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DEO Infantry and Armoured slots not available until Feb 14, Artillery however...

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DEO Infantry and Armoured slots not available until Feb, 2008. Artillery positions, however, are available immediately. I was just told this by the recruiting officer about an hour ago.
I've applied for a position as DEO Infantry, this process has been lengthy no doubt, but positive for me. The officer that I spoke to sounded empathetic but optimistic about my placement on the next selection.
Are they trained to sound this way  :) or can I expect a postion offered in Feb?
ahh i was hoping to apply for infantry soon but i guess if you rinfo is correct that won't be happening. whats DEO?
paradise said:
ahh i was hoping to apply for infantry soon but i guess if you info is correct that won't be happening. whats DEO?

paradise, if you start your application process now, your file might be ready for a selection board in February (if there are no complications with your file).

DEO - Direct Entry officer, which applies to those who already have a university degree
oh ok thank you.

I just wish I was smart in math and science.... The only smarts I have is military smarts, and survival smarts. There isn't too many people who think the way I do, I am a stragegist. I play a game called warrock, No on co-operates. No team work whatsoever. Funny thing is everybody has deaths, how do you prevent deaths? excellent tactics! I can never drive a car. The only reason why is because I am an observer, I observe everything. I cannot keep my eyes focused on a road for a long time. But if it comes to shooting I can. I can be in a forest and the slightest animal human movement, I can detect it. Which is excellent for a sniper. IMO that's what the cf needs more of is snipers.... why walk the roads to get shot at or ied'd ? when you can hide, and shoot the enemy with out being seen.

paradise said:
oh ok thank you.

I just wish I was smart in math and science.... The only smarts I have is military smarts, and survival smarts. There isn't too many people who think the way I do, I am a stragegist. I play a game called warrock, No on co-operates. No team work whatsoever. Funny thing is everybody has deaths, how do you prevent deaths? excellent tactics! I can never drive a car. The only reason why is because I am an observer, I observe everything. I cannot keep my eyes focused on a road for a long time. But if it comes to shooting I can. I can be in a forest and the slightest animal human movement, I can detect it. Which is excellent for a sniper. IMO that's what the cf needs more of is snipers.... why walk the roads to get shot at or ied'd ? when you can hide, and shoot the enemy with out being seen.


My god, stop before you get hurt.....
Looks like he is one of those “I am awesome at Rainbow Six, I am going to kick so much *** in Afghanistan” people.  ::)

Please think. I know it may be hard for you, but it will prevent you from making a fool of yourself.

Best of luck though.

Locked before I start this thread on a downward spiral myself.

Trimmen, for what it's worth (unsubstantiated rumour), I have heard that there is to be a sizable intake of Infantry officers for the Reg F next year.  It is possible that the Recruiting Officer is aware of such happenings, but he cannot make firm promises before selections and offers actually happen.

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