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Ceremonial Guard (CG) Mega Thread [MERGED]


Army.ca Myth
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I‘m running windows XP on my laptop and it said i had updates available so i downloaded them and surfed on. Upon rebooting the computer i found i couldnt access the internet or log into msn. using someone elses computer i started checking into it. Seems tons and tons of people are having this problem. Most people just can‘t log into MSN but more and more are having problems with windows explorer. I‘m running DSL. It shows that im connected to the net but i cant get through some type of firewall or safty function that windows explorer has. After checking around a while it seems no one has a real fix for this problem. Some people have been stuck offline due to this over a week. I even tried restoring the computer to a few days ago before i downloaded the updates and shes still a no go.

Just giving you guys a heads up, i don‘t reccomend upgrading MSn from 6.0 to 6.1 or 6.2 (whatever) and i suggest not downloading any windows updates for a while.
If someone knows how to fix this by all means let me know
If you want an alternative to MSN Messenger, try trillian..


It doesn‘t have ALL the functions of MSN, but it works for me... Plus it‘s a convenient way to use ICQ and MSN in the same handy program.

I downloaded the (new?) MSN update, and tryed installing. It would not let me for some reason...
Same goes with the windows updates..

Now I know. Thanks Ghost.
Things like that are why I hate computers. We should all go back to type writers. :(
It must be MSN 6.2 because I‘ve been using 6.1 for quite some time now with no problems.
I‘m running Windows 2000 and recently downloaded MSN 6.1 and I‘m not experiencing any problems whatsoever.
i used to work for MSN technical support. it was the worst job ever*, but I learned a few interesting things there.

if you are running XP and want to disable the built-in firewall, goto

My Computer >> My Network Places >> View Network Connections

(the last three were in a menu off to the side)

Now, at this screen, you will see connections (or possible connections!) on your computer. One of them should be active (Enabled).

Click on that connection.

In the window that pops up, under the general tab, there is a button called properties.

Click on that button.

In the new window that pops up, goto the advanced tab, and uncheck the check box.

That‘s it, you‘ve just disabled windows XP‘s built in firewall. If you still can‘t get your net working, try unplugging your broadband modem from the wall for about 15 minutes. Still, there could be other factors....do you have a router? Are you using a third party firewall? Oh, and btw, if you are getting your internet through MSN, you should be running MSN 9.

*EDIT: Superstore janitor may have been slightly worse.

*EDIT 2: And don‘t worry that many people are having this problem. You‘d be surprised how many complete and utter f___ing morons have computers, present company excluded.
I‘m running Xp and I d/l MSN 6.1 a few weeks ago and I haven‘t had any problems with it as of yet. But I have noticed everytime I log on to the net I‘m always asked to d/l more updates. Now this is strange because usually its like once every couple of weeks I get asked, not twice a day...

Is this happening to anyone else?
Thanks for the tip nULL, i‘ll pass it on to anyone else i know having that problem. And im a total moron when it comes to computers. My technical skills stop at being able to modify a timberwolf in the game mechwarrior to kick everyones ***. :) I figure though, if i knew everything then i would be putting people, like computer techies, out of a job. I dont want to take food out of someones mouth like that.

I brought my laptop (and desk top for a new hard drive heh) into the techies today. He didn‘t get a chance to look at it right off the bat but we did sometrouble shooting and he believed it had to do with me using kazaa. Appartently in some files floating around kazaa (and other software sharing programs) theres a virus that reacts when you upgrade your windows, MSN messenger or a few other programs with a view to basically stopping you from using MSN or accessing windows explorer etc..
Originally posted by Che:
[qb] Technology is grate :D [/qb]
Just like your spelling :D
Jokes jokes :p
Well I have all the bells and whistles for MSN but I haven‘t experienced any problems.
Anyway, thanks for the heads up.
Just wondering if anyone else on here is doing CG in Ottawa this summer? This will be my first time. What can I expect?  :salute: :cdn:
I am for sure, infact we leave on monday...and its my first go too so im not sure what to expect either, aside from 4 days on 4 days off has been changed to 6 days on 3 days off.
other than that ill see ya there.
First day or two will be admin, sorting things out.  After which, 3 weeks, monday to friday, weekends if needed, will be intensive drill, to bring everyone up to CG standard, to be ready for the Hill and the House.  PT in the morning, breakfast, drill, lunch, drill, dinner,drill, some time off.  You will be sorted according to your size (tall platoons, short platoons), and you will be assigned a partner, for House duties.  

Then there's the Canada day parade, which basically kicks off the season.  From there, it's mostly parades in the morning, and then depending on the CO, you can have lectures or all kinds of things in the afternoon, or "admin" and such.  Days at the Governor General's house, you get maybe 2 or 3 sentry shifts of one hour, and you spend the entire day there, which is very interesting because usually when you're not on sentry you can just walk around and check out the nice looking tourists.  8)

It used to be on a 4 on 4 off rotation, when it was split between the 2 COYs, namely the GGFG coy, and the CGG coy, however this season, due to big gaps in the leadership cadre (lack of personnel), there are no more 2 COYs, they have been merged into one COY.  It will be a 6 on 3 off rotation, and if I remember correctly, there will be 2 platoons of GGFG and 2 platoons of CGG, but I need to re-verify that information I just received this weekend.  There is a big change in traditions this summer,so it will be interesting to find out what will happen with that, and how it will work.  How the good old Foot guard Grenadier guard competition spirit holds with the new conditions.  We even have 6 or 7 CGG guys that are getting rebadged GGFG for the summer.  I'm VERY curious to find out how that will fly.

All in all, drill all the time isn't exactly a choice posting for the summer, but the time you have there with everyone always ends up being a blast, and putting on the show for the public is a good time.  You stay at Carleton U, right in the public, next to downtown Ottawa.  You'll enjoy yourself, just don't let the strict army/discipline games get to you, play the game, and you will have a good time.  It's all in the attitude.  

That's all I can think of off the top of my head for now.  Feel free to ask if you have any other question.
Dont forget.....youve got Camerons coming this year too....so its truly gonna be jokes, anyway back to packing up...leaving tomorrow

and thanks Kendrick I like to get to an insider view.