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::) Why does the system or the members within it change how we do claims and benefits for members?
If you go to work out of the geographical area one would believe that with a temp duty you would receive the pay.  If you work well past the normal working hours of the work day and have to travel for that day why do the people who work in the Finance groups decide that members or dept. are not eligible?  How does this work? Why if there is no statements of no TD or claims in these tasks can individuals or groups not get the claims?  If you have to work away from your home and have to pay for 2 residents for short periods there should not be a fight to sort this out.  I have had to try to sort this out for my guys in the past.  Anyone know what or why this is still going on?  QOL, i thought this would be a major issue for retention in the military, or maybe I have been just confused on how the system works.
Your question is rather confusing.  Could you clarify it a bit?  Perhaps an example of what practices you are questioning?
Well, for example, one of my guys was told when he went on a short term TD he was to put in for his claim.  When he completed his task and went back to the unit he was denied by the authorising officer as not being eligible.  For the claims aspect what i always have to deal with is duty personnel being told they are authorized to claim for meals and yet again being deny ed.  I though this was clear if it wasn't told to the member that they can not claim for the duty, why cant they receive it.
  All TD, overnight or not, within the headquarters area or outside of it is addressed in the Canadian Forces Temporary Duty Travel Instructions (CFTDTI).  Various regulations (CFAO, CBI, etc) regulate the TD as well as Treasury Board directives.  The CFTDTI are (or at least should be) available from your OR staff.  As well, they are on the intranet at http://hr.dwan.dnd.ca/dgcb/dcba/engraph/home_e.asp?sidesection=2&sidecat=7. 

  Section 5, article 5.10 deals with meals within the HQ area with no overnight stay and section 6, article 6.10 addresses meals outside the HQ area with no overnight stay. 

  Best of luck.
I agree the info has been placed and we use them.  But it frustrates allot of NCOs when they try to play games and delay claims or just out right say no to them.  If they follow the guidelines or not this is why I started this thread.  I guess passage of updates to these claims are not a priority forsome trades and its sad to say I have to get from you guys not from higher.

Howdy Mooo,

  I can understand your frustration with the claims process as sometimes it can seem like you aren't getting the service that would seem to be merited.  However there can be several reasons for.

  As an example, at one of the previous units I was at, the DCO made several very clear promises regarding claims, payment of claims and rates to several soldiers he despatched on TD.  These soldiers didn't come to me, the OR Supr until after the fact, so they never even had claims when they left on the TD.  However, when they returned, and their claims were finaized, they were quite upset that the amount of money they were receiving was much less than the DCO promised.  Not my fault, but rather the fault of the DCO who made promises that he couldn't keep.  But, the soldiers, as is human nature, were upset at the person delivering the bad news:  me.

  As well, it depends on the other taskings your clerks may have.  Right now at most units in 1 CMBG, a goodly percentage of the RMS CLKs are in the fd on ex.  No computer = no claims being done on ClaimsX.  They have no control on whether they deploy or not, that is the COs call and it is his to make.  But some snr staff forget that without DIN access, a significant portion of a RMS CLKs job simply stops.  As well, if they have PT, veh maint and other internal tasks (who usually is the unit fund treasurer?) then they may not have the opportunity to get to a particular claim in the time the claimant would like.

  There are good clerks and there are not so good clerks, much the same as for other trades.  But, in the main, your admin staff truly is dedicated to getting your money to you ASAP and to providing you everything you are entitled to.  Sometimes however, promises are made that can't be kept or other timings have to be kept.

  Best of luck, but if you have any questions, I will definitely try to help you out.  Cheers.
