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CBC engineering our opinion again


Army.ca Legend
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I visited the site listed above less than five minutes ago.  As I go there now, some 13 messages that were up have been deleted.  The majority of those messages were positive of Canada's role in Afghanistan.  I am sending the following message to this board:

To the moderators:
Why did you just delete some 13 messages, most of which were supportive of the mission, whilst leaving several "negative" messages on here?  What kind of agenda do you wish to serve?  I was on this very page not five minutes ago, and at that time there were 48 messages.  As I type this, there are 35.  What gives?

Perhaps a copy and paste is called for.  Copy the posts and save as a word doc, then compare what they have later.  Send them the proof, when you confront them.

It is truly sad that the Media in Canada are waging this type of "Fifth Column" war against the Government.  They are currently doing the same thing with regard to the Environment, accepting the words of Al Gore over those of Scientists who are experts in the fields.  It would appear that the Canadian public are being fed only what some editor's agenda
I just skimmed the first half of that page, it looked like the majority were supportive... then again I only skimmed
Al Gore makes me laugh.  I watched him on Oprah talking about his warming thingy.  So, Oprah, being "neutral", played a clip of a scientist of a different opinion.  Al's response was that scientist so and so was but one, and he (al gore) had some 'x' number of scientists on his side.  Oh, they were all from the same lab on the same campus in California, somewhere, by the way.  Of course, Oprah's audience was wowed by his high glitz presentation.

(My wife made me watch it) :D

Well, they are once again back down to 35 comments...and yours isn't one of them.  ;D

There are, however, a couple from an "ALASTAIR JAMES BERRY," (hey, he posted his name - - CBC's an open forum)....going on about "I'm glad to see the USA is getting away from it's paranoia about 'TERRORISTS' (kill all the Ragheaded SCUMBAGS).... Canada, now a client state of the USA....and "Spraying [Afghan peasant] fields, stock, family and dwelling with AGENT ORANGE is criminal."

Put on your tinfoil conspiracy hat, Haupt S, and re-send your message; then it may register with CBC
There are certainly some, ah, interesting viewpoints on there.  Including Canada trying to take over Afghanistan like Russia, that people will stop shooting at our soldiers if we buy their poppies, and that Atlantic Canadians only join the military because they are poor. Oh yes and that Canada is purposely sending these 'poor' soldiers to Afghanistan.

And it is back down to 35 posts, some of the ones I had just read are gone.
NL_engineer said:
Excuses excuses, we know you like watching Oprah  ;D
And Gilmore Girls.  And Dr. Phil.  And especially Desparate Housewives ;)
Hauptmann Scharlachrot said:
And Gilmore Girls.  And Dr. Phil.  And especially Desparate Housewives ;)

Keeping in touch with your feminine side?  :)

Or allowing it to take over!  >:D
neko said:
Keeping in touch with your feminine side?  :)

Or allowing it to take over1 >:D
Who says it was never in control all along?
Sounds like this is turning into a 'chat room' thing...............back on topic folks.
Hauptmann Scharlachrot said:
Who says it was never in control all along?

Well that should make married life interesting.  ;D

Can you and your wife share clothes?    :) Or am I getting to personal?

Edited to add an apology, the warning when I was posting only showed Pea's not yours  Mr.Monkhouse
Ok, sorry, to keep this back on track.

I've been to that site several times over the past few minutes.  Each time it was different.  At one time, I had a post up.  Then it was gone.  I mean, I know that the posts are moderated and vetted prior to "airing", and that someone, right now, is sitting somewhere in an office, somewhere in "cbc land", but can't they at least be consistent?

You think that is bad?
The person in charge of censoring ads in Canada, including political ads, has a strong Liberal bias, even donated more than some MPs.

Makes me feel all warm and cozy inside.
sober_ruski said:
The person in charge of censoring ads in Canada, including political ads, has a strong Liberal bias, even donated more than some MPs.
Again I would like to see 'tangable proof' before I hang somebody but if this is paper-trailed verifiable then this should be a huge concern.....
It wouldnt be hard to verify. Elections Manitoba has a list of everyone who contributed back in 2003.
Elections Canada should have the same list.

Hauptmann Scharlachrot said:
Ok, sorry, to keep this back on track.

I've been to that site several times over the past few minutes.  Each time it was different.  At one time, I had a post up.  Then it was gone.  I mean, I know that the posts are moderated and vetted prior to "airing", and that someone, right now, is sitting somewhere in an office, somewhere in "cbc land", but can't they at least be consistent?

I believe this is not a CBC Liberal Bias issue, but a CBC unable to properly operate a website issue.  I suspect their site uses multiple servers; each time you connect to CBC.CA that computer directs your request to another machine (with names like NEWS1.CBC.CA, NEWS2.CBC.CA or some such).  A well-designed system will ensure that all the NEWSX.CBC.CA machines are in sync.  A government bureaucracy would roll-out a system that syncs rarely, and has no robust verification systems.

So this is probably not a case of CBC bias - more likely a case of technical incompetence...