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Cadpat dress regs?


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CFP265 covers in detail all "parade" dress and related gear (mess dress, service dress, etc), but is there a CFP that covers the same for CADPAT & related uniforms (ie operational wear)? I'm familiar with most of "how to wear it" as other than some style and material changes they haven't altered much from back when I was in cadets (and we were wearing the old OG107 style combats), but is there a manual/pam that covers "operational wear" in more detail that Chapter 6 does?

Yes I'm aware that most of "how to wear your gear" is covered in Basic Training. But a reference is never a bad thing.  :)
No.  As I have looked into it many times while ranting and raving about our dress regs overseas, the 265 merely states that combat dress is pretty much left into the hands of local commanders.
That being said, what specifically are you wondering about, and what environment is this in regard to?  I know some things I see at the Wing wouldn't be acceptable at any of the army units I served with. 
Ha, like first names on name tapes???

"Good morning sir!! (Cpl salutes LCol)  My bad...I mean, hey Jim!!"

Seriously though, what is it for?  I mean if it's for rules on who is allowed to wear cadpat, I believe there may be threads somewhere in here that discuss the cadet permissions for it.  As far as I know, the OG combats are allowed and issued at camps.

Aren't OG flightsuits considered combat dress in the airforce?  Or is that just a heli thing?  (totally out of my lane on that, which is why I am asking)

What's the diff between the blue and green suits?

/hijack over
i know in the army a lot of things with the combats can be worn slighty diffently when not on course, like lanceing the boots diffently, wearing a diffent undershirt, waering one of the cpgear toques or the DEU toques instead of the issued ones.  Some times depending on where you are there are diffent standrds, personally I think that half the army must own the cpgear toque
There are no more blue flightsuits.

Not for CF Aircrew personnel. Plenty of them for Cadets and CIC flying gliders and tow-planes. Judging by what I've seen around the wing, some of them look of pretty recent manufacture, too.


Aren't OG flightsuits considered combat dress in the airforce?  Or is that just a heli thing?

Not "Combat" dress, but Operational dress. Around 19 Wing, PLT, ANAV, FE, AESOP, and SAR TECH (though they wear orange) by virtue of their trade are authorized to wear flightsuits as dress-of-the-day. Other trades may procure and wear flightsuits provided they are accompanying aircrew (I have one set, wore it for a CP-140 flight and an Op Connection detail). Otherwise, you're in your trade's dress-of-the-day, which is CADPAT 9 times out of 10.
I can't say anything about what kind of courses you've been on but, I have to interject about something:  boot lacing.

So, you're saying there's a difference in how one laces ones boots at a unit and a different way on course?  Actually, at least as of eight years ago, quite wrong.  This is something that bugs me, so I apologize in advance.

Every now and then, someone would come along, and say that the dress regs on how one laced up the combat boots had changed and got everyone to do it their way.  The funny thing was, I was a clerk.  I had access to the dress regs (I know, everyone does now, online, I'm talking about back when it was a real book, with paper and everything!) because it was sitting two feet from my desk.  I darn well knew no amendments had not come in for it, because, if they had, it would have been my job to update the book.

Furthermore, there was funny little notations in the book telling you when the section you're looking at was last changed.  The combat boot lacing section had never been changed from way back in the '70's.  The problem was that the diagram is what lost most people.  They had a hard time making heads or tails out of it, and whenever there was a new Adjt or RSM involved, he or she would interpret it differently, and voila! there was a change in the regs that really wasn't a change!

Now, this doesn't mean that one should go and argue with your CofC!  Not unless you want to risk spending some quality time in DB!   :crybaby:  But for those in leadership positions, please, please, please, could you read the book a little more carefully?

But, then again, I've been out for about eight years so, they might actually have changed the method of lacing the combat boots.
There are one-piece flying suits (the traditional Canadian term - "flight suit" is American) for all aircrew, and two-piece ones specifically for Tac Hel aircrew. Herc crews wore them as well when they were flying into Sarajevo as they didn't want to be the only targets in bright shoot-me blue if they absolutely had to get out of their aircraft.

We finally got rid of the blue abominations several years ago.

Within Tac Hel, some guys prefer the one-piece, and some the two-piece.

As for first names on nametags, my CADPAT AR "Frakya" ones may not go over too well with some folk.
decoy said:
What about on Remembrance Day? Is there a Remembrance Day protocol? (p.s. I am a civvie, please don't flame me!)

DEUs usualy on Nov 11th
decoy said:
p.s. I am a civvie, please don't flame me!

Loachman said:
Oh, come on, please - just a little bit?


So.. anyone here have an answer to the initial question?? Now that I think of it, what was the initial question??
Bzzliteyr said:
Ah.. there we go.  They are all two piecers now as well, right?

I've never seen a 2-piece in an ejection seat aircraft.  Any reason?  My guess is it would be extremely unconfortable plus it could be an issue in an ejection.

i know in the army a lot of things with the combats can be worn slighty diffently when not on course, like lanceing the boots diffently, wearing a diffent undershirt, waering one of the cpgear toques or the DEU toques instead of the issued ones.  Some times depending on where you are there are diffent standrds, personally I think that half the army must own the cpgear toque

Do people really care about the way you lace your boots past basic?  God!  Don't you guys have anything more important to take care of!!!

SupersonicMax said:
Do people really care about the way you lace your boots past basic?  God!  Don't you guys have anything more important to take care of!!!

Yes, the same way it matters whether the book says you get PLD or not, or the correct way to do weapons drills, obstacle drills, calling for supporting arms fire, and other things.

Why should you care about it?  The book says 'this is the CF way'.  Does it matter?  I dunno, does it matter to you if I let the safety lever fly off the grenade before I hand it to you? I mean, after all, its "just the way you are taught on SQ"....it doesn't matter after that, right?


Meh, I just guess it's not as critical as a safety lever on a grenade.  It cannot kill people.  That's when I use common sense ;)

What's drill again?