide the reason.  You only need to visit your unit  orderly room to have them complete it.  If your unit still wants a memo, well, I guess that's up to them.

Exempt Duty and Training (ED&T)
5.19 The purpose of the following paras is to establish the division of responsibilities and provide the form with which members may apply for ED&T as prescribed in the Sect of CF Mil Pers Instr 20/04 entitled “ Exempt Duty and Training (ED&T)”.
ED&T – Authority
5.20 A fully completed and signed Application for ED&T at Annex A constitutes the member's authority to be absents from Cl “A” Res Svc duty. As such, a completed application for ED&T is required for all members who wish to be absent.


See also:

Staff writing guide

Format of Memos
All ED&T must be recorded in Monitor MASS in order for the Parade State to be accurate.