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Bayonets: your essential Zombie killing weapon accessory.

I think the best location would probably be CFB Alert. Firstly its an Arctic Climate so the zombies will go into a hibernation period, also its on an island so they will stay hibernated unless global warming hits. The Zombie Survival Guide states this would be the best place save lugging survival gear there. Luckily for us I assume Alert has tons of provisions, and is a fortified military complex.  Close combat with a zombie is always a poor choice, a battle ready katana is the best blade weapon of choice however a nodachi would be better due to the extra size. Pending that the best thing to do would be to smuggle a flamethrower across the border from a US Military Surplus, this will take care of any mobs your may encounter, although as always use ammo scarcley. Your best long range weapon would probably be a Remington 700 in a .223 or .308 conffiguration, its highly accurate, reasonably long ranged, and ammo is readily available and reloadable. A ship would be effective if in deep sea, however you would need enough provisions to survive at see for 10-20 years (Zombie Lifespan). Find a newly stocked large vessel (battleship, destroyer, aircraft carrier.) You may have to slay the crew in order to have enough provisions. You will require 3650 meals at bare minimum to survive ten years.... and now... i go find a life. =)
Flamethrowers aren't a good idea. Flaming walking undead are even more dangerous than the normal walking undead. Fire burns :(

I liked the idea presented earlier about the 22. rifle. The ammo is super light to carry, thousands of rounds could be carried with little effort. The range is decent enough as well.

Your idea about going north to CFB Alert is great. Avoiding major highways is key, and the farther north we can get the better our chances would be. The cold would freeze the zombies ligaments up, and they would either go into 'zombie hibernation' or they would simply be tearing their own bodies apart by trying to move forward. I haven't really toy'd with the idea of spending large amounts of time at sea, because eventually we would run out of supplies. I suppose that anchoring just off of land could allow us to periodically build fortifications on the shore, eventually allowing for permanent residence.

I know several CF members who have already made the decision that WHEN the Zompocolypse occurs, they are going to the armories immediately, grabbing several weapons and then fleeing north with family and strong/capable friends. It helps to know how to survive in the wilderness and weather elements, not just the initial zombie outbreak!
Going to sea is literal suicide. If an outbreak happens, guess the first place where everyone will run to? Guess what will be following them? Not only that, but the majority of the worlds population is situated along the coast lines of our planet to begin with and will in turn become a white hot zone of zombie activity. You're better off heading north.
HavokFour said:
Going to sea is literal suicide. If an outbreak happens, guess the first place where everyone will run to? Guess what will be following them? Not only that, but the majority of the worlds population is situated along the coast lines of our planet to begin with and will in turn become a white hot zone of zombie activity. You're better off heading north.
I disagree about going to sea *if* you are prepared *and* have the knowledge.  This is why I tolerate navy dudes.  You see, they know how to "drive a boat" (I'm certain there's a proper term, but I digress), and they know port from stern, etc.  So, if you are in a seaworthy vessal, with a desalination device, solar cells for power, sails for propulsion, and an affinity for sea food, you could stay adrift for years.  And the advantage is that once you feel the need to go to shore, you can check out the shoreline with your telescope (Pirate Issue, naturally), and if the coast is clear of the undead, then you can at least go foraging.  But ensure you have a plan "B". 

This is not to knock going north, because that too is a viable option.
MPwannabe said:
I know several CF members who have already made the decision that WHEN the Zompocolypse occurs, they are going to the armories immediately, grabbing several weapons and then fleeing north with family and strong/capable friends. It helps to know how to survive in the wilderness and weather elements, not just the initial zombie outbreak!

Hey now, we're forgetting our primary duty! We need to stay behind and sacrifice ourselves if necessary to buy civilians enough time to escape! Unlimited liability and all that! You'll find me on the slowly retreating edge of the army! In all reality, our modern army has a good chance. Many officers are aware already of the upcoming zompocalypse and the reference materials are out there of how to form an effective fighting front.

The C7a2 has decent range on it for zombie hunting in line formation and our drivers and riders are already trained to check their 5s and 20s before dismounting for dangerous crawlers! Ieds have prepared us excellently for the sneaky zombies!

Stand strong my brothers and sisters! Remember your duty! The band on the titanic played to the end, so must we!
2 words.

Armoured Train.

I have a hard time believing a zombie is smart enough to rip up ties, or use a switch. Armoured train with cars full of fuel, keep it above 30 mph, shoot anything that latches on.
Sapplicant said:
2 words.
Armoured Train.
I have a hard time believing a zombie is smart enough to rip up ties, or use a switch. Armoured train with cars full of fuel, keep it above 30 mph, shoot anything that latches on.

They may not be smart enough to use a switch, but they're stupid enough to walk into one.
Trains have a specific route that must be followed as well. You have to consider the unkempt growth of vegetation that will accumulate over the years. There will be no one to clean the tracks if a tree falls across it, or if you hit a moose or something.
Sapplicant said:
2 words.

Armoured Train.

I have a hard time believing a zombie is smart enough to rip up ties, or use a switch. Armoured train with cars full of fuel, keep it above 30 mph, shoot anything that latches on.

So?  Is this train on a circular track, or is there an end of the line?  How long, at 30 mph will it take to come to the end of the line?  If someone had a similar train in Los Angeles and headed East at 30 mph and you left Halifax headed West on the same track at 30 mph, how long would it take before you met headon?

What, no one has planned to take to the skys in a zeppelin or blimp yet?

As for safe havens, crews buttoned up in ICBM silos are probably in the best position, these things are designed to withstand near misses from nuclear weapons and stocked so the crew can survive for prolonged periods. Let a Zombie or horde of panicked civilians try to rip open a 7000 ton silo door or the blast doors of the control capsule!

