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Canadian War Toilet

I see the style hasnt changed in 20 years... except the seat is white instead of blue now?
So maybe I missed the point of that but why is it such a big deal the CF troops in Afghanistan have to sh!t like the rest of us???
Ah ok then must not share the same sense of humour then cause all I found funny was that they seemed to be having problems putting the whole "System" together  ;D  Or maybe that is the humor haha
241 said:
So maybe I missed the point of that but why is it such a big deal the CF troops in Afghanistan have to sh!t like the rest of us???

We get to astound the world with how hi-tech we are....
Haha yeah I guess no blue rockets there so we gotta be #1 at #2 haha ;D
Ya US troops just make a sandbag throne if a port-a-potty isnt available. :D
author=tomahawk6 link=topic=68259/post-639887#msg639887 date=1195862285]
Ya US troops just make a sandbag throne if a port-a-potty isnt available. :D

Well heck my old civi job in the oil field wasn't even that comfy most of the time, I was luck if I had a boiler shack to go in and a bucket to hold the bag (and I had to take it from lease to the shop/hotel dumpster)[quote
Yeah it sure does, being a reservist and only going out on weekend exs my body normaly stops tha function until we hit McD's in Camrose haha
In Iraq, there was heaps of KBR flush toilets in the FOBs we frequented, which the locals (LECs) tried to keep clean, with the heat and number of people using them. Mostly they were worse than a public toilet in Doha! At times the smell was enough to gag a maggot, and thats a war story in itself  :warstory:

In our sub-FOB, AKA ANZAC Cove, we kept our shitters clean, even at 50C. The CSM was keen to close them if the 'mudding' of the toliets continued, ha! We had a 'sick' stall for those keen on ass pissing from the many things they should not have eaten :) Also the key to not 'ass pissing' as washing your hands often, and I mean as often as you could (when in the FOB). The Medics supplied surgical quality soaps, and did there best to stop the 'ass piss' army from growing.

The CSM had some portaloos on stand-by, and we did have two for our Cav element, who claimed they were for Cav shitting only. These were placed at their end of the block. At times it was close for the CSM to have his way, and carry out his threat. Each stall had its owen shit-cleaning brush, and a bucket. Signs were in the stalls such as 'leave racing stripes on your cars, not on the bowl', ha!

Unless we were out and about, our FOB pretty much had running water (toilets and showers), hot and cold, and all the creature comforts.


I'm not even going to pretend I have a clue about going in holes or blue rockets in desert heat... God help you all. 

We had hot and cold running water in Bosnia... but the thing that always weirded me out about our toilets there was the poo shelf.  The hole for drainage was far back in the toilet and directly under you was a little shelf with a ramp.  You poo'd on the shelf, then flush. 

Water came down the front of the bowl and pushed your poo rearward off the shelf via the ramp.  Your poo launched off the ramp, and splashed down in the rear of the toilet before disappearing.  It was funny to watch at times... but scary when you were in gastrointestinal turmoil.

Scary was Having the Seat Break on you at 1am while sitting halfway under your HLVW in a leagure.....

Thank god i didnt get any on me....

though i sure dont miss those Dispose-a-Johns........ 
To think i have squatted over dirt holes without this luxury. I have a few eco friends who have the 'pack it in and pack it out' mentality. I figure i camp pretty green, but... keeping ones feces in a bag... well... I wont show this to them the next time we decide to plan a trip needless to say.

Thanks for the vid link.
I prefer those bags to the toilets in KAF! They smell and look cleaner anyways!
SuperSlug said:
I prefer those bags to the toilets in KAF! They smell and look cleaner anyways!

You were obviously never in a FOB.  MSG wasnt too too bad, but PBW had the nastiest rockets ive ever seen.

and for what its worth, i thought the KAF toilets with real running water, were pretty awsome.
Tommy said:
You were obviously never in a FOB.  MSG wasnt too too bad, but PBW had the nastiest rockets ive ever seen.

and for what its worth, i thought the KAF toilets with real running water, were pretty awsome.

Actually, I've spent about 90% of my tour thus far at FOBs, and have only had to come back for kit breakdowns. MSG is nice, because they have clean blue rockets. I spent only about 36 combined at PBW, but I'll agree with your assessment on that. When they have a "Gastro Only" marked rocket, there's something wrong.

Call me crazy, but I don't mind the field life... Spent plenty of days without running water, on that hill where the memorial used to stand.
SuperSlug said:
Actually, I've spent about 90% of my tour thus far at FOBs, and have only had to come back for kit breakdowns. MSG is nice, because they have clean blue rockets. I spent only about 36 combined at PBW, but I'll agree with your assessment on that. When they have a "Gastro Only" marked rocket, there's something wrong.

Call me crazy, but I don't mind the field life... Spent plenty of days without running water, on that hill where the memorial used to stand.

MSG Wasnt too bad.... good food, and once the creature comforts rolled in, it was like a vacation from all the whistleheads and numptys running around KAF Playing Toy-Soldier.....

and yes, the rockets were clean... the truck that cleaned em though.... whoooo... man... that thing used to make me gag on sight.... the smell.. oh god the smell.. made the emerald lake smell like roses!

but i digress... though there was something nice about being free and breazy with the bags, I could just never get comfortable with those seats...  the one time i had Gastro out at Gun-de-ghar.... man... thank god the medics just threw lots of immodium at me... cause there was no time for that out there.. and that was one time where i woulda prefered rockets... let someone else clean the mess....

MY all time favorite though was in pre-deployment, watching the guy in wainwright hack at the frozen evil with a stick so the honey waggon could suck it up... we saw alot of anti-freeze washer fluid going down the holes shortly after that...  ;D

at least in the -40c there was no smell.... or feeling in your butt after siting there for a few minutes!
Tommy said:
at least in the -40c there was no smell.... or feeling in your butt after siting there for a few minutes!

Yup. You know you're trainin for a desert war when you have to break the ice off the toilet seat. ;D