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Critique this workout please

If you are a hard gainer, look up Mark Rippetoe/Starting Strength and do that before embarking on CF, if you follow the adivce routines to the letter you will gain mass/strength.  As an aside, I have learned the hard way, that if your strength (particularly when it comes to overhead press) is lacking, then doing a cycle of Starting Strength is of tremendous benefit.
Good advice for anyone starting out. Personally, again through a lot of trial and error (and a good amount of sucking back and thinking critically about this problem set), I have found, as a hard-gainer/true ectomorph, that HIT works best for me. Hit the muscles hard in all-out effort and then rest. High volume regimes worked for a few weeks and then nothing. Again, to each his/her own.
I am not discounting P90X or CrossFit, as these regimes are a welcome step in creating functional muscle and muscle memory, as strength/size should not be the sole focus. As someone used to HIT, and with the knowledge that high-volume training mixed with higher than recommended intensity (potential conflict of first principles) was just too much for my particular recovery ability, I would have to look at limiting the frequency of a CrossFit regime, for example. Say 2 on, 2 two off and monitor from there.
For those who like to monitor progress objectively vs your gut feel/current state of mind, mixing up a routine too often or every time could make tracking progress a pain. Hard to tell at that point whether or not overtraining is setting in or not. Again, creeps up insidiously.
Flawed Design:  Keeping in mind that I am a chicky... IMHO I think your running sched is too aggressive on day 2

(DAY 2
10KM run at a light pace (working up to 16km then hopefully 22))

Have you considered adding another form of cardio to your sched?  I'm not a big fan of elliptical/stairmaster, but a skipping/core day (30-90 secs skipping then 30-60 secs hardcore core, repeat ad nauseum) would mix things up a bit and give your legs a break.  Don't scoff this as too easy until you pick up that skipping rope!  Another option would be a stair routine (using real stairs not the Stair Master) whereby you climb 2-3 flts, do pushups on the landing (you can use the stairs to jack you up to increase the difficulty of the pushups), repeat for 30 - 45 mins.  Change the constants in the above two ideas to match your fitness level.

Just a girl's perspective...

I rather go for a tight strong package, instead of bulky and strong.....your easier to shoot at when your bulky! 8)
A few observations from someone with experience in the field,
1. The reasons females are not (generally speaking) as big or strong as males is hormonal. It is not because of pilates or whatever else. What this has to do with lions I have no idea.
2. If your goal is hypertrophy you need to increase volume (in the 8-12 rep range) assuming you are properly fed and rested.
3. Squats are the granddaddy.
4. I'm sick of hearing about muscle confusion. Exercise is a threat to homoestasis, your body will adapt to this threat in order to lessen the impact of the stress should it happen again.