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Does anyone out there have an above average knowledge of this document that can answer some not so simple questions? My question focuses around CBI 204.211 PAY - GENERAL SERVICE OFFICERS - OFFICER ENTRY PLANS - LIEUTENANT, SECOND LIEUTENANT AND OFFICER CADET.

There are whole threads on that specific subject. Try search
For those that are interested:


(1) (Application) This instruction applies to

an officer cadet to whom the Regular Officer Training Plan, the University Training Plan (Non-commissioned Members), the Officer Candidate Training Plan (No Former Service and Former Service), the Continuing Education Officer Training Plan, the Special Commissioning Plan or the Commissioned From the Ranks Plan applies;
a lieutenant or a second lieutenant who has successfully completed the Regular Officer Training Plan, the University Training Plan (Non-commissioned Members), the Continuing Education Officer Training Plan, the Special Commissioning Plan or the Officer Candidate Training Plan (No Former Service and Former Service);
a direct entry officer in the rank of lieutenant, second lieutenant or officer cadet; (
a lieutenant or second lieutenant commissioned directly from the rank of warrant officer or below; and
a pilot who was appointed to the rank of officer cadet or enrolled in the Direct Entry Officer Program after 30 September 1998.
(2) (Pay on promotion) In accordance with paragraphs (3) and (4) of CBI 204.04 (Rate of Pay on Promotion), an officer shall be paid on promotion at the rate of pay established for the officer’s rank, pay increment and pay level as set out in the tables to this instruction.

(3) (Rate of pay - Regular Officer Training Plan) An officer to whom the Regular Officer Training Plan applies shall be paid, for each month after the month and year specified in the table, at the rate of pay established for the officer's rank and pay increment as follows

if a lieutenant or second lieutenant, in pay level A of Table "B" or "C" to this instruction; or
subject to article 203.20 (Officers - Regular Force - Limitation of Payments) of the QR&O, if an officer cadet, in pay level A of Table "A" to this instruction.
(4) (Rate of pay - University Training Plan (Non-commissioned Members) and Special Commissioning Plan) A lieutenant or second lieutenant to whom the University Training Plan (Non-Commissioned Members) or Special Commissioning Plan applies shall be paid, for each month after the month and year specified in the table, at the rate of pay for the officer's rank and and pay increment as follows

if appointed to the rank of officer cadet directly from the rank of private, in pay level A of Table "B" or "C" to this instruction;
if appointed to the rank of officer cadet directly from the rank of corporal or above, in pay level D of Table "B" or "C" to this instruction.
if commissioned directly to the rank of lieutenant or second lieutenant from a non-commissioned member rank, in pay level D of Table "B" or "C" to this instruction
(CDS 1 Apr 03)

(5) (Rate of pay - Officer Candidate Training Plan (No Former Service)) A lieutenant, second lieutenant or officer cadet to whom the Officer Candidate Training Plan (No Former Service) applies shall be paid, for each month after the month and year specified in the table, at the rate of pay established for the officer’s rank and pay increment in pay level B of Table "A", "B", or "C" to this instruction.

(6) (Rate of pay - Officer Candidate Training Plan (Former Service)) A lieutenant or a second lieutenant to whom the Officer Candidate Training Plan (Former Service) applies, and who was appointed to the rank of officer cadet directly from the rank of private or above shall be paid, for each month after the month and year specified in the table, at the rate of pay established for the officer’s rank and pay increment in pay level D of Table "B" or "C" to this instruction.

(7) (Rate of pay - Continuing Education Officer Training Plan) An officer to whom the Continuing Education Officer Training Plan applies shall be paid, for each month after the month and year specified in the table, at the rate of pay for the officer’s rank and pay increment as follows

in the rank of lieutenant or second lieutenant
with no former non-commissioned member service, in pay level B of Table "B" or "C" to this instruction, or
with former non-commissioned member service and appointment to the rank of officer cadet directly from the rank of private or above, in pay level D of Table "B" or "C" to this instruction; and
in the rank of officer cadet with no former non-commissioned member service, in pay level B of Table "A" to this instruction.
(8 ) (Rate of pay - Commissioned From the Ranks Plan) An officer to whom the commissioned from the ranks plan applies and who was commissioned from the rank of warrant officer, sergeant, master corporal or such lower rank as determined by the Chief of the Defence Staff, directly to the rank of lieutenant, or such lower rank as determined by the Chief of the Defence Staff, is deemed to have been promoted to that officer rank directly from the officer's former non-commissioned rank for the purpose of CBI 204.04, and shall be paid, for each month after the month and year specified in the table, at the rate of pay established for the officer's rank and pay increment in pay level E of Table "B" or "C" to this instruction.

