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August BMQ- 2009

I just wanted to wish you all the best of luck. i am currently going into week 12, I will be in a fob next week then grad the week after. i thought i would post a message or two because i was on here a lot reading posts before i left. i live in the blue sector 12th floor which really isn't that bad. The hardest week i had was week one because i had to adjust to a different life style and you stand for about 6 hours a day waiting for haircuts, canex, and waiting to see clerks about your pay. Morning pt is a breeze its only 30min to an hour. We started with 75 people day one and lost 11 to the first pt test( 4 of which were released) and the rest went to wft. we are currently down to 52 mainly for personal reasons. Most of the people here are hardworking team players and the rest are shit pumps so have fun with the platoon punishments. The weeks seem to fly by so enjoy your time here, take pictures, make friends, stay positive as much as Possible  ;), and remember why you decided to join the Canadian forces. I hope you all get good staff it makes a huge difference

Best of luck
Pat L.
LOL yeah, in a matter of no time at all you're language will be spiced with all the words that would make a criminal blush.

BMQ isn't easy, unless you luck out and have instructors that are easy going, but even then it's pretty rough.

A few pieces of advice :

Don't go in there thinking you know it all. Especially about physical fitness. I've seen countless big mouths who thought they were in amazing shape get the shit rocked out of them by 45 year old instructors who could do an ironman in their sleep. Matter of fact, don't brag about how fit you are at all. No one really cares but your self. By the way, make sure your shoe laces are double knotted on the PT Express, because it's a really sad reason to be put on WFT, which I've seen personally happen to too many people.

Don't knock the WFT (what used to be RFT) guys and girls. See above statement. If you land on PAT you will be part of it (from what I've heard unless it's changed again).

Take all your personal things you think you may want. Laptops, books, cellphones, Sony PSP, whatever. My BMQ had their things on week 4 and were able to have them after work all the time, but each course is different. Be prepared, some courses never get their goodies back for a while. Some get them back really soon.

The heat and humidity are killers in St Jean. Drink LOTS of water and eat healthy. Gastroenteritis and all sorts of other wonders float around St Jean. Its a huge petri dish full of disease. That leads to this : If you hurt go to the MIR. I will tell you now that no one there gives a flying crap about your health except YOU. You only have 1 body, take well care of it.

When you know you're getting issued kit, ensure that you put on some crappy civvie clothes because your duds will become stained, stinking and may have to be thrown out. Matter of fact, don't wear anything to high class or  gangsta, I'd suggest a pair of light fabric slacks (or shorts of the same fabric) and a short sleeved polo shirt.

Mentioning kit, ENSURE that your combat boots and all weather Goretex boots (herein after described as the CF98 specials) fit properly. Not too tight and not too loose. The regular combat boots stretch...the goretex not so much. If you know that you're going to be active that day, ensure to wear the most comfortable boots (most find the regular combats best).

Don't try retarded shortcuts or scams to try to pull 1 over on the instructors. They know better (for the most part).

My last piece of advice is this : Don't think, just DO. Turn the mind off and just act and react, that is basically all they want to see. Excuses don't exist, not much else does either. Just think that you're the slave of some non caring robot entity and you'll be fine.
Thank you Asterix, RTaylor.

To follow up AJST, maybe we can include our hometowns.

Thunder Bay, Ont. >  :cdn: Combat Engineer hopeful :cdn:
Thats what i did, called many times ill be coming out of the Toronto RC but i live in kitchener and Toronto, just spend most time in Toronto so i applied here. First time i applied in 2007 was in Kitchener though.

Clove Hitch said:

I'll be there from Thunder Bay, On.

Ruski, where are you from? As for any delays, I will make sure to call the CFRC next week every other day at least.
I did that to, but than the CFRC started to figure out who i was everytime i called, and they stopped telling me stuff. ahahaha. they wont tell me when i was merited or anything. CFRC Toronto on the other hand. They will. I call them for answers Mississauga knows my voice way to well now. Had one of the Sgt's say oh no its you again.
Cluett said:
I did that to, but than the CFRC started to figure out who i was everytime i called, and they stopped telling me stuff. ahahaha. they wont tell me when i was merited or anything. CFRC Toronto on the other hand. They will. I call them for answers Mississauga knows my voice way to well now. Had one of the Sgt's say oh no its you again.

Standing out amongst your peers by similarly annoying the staff at St Jean should provide lots of entertainment for those around you. On behalf of them, "Keep up the good work".
hahaha priceless loachman, so true. Maybe more of the attention will be put on him than me on course now. Sorry bud probably see you on course
Rinker said:
hahaha priceless loachman, so true. Maybe more of the attention will be put on him than me on course now. Sorry bud probably see you on course

Might I recommend the "Grey Man" approach. :nod:

"The Grey Man is a military term that refers to someone who stays "under the radar."
Thanks for all the advice guys, its all good stuff, Glad you took the time to write and care. Means a lot to us weary not sure what to expect men/women waiting in line to go to BMQ.

  Was talking to a buddy who just finished his ql3's and SQ and he is being posted to Alberta as a Sig op. He filled me in on a few things. Mainly, Dont fall asleep in class, make sure you can do 25 push ups not matter what and when somebody is yelling at you ignore them.

Combat enginners! Good stuff that was my other choice. If/when we make it through BMQ we should be in Gagetown roughly the same time inless the courses are held at different times. Im hoping to be at Gage around the holidays as its close to home.

    Thanks again everybody for your time and knowledge.
I don't get a kick out of annoying staff. I work at the bank I hate it. So odds are I won't be able to amuse you guys sorry :(
I will be coming from Toronto. I'm going Navy, Marine Engineering Mechanic.
Swearing in on July 29th
BMQ - August 10th #0274
I don't really think, annoying the staff at any level weather it is a business, volunteer or any type of staff at any level. Where they are responsible for things that decide if you have a career or not especially. Is a big no no. Im excited about this BMQ and I don't want to screw anything up. Im going under the radar when I'm there. So don't expect much from me in that department.

Flip side, Has anyone found out what course they're on yet for August 10th? No one on here has 0274 yet :(

EDIT: I see Xarak will be in my course!!! YAY!!!! Xarak, do you have msn or something?
Haha now all you have to do Guppy is figure out who he is on the 10th :P.
How did you figure out your course number? Did you call and ask?
They actually told me the date they offered the job to me. The Corporal, that I was talking to gave me everything I needed, Course Number... Who picked me up and everything in between. The only thing he didn't say was if he was going to mail the package to me or not. But I guess I'll find out when I go down there to be sworn in. Which I'm really looking forward to. So yea, Can't wait to get up there for my BMQ.
Yea me either, I am quite excited. I have a host of questions for my recruiting center, but whenever I ask them I get mixed/shady answers.
we all get that, just don't ask. wait until you get there or get sworn in. Im sure they'd answer them a lot better once we actually get sworn in. Some seem like they are unsure but hey, they have other people to get through the process to its not just us right ?! because technically they're done with us we're in :P