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Canadian Forces Aptitude Test (CFAT) [MERGED]

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While some questions are hard, you‘d have to be comatose to be disqualified. I wrote it a couple weeks ago, and qualified for "everything" -- and I‘m no rocket scientist. Don‘t sweat it. There are more important things to focus on.

Just get at least 8 hours of sleep the night before you write the CFAT and you‘ll be fine.

Can anyone tell me what score youd need on the CFAT to get into the infantry? I heard that they go by the results of the test, rather than by the level of traditional education like highschool(presuming you have the minimum 15 credits) does anyone know if that is true? say for the infantry if I applied with only the 15 credits(im still in school) but did well on the CFAT and the PT what would you say my chances of getting in are? thanks for the info :cdn:
Can anyone tell me what score youd need on the CFAT to get into the infantry? I heard that they go by the results of the test, rather than by the level of traditional education like highschool(presuming you have the minimum 15 credits) does anyone know if that is true? say for the infantry if I applied with only the 15 credits(im still in school) but did well on the CFAT and the PT what would you say my chances of getting in are? thanks for the info :cdn:
That I‘d imagine really depends. There is a lot of uncertainty there obviously, because we don‘t exactly know what it is the military is looking for. But like anything else, preference for greater education is always given. So say if you did 10% better on the PT test then another guy, and you both did well enough on CFAT and they only wanted one guy they‘d still likely pick the other guy if he had better education.
Would I be able to do my CFAT now at the age of 16 so when i graduates next year i will be able to go right on in to the forces? Please Reply A.S.A.P O yeah i am joining the infantry :cdn:
I doubt it, besides, you may as well wait until you turn 17 anyways, every day you learn something new so you might even achieve a better CFAT as a result of holding out.

Another option for you however, is to apply now, do your CFAT and PT test and by the time you get to swear in you likely be graduating. Just have your parents sign for you at the recruiting office. The process only takes 2 to 4 months, so you may as well wait till second semester starts of your final year. And spend the time between now and then preparing for it. Work on your fitness, work on your grades, just give it 110%
So Thaedes Your saying that i cant do my CFAT,App test and interview now even tho im in grade 11 finished in one week and will be turning 17 in october? I wants to know if I can get all of this out of the way so i can have it done so when i finishes high school i can go dtraight to basic. By the way thak you Thaedes fro the information you have already provided for me. :)
Sorry I hadn‘t responded anytime recently, didn‘t see this posting.

So Thaedes Your saying that i cant do my CFAT,App test and interview now even tho im in grade 11 finished in one week and will be turning 17 in october? I wants to know if I can get all of this out of the way so i can have it done so when i finishes high school i can go dtraight to basic. By the way thak you Thaedes fro the information you have already provided for me.
I‘d highly recommend against it. You can still write your CFAT, get the medical done, the PT test done, and have your interview done before you graduate though.

Go into your nearest recruiting centre when you turn 17 (or late October), and pick up the application. Fill it out, get your parents help if you need any, make sure to get some good references, and then drop it off. About 2 weeks later (At most) you‘ll get a phone call, they‘ll schedule your CFAT. Get plenty of rest before going in. They‘ll likely give you your medical right afterwards, then schedule you for the PT test. Then the interview. Of course, there is no real set order, other then CFAT first. Once your done there they‘ll send all the info from you out to Ottawa, and they‘ll review your stuff and see if they want to hire you. Thats generally a 2 to 4 month process. Which will be made longer since it will extend over the Christmas period. You‘ll probably get a call sometime during your second semester, and they‘ll ask if you would like a job with the Canadian Forces. At the point you can say yes or no. You‘ll probably finish school sometime during June, and Basic training will begin sometime mid to late June.

Don‘t be concerned about talking to the recruiters and the forces. Make certain your not scheduled for a Basic before your school year is out, the grade 12 is a must have.

Good luck man.
What are th lowest you can get on the cfat in order to get into the infantry?
I wouldn‘t worry about it. It‘s pretty well really **** hard to screw up getting into the infantry. Unfortunately, they aren‘t looking so much for brains to fill the position. Its one of those things that increases the social stereotypes against the army, and those people who are in the infantry. They think we are all just a bunch of dumb jocks who could barely graduate high school.

While its true i am struggling to graduate from high school. It isn‘t for lack of intelligence. Its for lack of motivation. Its not that I don‘t understand the ciricullum, its that I don‘t have the motivation or the interest to go home and do the work. Which is one reason why I look forward to joining the infantry. Your home is the military, your job is your life. No escape. Forces you to confront your short commings, so I‘ll be forced to learn self-discipline, among other things.
Thaedes,no critisim,(?) but try the discipline
thing now.You do not want to be doing GED
@ 35.Trust me on this.As you can tell by the spelling mistakes. :eek:

newfoundlander don,t aim low.Get the best you can
then chose 031.It looks better on your record
to score high.Getting the good course is a little
easier and you will be competeing on merit with
others who may have scored high.

:D :cdn:
How have you been practicing? The only thing I‘ve tried is the practice questions on the recruiting site, besides that there isnt much else you can practice with... but if you know a way, by all means please elaborate.

Try out this link. Good practice tests here:

Bert nailed it. Thats the one. I just a friend of mine to write up similiar things using the various examples. He then sends me the small test and I complete it as fast as I can and as accurately as I can.

If you can‘t do that, then at least read that site thoroughly, its great.
Gov sample tests>>
I‘d suggest doing ALL of the tests one or two times and try to do it in the time they specify. This helps time management. The tests provide a good overall of stuff so if you‘re having difficulty with one type of problem, you know where to focus, figure it out, and prepare. The correct answers are provided.
A good way to practice for the CFAT is to take IQ tests that are on the internet, they seem to do the trick.
I tried the one at the High IQ society site and scored 122, 4 points off being a genius LOL, if only that was true. you can always count on the internet to cheer you up
I just did my cfat and the practice questions they have on the army site are dead easy compared to the real thing. Doing the IQ tests on the internet is the best way to prepare.
The hardest part I found for me was the 2nd one with the spacial crap. I didn‘t get wtf it all meant. But I still got enough to get into SigOp. If your english is good and you have good math skills then you‘ll have no problem doing the 1s and 3rd part. Second part depends on the person I guess.
Another good way to practice for the CFAT is to buy a GED book and use that to practice with.
I have Barron‘s how to prepare for the GED high school equivalency exam 4th edition,it cover a good portion of math that is on the CFAT. You want to check this book out at a local book store.