(CDS 1 April 03)

(9) (Rate of pay - Direct Entry Officer) A direct entry officer in the rank of officer cadet shall be paid, for each month after the month and year specified in the table, at the rate of pay established in pay level C of Table "B" to this instruction for the rank of second lieutenant. A direct entry officer in the rank of lieutenant or second lieutenant shall be paid, for each month after the month and year specified in the table, at the rate of pay established for the officer’s rank and pay increment in pay level C of Table "B" or "C" to this instruction.

(10) (Officer Cadet - former non-commissioned member) An officer cadet to whom an officer entry plan at paragraghs (4), (6), (7) or (8 ) applies, who is appointed directly to that rank from a non-commissioned rank shall be paid.

if the member was a non-commissioned member of the Regular Force, at the rate of pay which, including any upward adjustments to the rates of pay determined under subparagraphs (i) and (ii) that may be established from time to time, and any upward adjustments resulting from the reallocation of the last military occupation in which the member served as a non-commissioned member to a higher trade group, is the greater of the rate of pay established for
the rank, pay increment, pay level and trade group held on the day immediately prior to the date of appointment to the rank of officer cadet, or
any higher pay increment to which the member would have become entitled had the member remained in the former rank, pay level and trade group as a non-commissioned member; and
if the member was a former Regular Force member who re-enrols or a member who transfers from the Reserve Force to the Regular Force, at the rate of pay in pay level "D" in Table "A" and pay increment as determined in orders or instructions issued by the Chief of the Defence Staff.
(CDS 1 Apr 03)

(11) (Limitations on pay increments) Subject to CBI 204.015 (Incentive Pay), the number of pay increment increases may not exceed the maximum number of pay increments for the applicable pay level and table to this instruction, and is further limited as follows:

in the case of an officer cadet who is paid under pay level B in Table "A", to a maximum of one increase;
in the case of an officer cadet who is paid under pay level D in Table "A", to no pay increment increase regardless of time served in that rank;
in the case of a second lieutenant who is paid under Table "B", to a maximum of one increase, and in the case of a lieutenant who is paid under Table "C", to a maximum of three increases.
(12) (Completion of training) IIf the Chief of the Defence Staff, or any officer designated by the Chief of the Defence Staff, determines that an officer cannot complete military occupation training required for progression to the next rank solely as a result of a delay from scheduling of the training or a change in training requirements in the military occupation, and the required occupation training is not subsequent to a voluntary occupational transfer after one year of occupation training in the former military occupation, the maximum number of pay increment increases that may be provided to an officer under paragraph (11) is increased, but not to exceed the maximum number of pay increments for the applicable pay level and table, as follows:

in the case of a delay of one year or less, by one pay increment; and
in the case of a delay of more than one year, by two pay increments.
(13) (Voluntary withdrawal - Regular Officer Training Plan) An officer cadet to whom the Regular Officer Training Plan applies, and who voluntarily withdraws from the academic portion of the Regular Officer Training Plan, shall be paid, despite any other provisions of the CBI, for any subsequent period of obligatory service required to be performed during which the officer remains as an officer cadet, at the rate of pay to which entitled at the time of the withdrawal from the plan, including any upward adjustments to that rate of pay that may be established from time to time.

(TB # 829735, effective 1 Apr 02)

TABLE "A" TO CBI 204.211

BASIC 1  2  3  4  5  6  7  8  9  10
Officer Cadet  A  1328  1356  1386  1412  …  …  …  …  …  …  … 
B  2400  2500  2890  3002  … … … … … … …
D 2400  2500  2882  3464  3962  4020  4078  4134  4190  4399  4619

(TB # 831822 effective 1 April 2005)

TABLE "B" TO CBI 204.211

BASIC 1  2  3  4  5  6  7  8  9  10
Second Lieutenant  A  3806  3860  …  …  …  …  …  …  …  …  … 
B  3026  3203 3508  3816  …  …  …  …  …  …  … 
C  3255  3530  3806  4088  4369  4650  4929  …  …  …  … 
D  4154  4278  4406  4539  4676  4815  4959  5109  5261  5419  5583 
E  4204  4329  4460  4593  4732  4873  5020  5169  5326  5485  5648

(TB # 831822 effective 1 April 2005)

TABLE "C" TO CBI 204.211

BASIC 1  2  3  4  5  6  7  8  9  10
Lieutenant  A  4147  4429  4712  4992  …  …  …  …  …  …  … 
B  3203  3508  3816  4155  4500  …  …  …  …  …  … 
C  3579 3860  4004  4147  4289  4429  4571  4712  4853  4992  … 
D  4265  4436  4613  4799  4991  5191  5396  5613  5839  6071  6315
E  4432  4609  4794  4986  5186  5392  5608  5834  6066  6309  6562 

(TB # 831822 effective 1 April 2005)
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