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Does Canada need a Military?

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Polish Mig-29 Pilot

I‘m new on this forum and hopefully won‘t be famed for this topic. But does Canada need a military? I‘ll post my reasons why not later! But lets see why you guys think. And not only from those people who like to handle firearms.
Every nation must have a military, either it‘s own or someone else‘s.
Every nation must have a military, either it‘s own or someone else‘s.
Gunner-- that sums it up nicely! SHould be the end of this thread!!!!
I disagree with ending the thread here. I‘d estimate that ninety percent of Canadians wonder the same thing. The general public hates the military, and we‘re portrayed as 1: Not a fighting force (clean-up after disasters) and 2: An embarrassment to Canada overseas (Somalia). We have to justify our existence and hopefully growth because we do not want Canada to end up with another country‘s armed forces protecting us.

Canada needs its own armed forces because we never know when we will have to defend Canada from agressors as yet unknown. We must patrol our skies and waters, and maintain a deterrent standing army with capable reserves so that greedy foreign powers won‘t be tempted to pull a fast one on Canada. Since you tout yourself as Polish, I compel you to remember Poland‘s history just before the Second World War. Poland had been seeking a deal with Hitler and at the last minute it was not reached. Hitler‘s army--by all accounts not yet well re-armed and a force nobody until then expected to turn aggressive--invaded. Poland‘s armed forces (which had been neglected just like Canada‘s are today) responded to the invasion with mounted cavalry and bayonet charges. They were slaughtered. It could happen to Canada.
I think Canada should put some pride in their military, lets look back on all the good things that Canada‘s military has done. Maybe Canada can start by joining that missle defence with the states.
I‘m new to the Canadian Army, the Reserves infact, but I take great pride in my work. It‘s enjoyable, fun, challenging, and quite rewarding.

I‘ve met some of the finest people I‘ve met in my life from being in the army for just a few short months, and I feel quite content with the fact that while other people of my stature are working part time at McD‘s for $6 an hour doing, flipping burgers and asking "uh... you want fries with that?" I‘m learning how to be a soldier. A trade that I‘ve dreamt about being since I was a little kid. Furthermore, as an added bonus, I get paid more than buddy at McDonalds.

It is quite a shame that few people actually are in the army, or even the military in general. From my short time in the military, I‘ve grown quite a loyalty and fondness towards it. In fact, it just pisses me right off when people crap on it, and disrespect it.

The guy above (sorry to not recall your name) is right, though, about Canada‘s need for a strong military. There may not be any immediate need for it now, but who knows what could lie ahead in the future?
Good attitude there, Fader. I‘ve met too many unmotivated kids in the reserves (and the regs, too). Welcome to the War Diary.

I‘m still waiting for the original poser, Mr Polish Mig Pilot, to explain why we don‘t need a military...
funny how only canadians don‘t think canada has a "fighting force", we are in high praise for Britian, Germany and the states for our "well-rounded" soldiers.

for future refrence, we were at about this size military before WW2 and substantially less before WW1

so ease up there guy

re-take that history course in school, mabey you forgot Passchendaele, Ypres, somme, vimy, hill 70, dieppe, normandy, Liri valley, Melfa Crossing, our whole little "liberating holland" thing ;)

this will be my only posting on this topic
errr... I meant poster, not poser, in my above response.
If I didn‘t think Canada needed a military I wouldn‘t be in it.
The thing about this is. Canada has no clear danger or no clear enemy. We are not placed geographically in an area near enemy countries. We haven‘t been updating the Armed Forces and the equipment is old and useless. Maybe if the Armed forces were made smaller it would be more economical for the country.
if we were any smaller we‘d be a pimple on an elephants ass.
Polish Mig---In reply to your last post, I refer you to A.J.P. Taylor‘s "Origins of the Second World War." In it he explains how up until the very last minute Poland was a virtual ally of Nazi Germany. Then an agreement was not reached between them and Hitler jumped the gun. Poland‘s enemy was not distinctly so...the Poles were more scared of the Soviet Union. The Poles were caught unprepared. Canada should never be in such a position. We need to deter hostile countries and to prepare for every possible threat against us and our allies pursuant to our NATO and UN committments. I think we‘re the best, and we should start acting like it around the world.

Without a well-armed, well trained, sufficiently manned Armed Forces, Canada is nothing. Think of what was behind the fall of Rome. How did the barbarian hordes eventually destroy the empire and sack the city of Rome? If you know then you indeed know why Canada needs an Armed Forces.
Also, from the post "in praise" It says

""Canada is not in danger of invasion," they say.

The Russians, Spanish and American fishing fleets would love to find our coasts undefended. So would Chinese snakeheads."
i here people all the time saying that canada dosnt need a millitary, that there is no threat of an attack and if there was the US would defend us. they say that the millitarys to expensive and they dont do anything anyway,quiet frankly that sickns me i joined the reserves a year ago and alot of people look down on you and ask why do i even get payed the think the reserves is some kind of joke that its like cadets or something ive had people say i should join the real army.
when people say that are soldiers dont do anything and that we are not needed its ignorance pure and simple, and the truth is that a soldier works harder and sacurfices more then the average joe. and for those who say that we should rely on other countrys to protect our freedom we would be little more then a puppet to our protectors and thats freedom by name only.
This is probably the funniest post I‘ve ever seen. Well here goes... We all remember the American dream of "Manifest Destiny". The concept of North America one day becoming the United States of America. THAT IS WHY WE NEED A MILITARY!!!! Sir Isaac Brock is rolling in his grave as we speak. Canada isn‘t for sale or the 51st state of the U.S. either.

-the patriot-
...then again didn‘t wargames experts figure out that it would take the US a mere thirty-six hours if it used all available forces to completely rout any armed response and occupy the whole country? Highly unlikely that it would ever happen that way, though.
Fortunecookie, this is only counting military forces.As of yet, i‘m still a civilian and i can tell you i‘d sit on my mont-st-hilaire and pop caps with hunting rifle at any invaders.I‘d die for my country if it was needed.
Right. The thrity-six hour estimation was from first shot until American flag being raised. That certainly does not count preparations, mobilising the mech inf and armd the Americans count on to hold ground--required before such an invasion would happen.

It is also important to note that hypothetical situations are considered in military circles without implying an actual intent to invade militarily. Americans-invade-Grenovia scenarios are very common.

We‘re already inundated with American culture anyway, and there‘s NAFTA so...

Mont St Hilaire eh? Are you with 6R22eR?