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Canada's Quarterly AFG Mission Reports (merged)

The Bread Guy

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Note which Minister is NOT named in releasing this report, and which Minister was added from the previous update.

Third Quarterly Report on Afghanistan Released
Government of Canada news release, 4 Mar 09
Release link - .pdf report - alternate .pdf download - .html report

Ottawa, March 4, 2009 — Today, the Honourable Stockwell Day, Minister of International Trade and Minister for the Asia-Pacific Gateway and Chair of the Cabinet Committee on Afghanistan, and the Honourable Beverley J. Oda, Minister of International Cooperation and Vice-Chair of the Cabinet Committee on Afghanistan, released the Government’s third quarterly report on Canada’s engagement in Afghanistan. This report covers the last quarter of 2008 and outlines the challenges and progress that has been made in achieving our goals in that country.

“There is no doubt the security conditions in Afghanistan remain very dangerous. However, due to the efforts of our brave men and women, I am pleased to report that Canada is making steady progress in Afghanistan,” said Minister Day. “The gains we have made, and continue to make, such as strengthening Afghan National Security Forces, restoring the Dahla Dam and building schools are having a major positive impact on the lives of the Afghan people.”

“During my recent visit I witnessed that real progress has been achieved despite the immense challenges faced by the Afghan people,” said Minister Oda. “I saw how an increase in civilian presence has strengthened Canada’s engagement with key Afghan officials and how the effectiveness of our development effort is increasing.”

The report highlights important progress in key areas, such as:

    *  Increased capacity of the Afghan National Army (ANA), including near-autonomous operational capability for the Afghan national army brigade headquarters in Kandahar province.
    *  The selection of SNC-Lavalin and Hydrosult for a Canadian joint venture to manage the three-year, $50 million, rehabilitation of the Dahla Dam and irrigation system. This dam will create 10,000 seasonal jobs and revitalize agriculture and the economy of the Kandahar region.
    *  Ongoing school construction with one school completed during the quarter (bringing the total to three) and another 22 under construction. We aim to build, expand or repair 50 schools in key districts by 2011.
    *  Literacy training for nearly 11,000 adults, including close to 9,000 women, continued over the quarter.
    *  Support for Afghanistan’s national polio vaccination program. While challenges associated with the eradication of polio remain, about 7.1 million children were vaccinated nationally during this quarter.
    *  Since January 2006, 346 square kilometers of land have been cleared of mines across Afghanistan – thereby permitting this land to be put to productive use.
    *  Support preparations for the Afghan-led 2009 presidential and provincial council elections by providing financial and technical support.

Noted in the third quarterly report is also how Canada has implemented the recommendations made by the Independent Panel on Canada’s Future Role in Afghanistan, the Manley Panel, to bring greater effectiveness to our engagement in Afghanistan. Over the past year, a US battalion has deployed to Kandahar; the Canadian Forces have acquired and deployed Chinook heavy-lift and Griffon tactical helicopters to safely transport our military and civilian personnel, as well as new Unmanned Aerial Vehicles to support their operations; and, allies have been informed that Canada’s military presence in Kandahar will end in 2011.

Canada’s diplomatic, development and security operations in Afghanistan are more closely coordinated and we report to parliamentarians and Canadians in detail on progress through these quarterly reports and other public information tools.

The third quarterly report on Canada’s engagement in Afghanistan can be found at www.afghanistan.gc.ca/canada-afghanistan/documents/r02_09/index.aspx

Due shortly:
On Tuesday, September 15, 2009, the Honourable Stockwell Day, Minister of International Trade and Minister for the Asia-Pacific Gateway and Chair of Canada’s Cabinet Committee on Afghanistan, will provide an overview of the Government of Canada’s fifth quarterly report on Canada’s engagement in Afghanistan. The Honourable Jason Kenney, Minister of Citizenship, Immigration and Multiculturalism, will make an announcement.

