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BMQ 8 Jan Borden- Who's going?


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I just received my call and I'll be attending BMQ at Borden Ontario starting the 8th of January.

I've been offered Comm Research Operator which is my first choice after finding out that I was V4 vision.

I'm swearing in on December 21st and when I leave I'll be flying out of Vancouver.

I'm just a wee bit excited!

Is anyone else on Army.ca going to be there with me?
lol I might be going there too!  Looks like it is one...or the other...

flip a coin anyone?   :)

Seriously troops?

Good luck on your course. 

"Learn To Serve"

Note to self: Leave army.ca shirts at home, or attempt to hide them somehow.

(I could always wear both of them under my civvies when I arrive  >:D)
its ok...I will just look for the 19 year old 227 from Winnipeg

Sure you are...  ;D

Here's hoping for a huge influx of nineteen year old techies! -

From Winnipeg - Ah, who am I kidding, I'm screwed  ;D
I have been offered a job, not the one I originally went in for so it is a decision.  If I accept I would be at Borden for Jan 8th.

I suppose I would be seeing you on the plane KLC, I am a 'pegger too.
Mithras said:
I have been offered a job, not the one I originally went in for so it is a decision.  If I accept I would be at Borden for Jan 8th.


It's a little more then a "job"  ::)

Haha yeah I know Spud.  I am still reeling a little bit and they do offer you a job.  First choice would have allowed me to complete my schooling, second choice (the one I was offered) not so much.

This is an experience of a lifetime....what "job" can offer some as thrilling, challenging, were you will learn to go beyond your limits....do not treat it like plain ordinary boring job...I would kill to be offered something even tough It would not be my first choice.

But then again...ask yourself if you are up to it if you consider it like a job if you have a place between those people.

Man, I know it's more than a job :) which is one of the reasons that I am going to accept.  It is just hard for me to give up 4 years of education and x thousands of dollars.. I consider it wasteful.

I have plans on making the military my career and I know that I may be able to transfer at some point to the trade I had originally wanted.  Who knows I may enjoy the trade I was offered so much that I will do it for the rest of my life.

**Sorry if I sound like a whiny b*tch, not my intention.  Still processing emotions, things to do etc**
I did my basic in Borden this summer. If you have any questions pm me.

I unbderstand your dispointment, dont get met wrong. I know what ist like when you work for something and end up not doing it.

I wish you luck...

"Est Sularus Oth Mithas"

Congrats!  There was two of us (from Edmonton) that was just sworn in yesterday, and our BMQ course date is also Jan 8th in Borden!
 :) 8)
Crimson said:
I just received my call and I'll be attending BMQ at Borden Ontario starting the 8th of January.
Is anyone else on Army.ca going to be there with me?
I have my interview and medical on the 29th of this month...maybe I'll be able to squeeze into that course. Of course that's if everything goes smooth. I really really hope I get a course asap. ASSAAPPP
Mithras said:
Man, I know it's more than a job :) which is one of the reasons that I am going to accept.  It is just hard for me to give up 4 years of education and x thousands of dollars.. I consider it wasteful.

I have plans on making the military my career and I know that I may be able to transfer at some point to the trade I had originally wanted.  Who knows I may enjoy the trade I was offered so much that I will do it for the rest of my life.

**Sorry if I sound like a whiny b*tch, not my intention.  Still processing emotions, things to do etc**

Don't worry, if you already have that four years of education it will not go to waste in the military. If you wanted the military to pay for the four years, no loss, there are other ways to get things done.

Good luck
Well Spud, my course has a co-op portion to it that needs to be completed to get the fancy piece of paper.  The trade I wanted to go into would have allowed that to happen.

At this point I am going to see if I can find a way around that problem.

Anyways back to the topic at hand.
In case anyone gives a rats arse, accepted my offer.. going in as Comms Research Operator.

Going to be a busy month :).