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Battlestar Galactica (Beware....Possible SPOILERS! read at your own risk)

Who is most likely a Cylon ?

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2 hours special  on now!!!!!!

in case you forgot
    For those keeping track (Wainwright + single = no ***** life), I have a partial list of known Cylons in human form.  Anyone have any others?  Here's what I have, in no particular order:

    1.    Good-lookin' guy: interrogator from the webisodes.
    2.    Guy from the space station (the ammo depot from the first episode).  He was kinda rough lookin?
    3.    The priest.
    4.      Reporter (Lucy Lawless).
    5.    Gaius Baltar.
    6.    His mechanical ho.
    7.    Sharon.

    Any others that I missed?


Ah crap, I missed it, work sucks. I believe it is on again around 1 or 2 AM?
Wicked awesome.. I got hooked on this show when I was overseas....
How was the epesode I have both season on DVD but dont have cable tv to many movies to watch lol  catn wati for Season three to hit the market  let me know what happens .  Redneck as far as I know  Gaius Baltar isnt an actual cylon just a traitor to man kind LOL oh yeah and there is the  Doctor from the Farm epesode when Starbuck was captured
The show was great, can't wait till next week. Sometimes I think I should just record them all and watch them in a big marathon but I'd never be able to resist.

And you don't have to be single to be a big fan  ;D
Dam!  >:( I freakin' missed it! Was looking forward to it (about the only half decent scifi on now; use to be a trekkie fan); hopefully a reshow tomorrow on space or some another channel...

It's ok people

go find a bittorrent site and download the episode tomorrow

    For anyone that likes to download these episodes, I get them from the newsgroups.  Much faster and safer than any peer-to-peer downloads.  I've got the entire series now.

    Thanks Karl for that, I forgot about that one.
Redneck said:
    For those keeping track (Wainwright + single = no ***** life), I have a partial list of known Cylons in human form.  Anyone have any others?  Here's what I have, in no particular order:

    1.    Good-lookin' guy: interrogator from the webisodes.
    2.    Guy from the space station (the ammo depot from the first episode).  He was kinda rough lookin?
    3.    The priest.
    4.      Reporter (Lucy Lawless).
    5.    Gaius Baltar.
    6.    His mechanical ho.
    7.    Sharon.

    Any others that I missed?

As far as I know, Baltar isn't cylon, he is a human traitor.  I think you got the rest but it seems to me that they mentioned how many there were in the first season and it was more than 6 or 7 so there may be more to come.

Btw, the priest is played by Dean Stockwell.
I thought the sub-plot about suicide bombing was veeeery interesting.  I won't give any spoilers, but the writers did a good job of exploring the whole issue.
There is that big black guy with the shaved head.  Doesn't say much and is seen in the background of Baltar's office when they make him sign the Death Sentences.  See the shock on the other 6's faces when they blew away Baltar's Six?
Trinity said:

2 hours special  on now!!!!!!

in case you forgot
...thank God for the internet :)
Can't wait to watch!
(Trin, you're a BSG fan? Excellent)
Well from wikipedia.org

There are 7 human cylon models.

Number Three aka D'Anna Biers
Main article: Number Three
D'Anna Biers first appears as a reporter for the Fleet News Service, and is asked by President Roslin and Commander Adama to create a documentary to help the fleet relate to the hard-working staff on the Galactica.

Number Threes are played by Lucy Lawless.

Number Five aka Aaron Doral
Main article: Aaron Doral
In the miniseries, Doral appears as a public relations worker for the abortive Battlestar Galactica museum.

Number Six
Main article: Number Six (Battlestar Galactica)
The first model explicitly revealed to be a Cylon in the miniseries, Six uses seduction often to her advantage. Other copies have used the names Shelley Godfrey and Gina.

Number Eight aka Sharon Valerii
Main article: Sharon Valerii
Sharon Valerii first appears as a pilot aboard the Galactica. Her true nature as a Cylon was only revealed at the end of the miniseries, and the series quickly establishes that Sharon is a sleeper agent, unaware of her true nature and programmed to carry out attacks on the fleet without her human side realizing what she is doing. She was revealed to be the 8th model in the episode 'Downloaded'.

Leoben Conoy (Cylon Model Number Unknown)
Main article: Leoben Conoy
Leoben first appears as a smuggler at the munitions depot at Ragnar Anchorage. His role appears to be one of manipulation and deceit, skillfully mixing truth with lies.

Simon (Cylon Model Number Unknown)
SimonSimon appears to be a tall, slender, black male with closely cropped or balding hair. He first appears posing as a human physician treating Starbuck for a gunshot wound in what was supposedly a hospital on Caprica. In reality, he was also performing invasive tests on her reproductive organs. After Starbuck begins to suspect Simon's true nature and kills him, she escapes from the facility, her fears confirmed when a second copy of the model greets her on her way.

Simon is played by Rick Worthy.

Brother Cavil (Cylon Model Number 2)
Main article: Brother Cavil
Cavil first appears on Galactica, posing as a priest. His nature as a Cylon is revealed when a second copy appears on Caprica.

Brother Cavill is played by Dean Stockwell

Also, Ronald D. Moore has confirmed in interviews that there are 12 different models of humanoid Cylon, with many copies of each model in existence.  So keep your eyes out for the other 5  ;)
Awesome show.....I will end up buying Season 3 as I am going back overseas.
Does Space re-play the episodes on Sunday or perhaps another channel does?
Last year it was re-running BSG on Sundays at 6 pm EST.   Just checking my schedule and it is on a 5 pm EST.  I don't know if that is going to be the norm or just because of the two hour Season Premier.
Hey Redneck  what site do you use to down load the epesodes from sounds like a good deal can you let me know even pm if you have to  thanks

Hey karl28  where did you learn words that don't to type run into each other punctuation helps separate sentences capitals help start sentences words mixed up in jumbled fashion don't make sense did i get that right sorry for your troubles i see we are now communicating on the same level do you know what i mean i am sure you do