Event: Media availability with Minister Day and Minister Kenney

Date: Tuesday, September 15, 2009

Time: 12 noon EDT (copies of the report will be available at 11:15a.m.)

Location: Charles Lynch Room (130-S), Centre Block, Parliament Hill, Ottawa, Ontario

Media representatives unable to attend in person may participate by teleconference.

Teleconference information:
Conference ID number: 30469906
Local/international dial-in number: 613-954-4096
North American dial-in number: 1-888-265-0464

For general information, see Canada’s Engagement in Afghanistan.
....with a link to the report itself at the bottom of the statement (version francais ici):
The Honourable Stockwell Day, Minister of International Trade and Minister for the Asia-Pacific Gateway and Chair of the Cabinet Committee on Afghanistan, today released the Government of Canada’s fifth quarterly report on Canada’s engagement in Afghanistan. This report, for the quarter ending June 30, 2009, highlights Canada’s signature projects.

"The security challenges we face in Afghanistan are significant. However, Canada continues to make progress on the six priorities we have identified that will help build the foundation for a more stable Afghanistan," said Minister Day. "Five schools have been completed, and 28 more are under construction. The Dahla Dam project advanced through key planning phases, and approximately 369,000 children were vaccinated against polio in June."

The fifth quarterly report highlights Canadian activity in several areas:

    * Under a Canadian-supported project to clear landmines and other explosives, training began for 80 locally recruited deminers in Kandahar, and an additional 270,000 square metres of land were cleared.
    * As a result of the mentoring work of the Canadian Forces, there is an increased capacity on the part of the Afghan National Army in Kandahar to plan and conduct operations.
    * Five schools have been built so far this year, and 28 more are under construction.
    * One hundred teachers were trained under Canadian programming.
    * Work on the Dahla Dam and canal system is on track, with a new bridge being used regularly by Kandaharis.
    * A police training and mentoring program was expanded to include a major increase in Afghan National Police recruitment.
    * Canadian civilians and soldiers supported Afghan preparations for the August 20 elections.

Canada continues to pursue its efforts to protect its security by helping the Afghan government to prevent Afghanistan from again becoming a base for terrorism directed against Canada or its allies.

Canada has six clear priorities and three signature projects related to Canada’s engagement in Afghanistan. The six priorities are to enable the Afghan National Security Forces in Kandahar to sustain a safer environment and promote law and order; to strengthen Afghan institutional capacity to deliver basic services; to provide humanitarian assistance for the most vulnerable people; to enhance border security by facilitating Afghan-Pakistani dialogue; to help advance Afghanistan’s democratic governance; and to facilitate Afghan-led political reconciliation. The signature projects are the Dahla Dam, education and polio eradication.

The report outlines progress to date for each of the indicators. The report also includes some new and revised benchmarks, to reflect the changing circumstances in Afghanistan.

The fifth quarterly report on Canada’s engagement in Afghanistan can be found at http://www.afghanistan.gc.ca/canada-afghanistan/documents/r06_09/index.aspx.
milnews.ca said:
....with a link to the report itself at the bottom of the statement (version francais ici):

  * Under a Canadian-supported project to clear landmines and other explosives, training began for 80 locally recruited deminers in Kandahar, and an additional 270,000 square metres of land were cleared.

Back to the future, 20 years later.


The Special Service Medal (SSM) was created to recognize members of the Canadian Forces who are taking part in activities and operations under exceptional circumstances.


PAKISTAN 1989 - 90

(Authorized by PC 1991-1061)
A minimum of 90 days service with the Mine Awareness and Clearance Training Program in Pakistan, during the period beginning on March 15, 1989 and ending on July 29, 1990, under the auspices of the United Nations.
NOTE: This bar is no longer issued. The recipients of this bar can, if they wish to do so, exchange it for the United Nations Special Service Medal (UNSSM).
Link to the report table of contents here, summary here:
*  Millions of Afghans turned out to vote in the country’s first Afghan-led elections held in three decades, after a campaign in which presidential candidates directly debated the key issues.