Found this link for those of you without boats, zeppelins or ICBM silos: http://www.amazon.com/Best-Zombie-Apocalypses-EVER-Part/lm/R1NP7KRLMORWF7?pf_rd_p=253438401&pf_rd_s=listmania-center&pf_rd_t=201&pf_rd_i=B0030DKTAA&pf_rd_m=ATVPDKIKX0DER&pf_rd_r=05F70REJ5XMK9TFYMRTS
One good tip that I learned from "World War Z" is the need for electrical power.  One SSN/SSK can generate enough power to keep a small settlement comfortable for quite some time.  With power you can run desalination plants, refrigeration plants, heaters etc...
The nuclear core on a submarine lasts for decades.

CFS Alert is ok for the start - but you would find yourself rapidly running out of provisions - they get continuous dry/wet resupply every week/month up there.

A location that I am currently eye-balling is the juvenile detention facility that we have in town.  It is a 15 acre complex surrounded by 15' chain link.  Each building on the complex is stone with iron bars on all the lower windows.  The back acres of the complex is tilled for farm work and has its barn complete with livestock.  A large lake is easily available.  The complex backs on to the local hospital (ideal for scrounging runs for antibiotics etc).  Just down the road is where I work - complete with 20+ helicopters and the associative fuel plant to feed them.  Access to the Transcanada highway, CN and CPR rail is all within 1 km.  It gets cold enough here in the winter to slow down the walkers - enough to thin the population before the next sping thaw.

I am slowly building up my arsenal - I currently own a Pietta PPS-50 - it's a .22LR with 50 round drum magazine.  I'm off to the gun show this weekend to pick up a Ruger 10/22 for the wife and a Henry Mini-shot for the 5 year old.  Essential zombie killing weapons for the whole family.  For the added range and stopping power - I will be picking up a SKS. 
George Wallace said:
So?  Is this train on a circular track, or is there an end of the line?  How long, at 30 mph will it take to come to the end of the line?  If someone had a similar train in Los Angeles and headed East at 30 mph and you left Halifax headed West on the same track at 30 mph, how long would it take before you met headon?

Hey you never said there would be math questions. ???
Danjanou said:
Hey you never said there would be math questions. ???

I was keeping it simple.  I never got into how many zombies would be killed per kilometre of the train travelling at the average speed of 30 mph, thus not factoring whether or not they could approach the train from more than one side, and then the conversion tables between Imperial and Metric.  Did I mention that we would also have to factor in Wind Speed and Direction, whether it was peak night time hours or daylight, population density, humidity, precipitation, and whether a European or African swallow may contribute to the discussion.  The multitude of factors ignored, if included, would have caused one to become a zombie due to over exertion of the grey matter.
George Wallace said:
I was keeping it simple.  I never got into how many zombies would be killed per kilometre of the train travelling at the average speed of 30 mph, thus not factoring whether or not they could approach the train from more than one side, and then the conversion tables between Imperial and Metric.  Did I mention that we would also have to factor in Wind Speed and Direction, whether it was peak night time hours or daylight, population density, humidity, precipitation, and whether a European or African swallow may contribute to the discussion.  The multitude of factors ignored, if included, would have caused one to become a zombie due to over exertion of the grey matter.

GAP said:

Ladies and gentlemen, note the date and time for your grandkids. Patient zero has just been created.
Pietta PPS-50 - it's a .22LR with 50 round drum magazine ??

Is that even legal in Canada lol? A 22 is not a horrible weapon of choice for the same reason it is used by assasins. It will penetrate into the skull with a headshot but is unlikely to have an exit wound. Basically the bullet just rattles around inside the skull turning everything to mush. This is effective towards zombies however you will have to warrent them getting into the 100 yard range. If you are on the move the .22LR round can weigh anywhere between 30 and 38 grams. For comparison a .223 is about 70-80 grams (twice as much).

Personally I like the idea of the ICBM silo... and if the topside becomes overrun... you can just nuke everyone!
I have an interesting proposal. If SHTF, would any of you gentlemen be up to making a run to the Diefenbunker? I visited there 2 summers ago, and from what I saw there is still quite a bit of equipment there.
George Wallace said:
So?  Is this train on a circular track, or is there an end of the line?  How long, at 30 mph will it take to come to the end of the line?  If someone had a similar train in Los Angeles and headed East at 30 mph and you left Halifax headed West on the same track at 30 mph, how long would it take before you met headon?

Running along tracks all over North America. Have a locomotive on either end so switching directions is easy. Rig it up so a couple dirtbikes/4 wheelers can drive down the front of a locomotive. A giant wedge on the front would prove useful for clearing the tracks. I've seen trains hit moose, train keeps going just fine, moose becomes hamburger.

I've thrown switches before on abandoned lines around here, it's gonna take a lot more than a Zombie running into one to change it. 20 people manning positions (turrets) on the train can easily provide cover for someone if they need to go throw a switch.

As for other zombie-proof trains, I haven't read anywhere else about it, so I believe this could work. Plus, once you hit isolated areas, you could drop below 30 mph. I guess 30 would be a good standard for an urban area, where they're likely to be more concentrated. Even better would be a train able to run off solar power, with diesel as back-up for those cloudy stretches. Have a box-car or 2 full of replacement photocells to keep running for 20+ years, and a few tankers full of fuel. Arm yourselves as you see fit...

Just have to hope that the zombies 1. Don't find any anti-tank rockets along side the iron road and 2. If they do, pray they don't know how to use it.
twistedbydesign said:
Pietta PPS-50 - it's a .22LR with 50 round drum magazine ??
Is that even legal in Canada lol?

There is no limit on the size of the magazine for .22LR in Canada.  Funny enough - California regulates their weapons more stringently than here in Canada.
