First delivery to the RCN in 2031, with 2 years of trials for final acceptance.
That's brutally long from now, 2033 before the first ship replaces the oldest Halifax class.
That means the oldest Halifax will be 41yrs old when its replaced and with all 12 of them coming online between 1992-96 it should be crystal clear that we will not have 12 combat capable ships on the books by the late 2030's.
Question, will we be able to meet our NATO and NORAD stated commitments during the late 2030's, early 2040's based on this?
I really don't see how they will be able to continue with the existing stated timeline of delivering the CSC's at the pace that they've been talking about. If they deliver 1 CSC per year starting in 2031, that means the 12th CSC will be delivered, not operational, in 2043, when the last of the 12 Halifax's will 47yrs old! I'd like to point out that none of the Iroquois class made it that long.
Also, that means that Irving will deliver over the next 9-10yrs 4 more RCN AOPS and 2 CCGS AOPS between now and before 2031 when they will deliver the first CSC in 2031. Anyone else see that as close to impossible given Irving's current track record over the last 7-8yrs?
I think that its going to have to be the following cases below in order to deliver the first CSC in 2031:
1) The 2 CCGS AOPS's are either not built or are built by Davie, allowing Irving to start building the first CSC in 2026-7
2) The delivery of the first CSC in 2031 is not going to happen
3) Davie is brought in to build 3-5 of the CSC's over the early, mid 2030's (along with possibly building the 2 CCGS AOPS)
4) A Christmas Miracle occurs and all 6 RCN AOPS and 2 CCGS AOPS are delivered before 2031 and the first CSC is delivered on time in 2031
I realise that what is being attempted is completing re-building an entire industry again from scrap - but this should NOT be a 40+yr process/timeline as that is what is occurring. Its farcical to think that.