* Afghan institutions administered and supervised the presidential and provincial council elections while Afghan soldiers and police assumed primary responsibility for ensuring security at polling stations on election day, August 20.

*  Allegations of fraud in the balloting were identified promptly and addressed by two electoral bodies.

*  The significant number of U.S. forces arriving in Kandahar province more than doubled the number of coalition forces available for security-related tasks, allowing the Canadian Forces to further focus on protecting the population.

*  The quarter under review witnessed the heaviest loss of life for any three-month period since 2001 among the International Security Assistance Force (ISAF), which had been greatly expanded. Eleven members of the Canadian Forces were killed. Afghan civilian casualties were high, with more than two thirds from insurgent violence.

*  The security responsibility shouldered by the Afghan National Army (ANA) increased in Kandahar City and surrounding villages, the area of responsibility where the Canadian Forces are training and mentoring the ANA.

*  Counterinsurgency tactics similar to those of the Canadian Forces were a key element for a new military approach in Afghanistan recommended by the ISAF Commander. 

*  Despite heightened insurgent violence, Canada achieved progress toward priority objectives, including reaching the 2011 target for the number of clients receiving microfinance loans.

*  School rehabilitation, one of Canada’s three signature development projects, saw the completion of seven more schools for a total of 12 to date, with a further 21 under construction.

*  Several other education initiatives also moved ahead, including training of teachers and principals from community-based schools.

*  Progress was reported in two other Canadian signature projects: more than 880,000 children across Afghanistan were vaccinated against polio in the quarter; and Canadian project engineers tackled technical aspects of manufacturing new gates for the irrigation canals associated with the Dahla Dam.
.... tabled by the Defence Minister today (instead of the Foreign Affairs Minister last time):
The Honourable Peter MacKay Minister of National Defence, today tabled the Government of Canada’s thirteenth quarterly report on Canada’s engagement in Afghanistan.

“Canadians working in Afghanistan continue to serve the interests of peace, progress and prosperity with dedication and distinction,” said Minister MacKay. “We have transitioned our role in Afghanistanto one which focuses on the longer term development of the country and further allows Afghans themselves to shape their own future.”

The report covers the period from April 1 to June 30, 2011. It outlines progress achieved on Canada’s six priorities and three signature projects in Afghanistan.  It also provides a near-final look at the status ofCanada’s benchmarks and targets that were announced by the Government of Canada in 2008.


Achievements over the past quarter include:

    The Afghan National Army (ANA) grew by 11,000 soldiers and as of June 30, 2011 totalled 171,000 personnel – all six of the Kandahar-based ANA kandaks had an effective strength of 70% or higher indicating a new target achieved.
    The majority of operations in the Canadian Area of Responsibility (AOR) were conducted as partnered operations. ANA Commanders have begun to act more independently, and the ANA as a result executed 65% (or higher) of the security operations in the CFAOR this quarter.
    An additional 755 ANP members in key districts completed Focused District Development (FDD) training. There are currently 3,532 ANP operating in key districts, 3,235 of which, or 92%, have received FDD training.
    By the end of this period,Canadahad surpassed all benchmarks and targets forKandahar’s policing sector, including 19 infrastructure projects, surpassing the 2008-2011 established target of 15, and 28 infrastructure upgrades, also surpassing a target of 15.
    Canada’s education signature project to build, expand or repair 50 schools in Kandahar province made further progress with the completion of three more schools. Forty-four schools are now finished, and work continues on the remaining six.
    Canada’s signature project to eradicate polio also advanced in this quarter, with an estimated 369,700 children vaccinated in Kandahar—89 percent of the target.
    For the Dahla Dam signature project, this quarter marked the beginning of the wet season, when water is released from the dam to fill the canal system. Project activities focused on agriculture, capacity building, and physical rehabilitation work outside the canal system. Wheat and barley crops were harvested at Tarnak Farms, where the project has installed irrigation systems ....
13th quarterly report here.